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I Love My Job

   Discussion: I Love My Job
danced with Lazlo · 21 years, 7 months ago
Anyone else?
I can see the bunny Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
Mine has it's definite highlights - like instores and such (music retail that is). Christmas is tough though with the "what do 10 year old girls listen to" and the "Have you heard of a band called Three Dog Night?" kinds of questions. :)
K-Lyn · 21 years, 7 months ago

The pay is good but some days I lose my faith in humanity.

I'm a "life claims analyst" which means that when someone dies and there's life insurance to be paid but the beneficiary is disputed or the cause of the death is unclear...anything not readily payable...I get to research and otherwise resolve the claim.

Some days this is good. I make sure that families are taken care of when there is an unexpected accident or the deceased never made any arrangements. Other days I'm in the middle of�greedy siblings going at each other for�tiny amounts of $$. It's never�the large amounts that people fight's strange. �

BUT...I like my co-workers. I like the detective work. And on the days I help people, I like my job (and that is most days) but I never love it. I love the pay and the benefits and that it allows me to support my theatre, travel and concert habits.

Bruce Rose · 21 years, 7 months ago
Maybe I'm just getting to the forum too early, but is this a sarcastic thread?� I can run with it either way (I work retail)... I just want to know for sure before I commit.
danced with Lazlo Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
not on my end... but you may take it in that direction if you wish.
Bruce Rose Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

I love my job!� I work at Target, but that's not important.� I work with an incredible group of people and a diverse group of guests.� The guests range from the pretencious snobs to the backwater rednecks, which means that diversity is running amok in our store.� It also makes the experience fun.

Regarding the actual work, they ask a lot and pay too little (but that's true everywhere).� My primary tasks are ensuring instocks and maintaining displays.� Oh, and guest service. :-)

The team changes frequently (we're in a college town, which means low pay and high turnover), but we have a lot of fun while they last.� If the team wasn't as dynamic, I'd have left years ago.

My favorite team example is only a few weeks old.� Most of the team knows that I'm a music freak.� I was talking music with one of our new people, and she asked me if I'd heard of Sarah Harmer.� I busted out laughing, since I thought the only people in town who knew of Sarah lived in my house. :-)� Since then, I've introduced her to Great Big Sea, Robbie Fulks, and Me First & The Gimme Gimmes.� She pointed me toward Prairie Home Companion... a bare two days before the FHDC poll.

I'd go on, but the only topics left are management and policies.� I'll keep the sarcasm in the blog. :-)

Talcott · 21 years, 7 months ago
I loved my job at the library last week. They actually treated me like a person

This week, not so much.

But I always have hope that the next job will be better. Until this week every place I worked at was a step up, so with luck this week is just a fluke.

Bruce Rose Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

I used to temp as a light-industrial laborer.� Demanding, but not hard... no challenge.� And the only reward was that you could be hired full time.� *joy*

It was interesting.� Making closet shelves for one job and street signs for another.� I ended up working at the sign shop for five years.

ChrisChin is Getting Old · 21 years, 7 months ago

I like my job for the most part.� Sure, there are always frustrating and depressing moments when you are dealing with clients who are so overwhelmed and in need (particularly to those who are resistant to change).� But sometimes just being there and giving them an audience to voice their concern can be so helpful.� It's also pretty neat that I get to plan and develop programs for the caregivers that I serve.� I'm somewhat uneasy about being a supervisor and it can be challenging at times, but I feel that I'm learning each day.� I particularly like the fact that I have an amazing supervisor who is very supportive when needed�but�gives me the room to let�me run my program and make it my own.� The work environment is also fairly laid back and mostly pleasant.� There's definitely things I need to work on (program-wise and myself-wise), but I feel�that I'm�slowly making progress and really enjoy the work I'm doing.�

Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years, 7 months ago
I sometimes think my classes need an invasion of dragons but all in all I love teaching. I not only get paid to do math but it is the closest I ever get to performing.
Annika · 21 years, 7 months ago
I am enjoying my job quite a bit.� I work at Kiddie Kandids.� The only part that sucks are the older kids that don't really want to be there, and you're trying to get them to smile, and they have the death look on their face, that part sucks.� But most the time it's a lot of fun.
Mollie · 21 years, 7 months ago
I constantly surprise myself at how content I am working at Planned Parenthood. I love working with the patients, helping them to be more healthy, to understand their bodies and prevent pregnancies. I work with a really incredible group of people who challenge me and make my job fun. I'm constantly learning, increasing my skills and knowledge.
I went to school with the intent of devoting myself to pregnant women and delivering babies, but the work I'm doing now in family planning is incredibly satisfying. I am so very very lucky.
Jillian Bird · 21 years, 7 months ago
When I got hired for this job last year, I couldn't beleive I was getting paid for it. I work for a private English as a Second Language school here in Toronto. Students come from all over the world (though mostly Japan, Korea and Mexico) to this school for a couple of months to study English. My position is as a "Conversation Partner". Basically, I get to take a small group of students out after their classes are over to go for coffee, sight seeing, shopping or whatever just so they can engage in casual conversation with a native speaker, see the city, and ask questions about Canadian culture. For this, I get $15/hour plus expenses. And this counts towards the experience hours I need to get into Teacher's College. This is the first job I've ever had that allows me to sit down during a shift and I get to meet really cool people from all over the world. There are, as far as I can see, only two drawbacks 1) I only get maybe 6-9 hours a week which isn't really enough to cover anything other than minor living expenses and 2) my boss can be kinda bitchy sometimes. But overall, this is the best job ever.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
you can make it pay more. Tell the students that it is traditional in Canadian culture to give "conversation partners" large tips.
soul groove feline · 21 years, 7 months ago

once i get off training, i'll be working the store alone, which'll make me like it a lot more...nobody on my back...
my trainers are pretty cool, but i hate my boss...always tries to take advantage of me (not in sexual ways, thankfully.)
the work is far easier and funner than mcdonalds...and the pay is *far* better than i would have ever expected someone my age could i guess i cant complain too much

Nick Collins · 21 years, 7 months ago

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