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Viewing User: Rhi: so confused

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Basic Information

Rhi: so confused
Username: rhi
First Visit: Sep 3, 2001
Last Visit: Sun, Feb 15, 2009, 3:31pm
Location:Evanston, Illinois
About You:Brief fru-related history: Became a fan after the hiatus had started. :( Other musical obsessions: TMBG, BNL, Ben Folds, Martina Sorbara, Sarah Harmer, Danny Michel, Great Big Sea, Eddie From Ohio, Rufus Wainwright, Damien Rice, David Gray, Bruce Cockburn, Sarah Brightman, Josh Groban, Josh Ritter, Ron Sexsmith, Nick Drake, and Nickel Creek. Still reserving judgement on the Nields. TV: Smallville, due South, Joan of Arcadia, Sports Night, West Wing. Sports: hockey (go Red Wings!), baseball (go Tigers!), basketball (go Pistons!), golf, figure skating, football (go 'Cats!). And maybe (go Lions!), too, except it's so *depressing*. --- Random Personal Stuff --- I lost my daddy on March 28, 2003. I'm currently at Northwestern University for computer science.

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