The three aforementioned musicians were:
- Susan McKeown. I can never get her name right but I know it isn't Mic-keen. It is more like Mic-cue-ow-on.
- Rod Picott. It is pie-cot just like it is spelled not pee-co.
- Anais Mitchell - This is the one I heard on the radio. Her first name is pronounced un-nay-is as in the author Anais Nin for whom she is named. The DJ said "a-neece'. I wrote the DJ an email and she wrote me write back thanking. Apparently there was a big debate on how to say the name and the person that said "a-neece" acted as if she knew. She didn't.
I've never heard anyone mispronounce it but Slaid Cleaves [Rhymes with paid leaves] said he has been called Sly-eed Clee-av-ees. I still think of that every time I see his name.
Of course Loudon Wainwright says his name was spelled "Gordondon Wainwright" in a local newspaper. That is where I picked up the moniker.
Who can you pronounce correctly that you often hear pronounced wrong? Save us from future embarrassment.