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dun dun duuuunnn! it is done! |
dun dun duuuunnn! it is done!
Bruce Rose
· 21 years, 4 months ago
Can we join up?� Where's this gig?� Tell me more tell me more...
Josh Woodward
· 21 years, 4 months ago
That's sweet! I thought it'd be ages before I saw you! :-D
Got any requests you'd like to hear? as far as I'm concerned it has been ages! a long long time ago zilbabe made a trek accros the great northeastern... shite hole to dance with hippies and make merry-like. [ofcourse I was too nervious to dance but I wanted to]. anyway.... OFCOURSE I have requests! question: does said song need to be one that I know you know or could I just pick a song at random and see if you'd inclined to aques(ooobad spelling)�to my request?
> question: does said song need to be one that I know you know or could I just pick a
> song at random and see if you'd inclined to aques(ooobad spelling) to my request? Either way is good ;-) okey. in that case I request Waste, phish, billy breathes. I think its on billy. you know what I mean anyway... killing two birds with one stone. talcott doesn't get into phish so he hasnt heard that one and I loves it. and if you're not feeling it I'd also like to hear Leaving Here. dude.
I totally agree. I mean I've never had enough money to cover everything I NEED, so I've given up to atain golas of happiness and maybe then I'll end up with enough money. atleast my therapist thinks so. I still can't get the image of her looking at dildos out of my head. *shudder*
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