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Poll: Is it fun to take a bath?

Yes 31 (48%)
No 4 (6%)
Sometimes 29 (45%)
   Discussion: Is it fun to take a bath?
sheryls · 19 years ago
he's..he's CRAZY.
Starfox · 19 years ago
Depends on who with. :)
Rimbo Back · 19 years ago
. . . "with whom."
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 19 years ago
Shouldn't that be "whom?" The subject is the implied "It?"

Enough silly pedantry.

There is a great episode of Rumpole of the Bailey about a couple fighting over who has to sit at the tap end of the tub when they are bathing. So it just isn't a matter of who you bathe with but where in the tub you are bathing?
Josh Woodward Back · 19 years ago
Reason #283 why I love FHDC: a post can generate not one, but two messages within three minutes correcting a "who/whom" grammatical error. ;-)

Oh, and I hate baths. Power to the shower!
Misch Back · 19 years ago
PowerShower Wall....
Starfox Back · 19 years ago
No, you are correct, I wrote that quickly and sloppy. :)

And I also ended the sentence with a preposition which is something one should never end a sentence with. :)
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 19 years ago
I always loved this story:

On this subject, a story involving Winston Churchill is often told. When an editor dared to change a sentence of Churchill's that appeared to end inappropriately with a preposition, Churchill responded by writing to the editor, "This is the kind of impertinence up with which I shall not put." His purpose was to illustrate the awkwardness that can result from rigid adherence to the notion that prepositions at the end of sentences are always incorrect.
trunger is counting... · 19 years ago
Annika · 19 years ago
But you know.. You have to take a shower after.. or you really should be taking a shower after. So take 30-45 min for a bath, than another 15-25 for a shower.. I have to be motivated to take a bath.
nate... Back · 19 years ago
15-25 for a shower???? What are you doing there, reading a book?

Yvonne Back · 19 years ago
Try shaving your legs and see how long it takes. :P
nate... Back · 19 years ago
Well, valid point. :)
But that still doesn't account for THAT much time... how long can it take? 5 mins?
(Never done it.. so... ) :D
Yvonne Back · 19 years ago
lol...probably longer than you'd think. I'll have to keep a watch by the tub next time and let you know.
Andrea Krause Back · 19 years ago
It takes a while. It's a lot of ground to cover and rushing makes cuts happen! Plus...there's the conditioner factor, for me. I have to let that sit a couple minutes before rinse. :)
Mamalissa! Back · 19 years ago

Why am I picturing you with conditioner on your legs letting it sit a couple of minutes before you can shave?

Andrea Krause Back · 18 years, 11 months ago
Because you're disturbed and I'm not very specific? :)
Annika Back · 19 years ago
AAAAHHHAAAHAHAHA!! We should have brought this to fhdc the first time we had an appropriate shower time conversation!
I am such a winner right now. *grin*
Yvonne Back · 18 years, 11 months ago
Oops...I forgot to time it today. I'll try to remember the next time. If I had to guess I'd say 20 minutes to do underarms, legs and bikini line. :S
*joolee* Back · 18 years, 11 months ago
5 minutes if you want to slice up your legs like a carrot!� Yeesh.
Annika Back · 18 years, 11 months ago

Okay I timed it today.
I did all the things I could do out of the shower first - washed and exfoliated and toned face so this is not included in the showering time.
All I did was shampoo, condition, body wash, quick exfoliating and shaving (not in that order clearly) �Started at�12:06 end 12:30.
I even rushed through the shaving leaving me with 3 niks and a really awful razor burn under my right knee, all that just so Nate might possibly have a chance of winning.

Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 19 years ago
In a study of Princenton Students the average shower time is 12.5 minutes so that is just a bit above average.
renita · 18 years, 11 months ago
... i take showers.

i can be in and out in five minutes or less. but that's because i no longer wash my hair every day. which i'm having trouble adjusting to. however, my curls are starting to make more of an appearence --so it's working.

my average shower with shaving pits and washing/conditioning hair can be anywhere from 15-25 minutes, that's exfoliating and blahblahblah.

but once a week or so, i take a long soak, and really really scrub, shave the legs, etc.

and then while the tub is draining i take a quick rinse under the shower--just a minute or two maybe five if i need to wash my hair.

but i really enjoy a long quiet bath. on my own. with another person is just crowding into my quiet time.

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