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«jaye» yes, andrea, mock me, i care not (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:39pm)
«jaye» maybe i just forgot my v8 and it's not the earring at all (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:39pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» hey! i lost an earring today!! its an epidemic!! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:39pm)
«J. Andrew World» Jaci isn't lopsided, she is semtricly challenged! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:39pm)
«jaye» our house sounds like a tb ward with all this damn coughing (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:40pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» sllloooowwwwww download, andy (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:40pm)
«J. Andrew World» Hey Susie! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:40pm)
«J. Andrew World» What's wrong Goob? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:40pm)
«jaye» susie! *hugs* i figured it wasn't the end of the world, because that ear had two other earrings =0 (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:40pm)
«jaye» or =) even (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:40pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» time left 22:45 (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:42pm)
«Andrea Krause» I never wear earrings. Foof. Wish I could. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:42pm)
«J. Andrew World» Must be the Nitsa song! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:42pm)
«J. Andrew World» There is the drum solo! The Joy song is much shorter (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:42pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» Earrings are fun. But they are so heartbreaking to lose. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:42pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» this was one of the wears i wear all the time..i was bummed (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:43pm)
«jaye» i used to love earrings. now i'm not girly enough - but i want to make sure the holes don't close up (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:43pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» and i have to wonder how much of the day i was going around looking like a pirate with only one hoop?hee hee (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:43pm)
«J. Andrew World» I only have one hoop! I should ware that with a bandana! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:44pm)
«Chaya Papaya» i'm almost 18...i'm almost 18...i have one week left (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:45pm)
«jaye» susie - then you could be the dread pirate roberts =) (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:45pm)
«Chaya Papaya» /me sings the chaya's almost 18 song (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:45pm)
«J. Andrew World» YAY! CHAYA! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:45pm)
«Chaya Papaya» :) (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:46pm)
«Chaya Papaya» wheeeee (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:47pm)
«Chaya Papaya» i can acually ramble on the wall (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:47pm)
«Chaya Papaya» cause no one is talking to me (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:47pm)
«Chaya Papaya» i have no instant messages (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:47pm)
«Chaya Papaya» and no icqs (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:47pm)
«J. Andrew World» I am talking to you! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:47pm)
«Chaya Papaya» and that's cool (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:47pm)
«Chaya Papaya» cause then i can ramble on thewall (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:48pm)
«jaye» rats. melinda missed my nifty princess bride ref (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:48pm)
«J. Andrew World» Then I am evil! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:48pm)
«Chaya Papaya» and andy is evil...but that's ok (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:48pm)
«Chaya Papaya» and chaya deserves to ramble on the wall once ina while (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:48pm)
«Chaya Papaya» who do i see on the recent users list? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:49pm)
«Chaya Papaya» i see an elly!! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:49pm)
«Chaya Papaya» ellyellybobelly (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:49pm)
«Chaya Papaya» come out comeout wherever you are! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:49pm)
«J. Andrew World» Susie and Melanie and Jaci and Andrea! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:49pm)
«J. Andrew World» ELLY! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:49pm)
«jaye» good lord. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:49pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» meep. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:50pm)
«J. Andrew World» Wazzup Melanie! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:50pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» meep. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:51pm)
«Chaya Papaya» ok.... (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:51pm)
«Chaya Papaya» I KNOW PROCLAIM THIS.... (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:51pm)
«Chaya Papaya» CHAYA WALL! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:51pm)
«Chaya Papaya» which means that everyone has fun in my name (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:51pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» know? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:51pm)
«J. Andrew World» YAY! Fun! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:52pm)
«J. Andrew World» /me does a Chaya Dance! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:52pm)
«J. Andrew World» /me passes out Porn* (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:52pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» /me thanks Andy for the Porn. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:54pm)
«jaye» was the dread pirate scared away? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:55pm)
«J. Andrew World» I hope not! I loved her in Goonies! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:55pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» are you talking about me? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:55pm)
«jaye» yeah =) hi fellow-earring-less one (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:55pm)
«J. Andrew World» No problem Melanie, I *AM* Chaya's Porn Daddy! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:55pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» oOI am the pirate king Oo (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:56pm)
«J. Andrew World» I have a song by the A Teans stuck in my head! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:56pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» that is funny because at the moment i am playing for a production of Pirates of Penzance...have been seeing pirates every night this week ...hee hee (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:56pm)
«jaye» i think you should change your name =) (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:57pm)
«Chaya Papaya» belated...PORN!!!!!! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:57pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» tis a lot of fun...matey!! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:57pm)
«J. Andrew World» /me seconds Jaci* (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:57pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» hee hee...k (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:57pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» Susie, what part? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:57pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» done done done w/ the webpage webpage webpage yay :) (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:57pm)
«J. Andrew World» YAY! SMATTS! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:58pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» i am the pianist (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:58pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:59pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:59pm)
«J. Andrew World» I didn't know that Susie! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:59pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» :D Susie, dd you get teh money in there? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:59pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» oO oh happy day!!Oo (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:59pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» and I'm pleased w/ it! i guess i can do it ...somewhat :) (Mar 28, 2001 @ 10:59pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» yes sir!! *salute* (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:00pm)
«J. Andrew World» YAY! Susie name! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:00pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» of course you can do it silly goose!! geesh!! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:00pm)
«jaye» heehee go susie =) (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:01pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» oO i am the pirate pianist....(she is the pirate pianist) Oo (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:01pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» thank you. I saw $70 in there today around 6, I wonder if it is in there yet, i'll have to check tommorow. unless those bastards did run right out and cash it (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:01pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» hehe (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:01pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» although, doesn't it take a day to clear or so? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:01pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» susie is having a glass of pirate wine..arrrrrrrrrrr (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:02pm)
«J. Andrew World» Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:02pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» i put in my own money to cover your check in plenty of time for it to be in today...and i will put in justins money tomorrow...k? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:02pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» well...i mean your money...minus what i put in today..ok? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:03pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» why didn't you jus put Justin's money in? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:03pm)
«iPauley» /me *schnugglesandhuggles* the susiesus :) (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:03pm)
«J. Andrew World» *streetch* (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:03pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» cause i didnt get back from taking stuff back til after bank was closed...i hadnt been home to get it (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:03pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» yummy pauley hugs!! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:04pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» did i not do ok? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:04pm)
«J. Andrew World» Pauley, how goes it? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:04pm)
«Chaya Papaya» SMATTTTSSSSSSS (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:04pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» thought you would go to Swanton to put it in before ou left for Michigan. please putit in tommorow morning, otherwise "bouncy boucncy" ....unless you put like (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:04pm)

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