I just confirmed a horrible suspicion today.� A friend and bunkmate�of mine�for two years of summer camp died suddenly in 2000 in very, very tragic circumstances, at the age of fifteen.� Then again, when someone so young and so (as I always have remembered her) intelligent, talented, giggly, friendly, creative, and seemingly conscious of the entire universe leaves us, it can be nothing but tragic.
but I'm not here to eulogize.
I hadn't spoken to her since 1997 or thereabouts, but I was able to track down her parents' phone number.� However, I'm not sure how appropriate it would be for me to contact them at this point.
So long after everything happened, would it be just weird for a girl they've never met to call?
I just don't know.� If it is appropriate to call, I would wait a few days, because right now my heart is broken in a way I never knew it could be.
a small tribute: "nummy nummy in my alien tummy...� choooooocolate caaaaaaaaaaake."