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lyric improvs.

   Discussion: lyric improvs.
nate... · 21 years, 10 months ago
So yeah.. I always get this one time stuck in my head.

As you are all probably aware... fruvous often took the one section in king of spain:

I can't wait, I'm lowering interest rates, my people say:
"King, how are you such a genius?
There's a roof overhead and food on our plates!"

And twisted or changed it up.
My favorite was:

".. There's something on your head. Carl Sagan!"

I chuckle every time I think of that... even though I've now forgotten what show it was from.

Are there any little lyric twists or improvs that consistantly make you chuckle when you think of them?

John J. Ryan Back · 21 years, 10 months ago

Oh, many!� During Kid's Song and the gender bias bit, Murray's line in Authors "My crucifixion/Pulp Fiction/fried chicken", the last chorus that Fordy comes up with in BJ, and the MANY spots of King of Spain.� My fav: "What the f**k's on your head?� YAHTZEE!"

John J. Ryan Back · 21 years, 10 months ago
Nate, Fruvous content!
nate... Back · 21 years, 10 months ago
I know, I realized after posting it.
Well, at least it's not on the wall!
Jºnªthªn Back · 21 years, 10 months ago
I always liked Dave's " It's laissez faire, I'm not wearing underwear" vamp.
100% dainty! · 21 years, 10 months ago

I just saw the Arrogant Worms on Friday, and they did SOOOO much improv in their songs.� .in "last saskatchewan pirate," during the "you salty. . ." dialogue, they were like "you salty . . .Saskatche-platz."� and they worked something "scrapple" or "hedge" into almost all of their stuff.

oh, and when they sang "jesus's brother bob," when Trevor goes, "hey Judas. . ," Chris did this impromptu.. .

"So, got any plans for Christmas?� Man I bet this place is rocking at Christmas"

Mike started playing "O Little Town of Bethlehem" on his guitar, since they were performing in Bethlehem, PA. it was so funny

Jillian Bird Back · 21 years, 10 months ago
At a BNL concert last October, Ed told a story about having a planter`s wart on his foot and being prescribed genital wart cream to clear it up (it seems that this particular type of cream is good for all warts, but is usually used for the STD kind).� Somehow, the fact that he had a prescription for genital wart cream got out and there were wild rumours about his apparent STDs.� The band then proceeded to improvise a "I've got genital warts, but they're on my feet"� song.� It was hilarious.� Then Kevin turned it up to 11 by unexpectedly starting to sing "I`ve got foot warts, but theyre on my genitals...."� Very nasty, but very funny

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