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Viewing User: beth-pseudocanuck!

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Basic Information

Username: randomchef
First Visit: Aug 1, 2002
Last Visit: Sun, Nov 27, 2005, 3:16am
Location:Vancouver, British Columbia
About You:i'm here thanks to the budgiedomers from frff2002. thanks, guys. my pics are here.

i love you all, that's all you need to know.

music that makes me happy:
efo, fr�vous (duh), dvn, indigo girls, the live from new york kids (sam shaber, edie carey, anne heaton, teddy goldstein, andrew kerr), barenaked ladies, lucy kaplansky, chris smither, dashboard, dar, dave & tracy, eric schwartz, russell wolff, erin mckeown, kris delmhorst, mark erelli, peter mulvey, jonatha brooke, k's choice (the acoustic stuff), james taylor, nickel creek, norah jones, once blue, nick drake, ida, red house painters, mountain goats, matt pond pa, joan of arc, postal service, and many others...

"lotsa" shellypoints...only 500 of which she bothered to tell me about. ;-)
:) a hundred gazillion kevin points


i'm madly in love with quackfru. hey, we even got married! thanks, fhdc. i owe you.


me, dad, sis-in-law, bro, mom at their wedding, july 2001FRFF2002: efo mainstage!!! "they were a song or 2 short of a set"ASH, my roomie's new kitty for us! :)my buddy landau with the WUNH harem...i'm on the far right
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