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«Shelly» oh my one is here.....*sniffle* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 2:04am)
«emilie is CRANKY» wheeee! :D (Mar 29, 2001 @ 7:36am)
«emilie is CRANKY» uh, ahem... sorry 'bout that :D (Mar 29, 2001 @ 7:36am)
«ellen» *sigh* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 7:45am)
«ellen» so... has anyone else noticed that the FHDC clock is no loner *as* slow as it was? (Mar 29, 2001 @ 7:47am)
«Shelly» yoyo....wazzzzup??? (Mar 29, 2001 @ 8:17am)
«Shelly» one here *sniffle*..and i'm even cheating at work, too... (Mar 29, 2001 @ 8:17am)
«Drea» /me wonders if anyone's around.. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:15am)
«Kat Kunz» (drea--i read your 3 song circus review on the jian mailing list! what a wonderful show that must've been!) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:23am)
«Kat Kunz» /me is excited for next week. :D (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:23am)
«Andrea Krause» You coming to NoHo, girl? (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:27am)
«Kat Kunz» andrea! yepyep! will you be there? (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:31am)
«jaye» (she asked and then she runned away) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:39am)
«Kat Kunz» yeah. and she's too nice to put the smackdown on. she's insidious, that andrea! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:40am)
«jaye» be vewy vewy afwaid (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:42am)
«Andrea Krause» I will be there yes :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:43am)
«Andrea Krause» can I go to bed now? (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:43am)
«Kat Kunz» whee! i think ellen's going, too. will adam be there? (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:44am)
«Drea» Kat: the show rocked muchly.. and I decided on the way home that I *was* going to make it to the Alfred show :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:44am)
«jaye» you can nap for an hour, until i get to work (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:44am)
«Kat Kunz» (in other words, can we get ourselves a good table? *grin*) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:44am)
«jaye» then you have to entertain me (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:44am)
«Kat Kunz» wow, drea! that's good news--i'm seeing 'em 3x next week, and i'd hate to get bored by the time the 2nd BL show rolls around. *grin* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:45am)
«Andrea Krause» I'm meeting paul and melinda there I think...beyond that, I have no clue. :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:45am)
«jaye» kat - to have that problem *grin* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:46am)
«Kat Kunz» ohh, yay! i haven't seen paul & melinda in way too long. since my parents were in town. i bet their apartment looks a lot, um, more furnished now. *heh* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:47am)
«Andrea Krause» yes it's beautiful :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:47am)
«jaye» . . .and she's not just saying that because melinda's lurking *wave* it really is =) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:49am)
«Kat Kunz» oh! *waves* to melinda, as well. :D (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:50am)
«Kat Kunz» ok. i need to do work. *hugs* to you two, and i'll talk to you later! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:51am)
«jaye» and i have to go to work. so *hugs* back and i'm off =) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:52am)
«Andrea Krause» bye kat. :) Byejacisoon :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:52am)
«Drea» /me wonders if everyone went back to bed (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:08am)
«Misch» /me missed Kat. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:08am)
«Misch» Drea! :-) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:08am)
«Drea» hi Paul :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:08am)
«Misch» Happy-day-before-friday! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:10am)
«Misch» just 1 week & 2 days before i go visit Toronto :-) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:12am)
«Drea» hey Paul, are you going to the Alfred U 3 Song Circus show? (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:13am)
«Misch» When is that? (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:13am)
«Drea» Saturday (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:13am)
«Misch» Hmm... I dun think so. We've got an A capella fest going on here at RIT. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:14am)
«Drea» ah (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:14am)
«Misch» It's gonna be fun. RITSMA is doing a concession stand... (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:15am)
«Misch» and We're going to try to sell tickets to the show then. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:15am)
«Misch» we've got 8 tickets left for our Toronto trip. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:15am)
«Misch» *groans*... and 8 days to sell them. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:15am)
«Drea» *g* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:16am)
«Misch» o/~ So, tell me... where do the arrows point to... who invented roses? o/~ (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:17am)
«Misch» It's so... so.. quiet... it must be... (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:25am)
«Misch» PRODUCTIVITY DAY!!!! auuugh! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:25am)
«emilie is CRANKY» noooooo! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:54am)
«emilie is CRANKY» heehee :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 10:54am)
«zil» dude... I just cut my thum ... or is it thumb? I dunno al I do know is that I Prolly should be getting stitches right about now. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 11:30am)
«zil» it hasn't stopped bleeding, but I'm just going to give it a wee bit of time... (Mar 29, 2001 @ 11:31am)
«zil» damn that bagel being all hard to cut and stuff. and I got blood on adams shirt... (Mar 29, 2001 @ 11:32am)
«zil» I'm gonn go throw his shirt in the washing machine... (Mar 29, 2001 @ 11:33am)
«Misch» zip... if you can't type a b because you cut your thumb, you should go to the hospital. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 11:37am)
«zil» well... I have no car and there is noone here and if I wanted to walk to the hospital I would get there by friday. ;-) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 11:38am)
«That Elly Chick» Yo. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:15pm)
«Christina Abbott» hola! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:29pm)
«Andrea Krause» hey sweetie!! :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:29pm)
«Andrea Krause» mmmmm...ray of sunshine. :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:30pm)
«Christina Abbott» andrea!!! how are u my dear! how i have missed u! :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:32pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» hello wallcrawlers. howzit hanging??? (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:33pm)
«renita» Christina!!!! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:34pm)
«renita» Andreeeeeaaa! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:34pm)
«Andrea Krause» I'm :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:34pm)
«renita» Hi Tanya!! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:34pm)
«Andrea Krause» Hey renita baby :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:35pm)
«jaye» *blink* they're all comin' outta the woodwork (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:35pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» heh heh.. ROLL CALL... "add jaci now" .. okay! "JACI!!" (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:35pm)
«Christina Abbott» renita!!!! :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:35pm)
«renita» Jaaaaciiii! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:36pm)
«Christina Abbott» i cant talk long at work *growls* but i just want to let u all know that i miss u, and i think about u guys a lot. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:36pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» OH yeah.. and everyone else too. but the thing is, i already hollered "christina, andrea, renita" out LOUD in real life. :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:36pm)
«Andrea Krause» I'm in a pissy mood today :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:37pm)
«Christina Abbott» and if gonna try and swing out to the west coast this summer *grins* im working on it! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:37pm)
«Andrea Krause» we miss you oodles too, dear. :) I want to come see you play this weekend but my car is being eevil. :( (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:37pm)
«Christina Abbott» back to work for me now..but i will talk to u all soon! *love*love*love* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:38pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» ooh ooh. <frantically reserves a frushotglass for christina> I decided I should only mail out pins and magnets. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:38pm)
«Andrea Krause» byebye girlie :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:38pm)
«Christina Abbott» its ok andrea..there's many more shows coming up! :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:38pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» hiiiiiiiiiii :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:39pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» "love is all I need.. all you need is love.. (BA da dada da) all you need is LOVE (BA da dadda da) all you need is LOVE, love is allyou need" (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:39pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» OH NO! (whine whine whine) DRAT! I just got the Newfie virus. :P dang that frulie. ;) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:41pm)
«renita» bye Christina! *hugs* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:44pm)
«renita» hi Smatts! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:45pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» Renita! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:45pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» Bueller~ (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:46pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» yay :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:46pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» oh my (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:46pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» smatty!! frulie!! woohoo!! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:48pm)
«That Elly Chick» boo. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:48pm)

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