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Basic Information

Shawna login infrequent
Username: Shawna
First Visit: Sep 9, 2000
Last Visit: Thu, Jan 22, 2009, 4:54pm
Location:Toronto, ON
About You:About me...

Music is life and if I'm not doing something creative, I go crazy. I'm the greatest promoter that every Canadian musician doesn't know they have (and some that do know!). I'm a raving folkie who should've been born at a kitchen party somewhere on the East Coast.

Music I like: Great Big Sea, Emm Gryner, Sarah Slean, Sarah Harmer, Sarah McLachlan, Stephen Fearing, Tegan and Sara, Tory Cassis, James Keelaghan, Tara MacLean, Oh Susanna, Oliver Schroer, Ron Hynes, Tony Turner, Mad Violet, Starling, Danny Michel, Michaela Foster Marsh, Jennifer Noxon, Christine Graves, David Francey, Stan Rogers, Martina Sorbara, Andrea Florian, Craig Cardiff, those Fruvous people, and so so so so so much more!

Do you know a band that I can't live without? Frum me and tell me all about them!

I'm a vocal student, I play piano, guitar (classical and acoustic) and other things at this institution.

Kurt Vonnegut stole my brain.

"If I were to kick a bucket down the cellar stairs, and then say to you that the racket I had made was philosophically on a par with The Magic Flute, this would not be the beginning of a long and upsetting debate. An utterly satisfactory and complete response on your part would be, ?I like what Mozart did, and I hate what the bucket did.?" - from Timequake

I have 103000 StaceyPoints!

I am not one to put quotes in my profile, but this one was too hilarious to let go:
"ok....time to make like a commercial radio station and get the folk outta here!"
~ The eloquent Shell on the wall


Fruvous as stortroopers (design copyright working at the studioMe as a stortrooper (design copyright Jam
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