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Desperately seeking C album |
Desperately seeking C album
Amy Fraser
· 22 years, 5 months ago
I hope this is the right place for my request--if it isn't, perhaps someone could redirect me. Recently my house was broken into--among the stolen items was my CD player, which tragically contained Wood (which can be replaced) and the C album (which can't, since it is out of stock everywhere). If anyone has an extra copy of the C album, my insurance company would like to pay you a very fair price for it! Please reply to this thread.
· 22 years, 5 months ago
jeez I know this may not help a lot but u can download the songs anywhere
try gnucleus for that sort of thing they're all mp3s but u can always make yourself a cd from that confidentialy the only copies of the c album I have are burned I'm sure its the same for a lot of people hope i helped you even just a smidge I'm sorry about what happened best wishes anita
No luck even with Maple Music? You should be able to order it through them. Maple Music
and if you get really stuck, keep checking ebay. they usually have a couple of fr�albums up there. :)
Hey there! Odd coincidence but I just ran across a copy of C that an ex left at my parents house (I have my own in my CD folder ;) so if you'd like, I can be of help! Drop me an email since I am not on this site a lot ...
- Lil p.s. Anyone know when Moxy will go back into performing concerts - I am in MICH and having major withdrawal!
Paul D. Beasi
· 22 years, 4 months ago
I got it for $6.00 on eBay. :D
It's all about timing. Fruvous wasn't touring and there must not have been many people looking for it. Lucky me. :)
Tall New Buildings. C I got at Darien Lake on the same day as you. :)
wow, everybody! i am amazed at the outpouring of help and suggestions re: my missing C. i think this should set me on the road to recovery. muchas muchas gracias.
I have the one with the black and pink cover and the one with the big glass building that is in the I Will Hold On video (Fashion In Your Eye). I'm going to scan pics from that cover once I can get to my scanner at home or use the one at work. I got Fashion on Ebay for $25 and Breaking Her Walls for $10. But I did find a promo copy of the Indie tape on CD on Ebay last year. Never thought I would find one of those.
Wow, I've looked around and almost nobody even has a listing for it. And those that do don't have stock. It seems to be totally out of circulation--Out of print, and those that have it are hanging on.
Maybe we should ask the band if they intend to print more, and if not if we can burn copies for people?
I know of people 'round here desperately looking for copies. A friend of mine wanted to get one for her boyfriend and they were sold out. I was about to put my order in too. I was literally just a week too late. If we ask for more copies to be made, maybe we can also ask for more of the hockey jerseys to be made too. I saw those too late also :-( Sent out a check for one then it was returned saying they were out of stock and not made anymore.
Laura P.
· 22 years ago
How would we go about making the request for more "C"'s, or permission to copy C. Because, no matter what the quality of it (I've been picking up some very subtle hints that people don't like it as much as other albums) there is definately a demand. As a side note, if someone wanted to sell their copy, on e-bay or otherwise, I already know of one interested buyer (hint: It's me).
The problem with C is that it's uneven.
While the not-so-great songs do stand out, there are some great ones on there. Pisco Heatseeker Boy Disco B-Ville and Killer Tents (although these should have been recorded live) The Mitosis Waltz Bad Jim Pork Tenderloin Guinea Pig That's more than half the album right there I bought mine at Frucon IV right after it went on sale, so I'm�not even sure of any other ways to buy it. I'm normally not an advocate of copying indie CDs, but if it's out of print and not going to be re-issued, I think that might be the time when it becomes okay.. depends on your views. NO, i'm not trying to start a debate with that and won't participate if one is started, I'm just saying that it might be your only hope to have the album now. I was just at maplemusic.. and C is currently available.... You must first create an account to post.
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