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Torrent: Moxy Fruvous 1998-10-30 The Iron Horse Northampton, MA

   Discussion: Torrent: Moxy Fruvous 1998-10-30 The Iron Horse Northampton, MA
dgodwin · 20 years, 6 months ago

tracker:� (free registration required)� (What happened to

Direct link:�

NOTE:�� Due to issues with easytree not accepting new registrations, I've decided to also track this on� Here's the links:


Direct link:�

Moxy Fr�vous
October 30th, 1998
Northampton, Ma
The Iron Horse

Format:� SHN (via mkwACT 0.97 beta)
Size:��� 647 MB (SHN)
Source:� MDM:CMC64>MV-100>1402>DA38�� Mixdown:DA38>1202vlz>DAP1
Transfer:� Sony TCD-D8 -> DIO 2448 -> Cool Edit Pro 2.0 -> CDWav -> SHN
Taper: JasonR
Transfer: Daniel Godwin
Show Review:�


set 1:

01.� B.J. Don't Cry (CD played over PA)
02.� welcome to the story of BJ and Rachel...
03.� Get in the Car
04.� the great american novel...
05.� Pisco Bandito
06.� what a trip it has already been...
07.� If Only You Knew
08.� so our friend...
09.� Follow the Road
10.� time for the travel theme...
11.� Lazlo's Career
12.� What a trip it has been...
13.� Sad Today
14.� sad, depressed, in a funk...
15.� Psycho Killer
16.� can I get an amen...
17.� I Will Hold On
18.� so you want to know what happened to BJ next...
19.� Homeward Bound
20.� time for the theme again...
21.� Sahara
22.� brief a cappella rendition of the Travel Theme...
23.� You Will Go to the Moon
24.� you know, when BJ got there...
25.� Laika
26.� as BJ stood there...
27.� B.J. Don't Cry

Set 2:
28.� intro
29.� Michigan Militia
30.� Jockey Full of Bourbon
31.� Present Tense Tureen
32.� Johnny Saucep'n
33.� what happened to BJ?
34.� Fell in Love
35.� King of Spain
36.� Darlington Darling
37.� thanks and lou intro
38.� Dancing Queen Medley
39.� thanks again
40.� Lee *
41.� The Drinking Song
42.� KOS remix (CD played on PA)

* with Chris O'Malley on Piano

Edits:� Normalization applied in cool edit. Couple second dropout of right channel during KOS beginning fixed by duplicating left.�

Notes:� The Story of B.J. & Rachel.� Eventually a slightly better mixdown may be released.� Questions, email me:� [email protected]

Misch Back · 20 years, 6 months ago
Crap... EzTree isn't accepting new registrations.
dgodwin Back · 20 years, 6 months ago
yeah.. that's why I went back to bargainville, and it seems to be down. You can try one of the bugmenot logins. Hope this helps!
Misch Back · 20 years, 6 months ago
None of the bugmenot accounts worked. :-(
lawrence Back · 20 years, 6 months ago
can you just put the torrent file up somewhere so we can download it directly? once we have the file itself, we shouldn't need to worry about selling our soul to easytree, right?
ellen Back · 20 years, 6 months ago
Well, that's stupid. I'd really love to have this show again, but the site sucks :(

no new registrations my foot, what's the big deal?
nate... Back · 20 years, 6 months ago
daniel: I've emailed you too, but if you send me the tracker file, I'd be happy to host it for people.

(or if anyone can send it to me)

Josh Woodward · 20 years, 6 months ago
Question from a torrent kl00bie: what does it take to host torrent files? Is it just a file stuck on a web server that never changes? Or is there special software that manages it?
dgodwin Back · 20 years, 6 months ago

The issue with hosting the torrent file somewhere else is that the easytorrent tracker does not allow remote hosting.� It will display a message telling you to get your torrent file from the tracker.� If you want to try, here's the actual torrent file.�
(right-click and save as is recommended)�

FWIW, I've tried setting up my own tracker since bargainville has gone down, but it appears that I don't have the right PHP version (I need 4.3+ and have 4.2.2)�� If anyone has any suggestions, let me know, as I'm not a php or MYSQL expert.� I just know I don't want to change hosts at this time.�

One other note about bugmenot and/or Josh's phantom account (posted in the last bit torrent thread)�� Only 2 people can use the account at the same time, so that's why some of the accounts are not working.�

Last thing.� I personally like easytree because it seems to have some accountability as far as sharing.� It also gives me an idea of who is using the bit torrent and whether I should continue, as hardly anyone posts a thanks to the thread anymore.�

PS:� To actually answer Josh's question, the torrent file, once created, is static.� It does not change.� It is just singularily locked in for a specific tracker, with specific files.� If I were to change any file or decide that I wanted to use a different tracker, I would need to recreate the torrent file.�

lawrence Back · 20 years, 6 months ago
you're right, that didn't work. so how can we download this? obviously you put it up so we could get the show, but if we can't create new accounts and we can't log into any existing accounts, how are we supposed to do it?
ellen Back · 20 years, 6 months ago
I used Josh's scrap account and it worked just fine... logged in, got the file, logged out, so I'm assuming someone else can use it, then? It ought not be associated with the ip address I'm using to d/l the file, right?
dgodwin Back · 20 years, 6 months ago
again, AFAIK ip address does not matter. That's why Josh's and hopefully some of the bugmenot accounts work.
dgodwin · 20 years, 6 months ago
Since the issues with easytree are not easily resolved, I've decided to track this on etree's tracker.� Links are above in the edited original post.� Please, if you've all ready completed your download, help seed this on either site, as I'll be stretched thin until seeds populate both trackers.� Cheers!
Misch · 20 years, 6 months ago
I'm wondering if Jason maybe was getting hit by RIAA or MPAA in their latest round of lawsuits?
dgodwin Back · 20 years, 6 months ago
bargainville was down before that I think. Besides, etree and easytree are the 2 big trackers for live music that I know of. If the RIAA was putting pressure on the trackers for live music, both would be affected. I think it was the MPAA that has scared a lot of the torrent sites (suprnova, etc) into submission with the recent arrests of the operators and even the forum moderators of a finnish torrent site. If you notice Jason hasn't even been on here since mid October. I bet that has more to do with the absence of bargainville then anything else.
Phoenix Back · 20 years, 6 months ago

Besides, etree and easytree are the 2 big trackers for live music that I know ... is the 3rd and isn't accessible any more...

dgodwin Back · 20 years, 6 months ago
that had other issues way before the RIAA and MPAA started cracking down on bit torrent sites. But yes, they were the biggest. I just didn't include them as they haven't existed for some time
Agent Scully · 20 years, 6 months ago
I didn't realize I had an account on easytree. :)

Happy Belated Birthday! :)

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