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Spirtuality |
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 20 years, 7 months ago
I often hear people bandy about the word "spirituality" but it often isn't clear what they mean. People use it to mean so many things that is has perhaps become meaningless without further clarification. What does it mean to you? Can you put it into words?
100% dainty!
· 20 years, 7 months ago
*Spirtuality* I can't answer about. *Spirituality* however, I can.
::runs:: Actually. it's interesting that you'd bring this up now. I'm talking a lot about it lately. To me, spirituality means the more personal relationship you have with what you believe about the world. It's less about the religious laws, dogma, mythology and fundamentalism and more about the core of what you believe. Spirituality can be more general, or something that's *felt* more than understood. Someone who says "I'm spiritual but not religious" has no affiliation with any specific religion, but still has an ethical/moral worldview that guides their life. This could include belief in a higher power, the supernatural, the connectedness of all life, all of these or none of these. You're right, it's hard to pin down. And it's sort of like language becomes obsolete. We're trying to explain with words something that is beyond words. you know . . . ."the way that can be spoken is not the true Way" and all that jazz. I like to harken back to "Stand," Allah Buddha Yahweh Jesus Brahman People get ready there's a train that's comin Many different legends just one story Spirituality is sort of like the one story behind all the different religions.
Deacon Nailbat
· 20 years, 7 months ago
I don't know what to think about the big questions, but I think that no matter which religion I choose, I don't think I would live my life differently. That fact, I think, is a piece of my spirituality.� That is, the good books in question for the major world religions have been open to many interpretations, and more importantly translations,�and if g-d did indeed give us free will, then g-d would like to be known by each of us in our own way
I told Pete Kennedy that you quoted him here. It made him happy.
awwwww . . . yay!! tell him I am in love with the Kennedys music and i can't wait to see them at Budgiedome!
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