bouncy happy musician kid (me, Stacey) seeks good kind person or people to let her room with them for Friday and/or Saturday and/or and Sunday night of frucon. she will, of course, pay her share of the room cost. she's a non-snorer, is toilet trained, and cleans up after herself.
why having Stacey as a frucon roomie would be good for youuuu:
-you'd have to pay less money for the room, and therefore have more money for stuff like food, concerts, and novelty coffee mugs.
-she is fairly familliar with Toronto, and can help you figure out what subway you want to take to get to that great Pho restaurant, or to Lush, or to the Sweeper Shark Wholesale Outlet Store.
-she sometimes smells like oatmeal (she uses oatmeal soap), which is nice on your smell receptors.
-she tells great stories and sings great lullabies, if you're having trouble falling asleep. if you're having trouble falling asleep *because* of her great stories and great lullabies, she will gladly shut up.
-she's good company!
-you'd be doing a good deed and helping her out, since she has had a rather difficult time finding someone to room with.
what are you waiting for... it's got a logic that you just can't refute! respond here or frum her today! this is a limited time offer!