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«Bender» hey (Mar 29, 2001 @ 1:41pm)
«Dante Bucci» hello (Mar 29, 2001 @ 1:43pm)
«Andrea Krause» I find it hilarious that my web page is in your profile, dante. :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 2:05pm)
«Andrea Krause» (much later) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 2:05pm)
«ellen» wheeee! comp time! :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 2:22pm)
«jaye» grrr. i am -not- the receptionist, dang it (Mar 29, 2001 @ 2:24pm)
«ellen» :P (Mar 29, 2001 @ 2:30pm)
«Andrea Krause» *thud* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 2:42pm)
«jaye» ihatephones. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 2:42pm)
«Andrea Krause» metoo (Mar 29, 2001 @ 2:44pm)
«jaye» my boss went to lunch. so i don't know what's going on. i'm ticked (Mar 29, 2001 @ 2:45pm)
«Andrea Krause» yell at peoples. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 2:49pm)
«Andrea Krause» well...but not my bank. because my bank is peoples bank. and they've been nice to me. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 2:49pm)
«jaye» i don't yell. i just sit and fume (Mar 29, 2001 @ 2:55pm)
«goovie is married!» so, who wants to entertain me? huh? :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:15pm)
«jaye» i would love to entertain you, but i'm really busy sitting here fuming at the moment (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:16pm)
«goovie is married!» nobody does. ah well. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:17pm)
«goovie is married!» aww...why are you fuming, jaci? (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:17pm)
«jaye» it's so dumb. but it's irritating. they set up voicemail in our department finally, but what really happens is that everyone's phones roll to me. so when i used (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:18pm)
«jaye» get 2 or 3 calls a week, i've now had to answer the phone all morning for the rest of the department (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:19pm)
«goovie is married!» aauuggh. that's insane (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:19pm)
«jaye» which . .isn't a big deal in and of itself, except that they didn't tell me it was gonna happen - just all of a sudden i'm getting calls for everyone else (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:19pm)
«jaye» well. it -is- a big deal. but i can see how it's good from a customer service standpoint. it's just driving me nuts (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:20pm)
«goovie is married!» /me is going to be filling in for the receptionist tomorrow and is scared already :O (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:21pm)
«goovie is married!» phones are not my friends (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:21pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» hee haw (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:22pm)
«jaye» yeah, phones are evil. and i don't even have to answer questions - just take a message. but still. ihatephones (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:22pm)
«goovie is married!» altho, it's gonna be nice to be *busy* tomorrow... (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:23pm)
«jaye» oh yay =( (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:26pm)
«jaye» boss-woman returned. this is a New Thing I Get To Do (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:26pm)
«goovie is married!» ooh, aren't you the lucky one (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:27pm)
«jaye» *bangs head against desk* she said if it gets to be a pain let her know. and if i want to move desks, i can maybe do that. but i really like where i sit (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:27pm)
«goovie is married!» /me notes that she never even sees her boss-woman. gordon has spent more time with my boss-woman than i have. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:28pm)
«jaye» though . .maybe this will teach me to take lunch and breaks at the same time normal people do, so i won't be around when the office is basically empty (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:28pm)
«jaye» heehee . . i sit next to my boss-woman, so it's kinda hard to miss her. though i think i'm the only one who sees her (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:29pm)
«goovie is married!» *nobody* sees mine. she's like the wizard of oz. except for all that wizard stuff. yeah. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:30pm)
«jaye» heehee (Mar 29, 2001 @ 3:31pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» lalala (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:04pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» bom bom bom (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:05pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» hola` james (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:05pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» hola seniora *kiises her hand and foehead* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:05pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» screw the forehead, kiss me on the lips=) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:07pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» hey ma'am pucker up butter cup *kisses her ON lips* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:07pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» thanks james..and julie.....i don't know what to say to that at all (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:10pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» COOTIES!!! oh oh (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:11pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» wench, i do not*grumbles* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:12pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» damn ye!! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:12pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» i'm cold... (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:13pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» I'll deal with em* dips erica as in a tango* here comes another *kiss* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:13pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» oo la la, james, very romantic (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:14pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» oui Mon cheri:) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:15pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» don't you gag at us,juliebeast!! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:17pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» gagging no good:( (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:18pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» nonetheless, that was very sweet'n'sexy (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:19pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» thanks (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:19pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» *grins* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:20pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» i beleive in unicorns (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:21pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» but not in spelling correctly (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:21pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» yes, but have you seen one? (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:21pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» who does believ in speeling correctly? (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:21pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» i have one living in my closet. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:22pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» ahhh... that'll work! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:22pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» wow, must be a long one! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:24pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» frum that is (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:25pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» naw, just got bombarded with im's (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:26pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» okee dokkee (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:26pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» for a second there, i thought you were calling ME a bitch (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:27pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» absolutely not! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:28pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» i would've had to kill you. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:28pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» I would never call you one because you are not one to me anyways:) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:28pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» but..I don't wanna die *WAHHHHHHHHHHH* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:28pm)
«jen» allo wall people (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:29pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» hi jen (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:29pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» hi jen (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:29pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» don't cry james, i love you!!*kisses* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:30pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» Well I jhope your kisses aren't deadly*kisses her back* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:30pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» wait....gag. *cough**keels over* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:30pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» just don't shatter the cyanide capsule in my molar and you'll be fine=) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:31pm)
«jen» o/~ be as black as you want to be as white as you want to... O/~ (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:31pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» You!!!! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:31pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» oh get up, you drama queen (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:32pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» *idiotic, half mad grin on his face* YOu did this to me!! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:32pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» *laugh like an f"ing idiot* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:32pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» laughing like.... (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:32pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» ok, ther goes my daily moment of temporary insantinty. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:33pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» settle down there,sparky (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:34pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» yes sunshine I will (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:34pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» *pats his wee head* good boy (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:35pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» you seem to use the name sparky as well, my dear. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:35pm)
«Doktor Pepski, kommie» If only it were a wee head, and not fat and round. But I"m not complaining (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:36pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» i yelled at the garbage man this morning and called him sparky (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:36pm)
«Andrea Krause» hello (Mar 29, 2001 @ 4:36pm)

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