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«iPauley» I suppose I could be bored, too, but I've got stuff to do... like sign and date my income tax forms... :( (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:47am)
«iPauley» actually, I should be glad to fill out the federal forms -- the IRS owes me $216 (I'm thinking CD-RW drive :) ) (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:48am)
«iPauley» on the other hand, I owe the state $11. :( (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:48am)
«J. Andrew World» Poor Pauly! $11 dollars, those bastards! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:49am)
«nitsita» its only 11$... (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:49am)
«iPauley» yah... stupid state government taxing work study dollars. :( (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:50am)
«iPauley» I paid (via withholdings) $216 of tax on work study income that didn't get taxed by the IRS, so I get it all back. (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:51am)
«J. Andrew World» but it's the prnivpal (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:51am)
«J. Andrew World» Principal even! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:51am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» They withold on your woke study? Why didn't you write "exempt" on the w-4? (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:52am)
«J. Andrew World» Yeah! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:52am)
«iPauley» I have no idea. I don't remember if I filed one. my mom still takes care of this stuff for now. (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:53am)
«That Elly Chick» Surprise! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:53am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» bizarre. (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:54am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Hey, it's effy. (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:54am)
«That Elly Chick» He he! Effy! Elly! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:54am)
«nitsita» acctually, it Elly.. (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:54am)
«That Elly Chick» *waves* (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:55am)
«J. Andrew World» elly (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:55am)
«That Elly Chick» andy (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:55am)
«iPauley» um, I thought you were, like, gone? (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:55am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Nitsa: I know, I'm giving her hell. (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:56am)
«Joy- new picture!» NITSA!!! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:56am)
«That Elly Chick» Well class is progressing rather slowly. Got in a car accident last night *ouch* (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:56am)
«nitsita» ah ha :) go Michael :) (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:56am)
«Joy- new picture!» oh, Elly! *hugs* (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:56am)
«iPauley» EEEP! you ok???? (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:56am)
«nitsita» JOY!! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:56am)
«iPauley» /me *schnuggles* the joy :) (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:57am)
«Joy- new picture!» How are you, dear one? (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:57am)
«J. Andrew World» How are you Ellykins � (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:57am)
«nitsita» who's the dear one? (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:57am)
«Joy- new picture!» :) (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:57am)
«J. Andrew World» .o0 happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy0o. (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:57am)
«nitsita» I agree, Andy :) (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:57am)
«Joy- new picture!» nitsa originally, but it goes for elly andy pauley michael as well. :) (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:58am)
«nitsita» ah :) I'm good.. at school, for one, too (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:58am)
«iPauley» :) (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:58am)
«nitsita» how's you? (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:58am)
«Joy- new picture!» I'm glad you're at school! Tonight's Opening Night, so I'm a ball of nerves. (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:58am)
«nitsita» is anyone recording it Joy? (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:59am)
«J. Andrew World» I am going to play vampire tonight! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 10:59am)
«Joy- new picture!» Nitsa: they are! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:00am)
«That Elly Chick» A bump to the head, some bruises and a bit shaken, otherwise okay. *cringe* (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:00am)
«nitsita» Joy - an chance you might bring a copy with you? :) (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:00am)
«J. Andrew World» /me hugs Elly and puts a pack of Ice on her head (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:00am)
«iPauley» what happened? (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:00am)
«J. Andrew World» /me snuggles with Elly* (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:00am)
«Joy- new picture!» Nitsa: We'll see if I get them by then. :) (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:01am)
«That Elly Chick» I was turning out of the driveway, didn't see the car coming and it hit me on the drivers side. (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:01am)
«Joy- new picture!» oh, Elly! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:01am)
«J. Andrew World» Elly Please don't die! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:01am)
«nitsita» Joy - that would so rock :) and I'll make sure to send you a copy of both plays this year, too (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:01am)
«That Elly Chick» *snuggles&huggles&kuddles�* (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:01am)
«That Elly Chick» I won't die! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:02am)
«Joy- new picture!» nitsa: I went in to talk with the new French teacher who speaks French to see how I could converse. Ha. (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:02am)
«Joy- new picture!» ooh, Nitsa! I'd love that! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:02am)
«nitsita» how did it go? (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:02am)
«Joy- new picture!» nitsa: laughable. (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:03am)
«J. Andrew World» Elly I missed you last night! I can't imagine you dead (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:03am)
«nitsita» Joy - hee :) honestly, though. don't worry about it.. my friends are nice to my english-speaking friends :) (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:03am)
«Joy- new picture!» ok, dear ones, I'm off. *hugs* See ya soon! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:04am)
«J. Andrew World» YAY! English! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:04am)
«iPauley» k joy! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:04am)
«nitsita» I'll send you positiv energy Joy! *hugs* (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:04am)
«J. Andrew World» Break a leg Joy! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:04am)
«J. Andrew World» PAULY Take that back! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:04am)
«J. Andrew World» Don't Jinx her! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:05am)
«J. Andrew World» :*P (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:05am)
«Joy- new picture!» Thanks, Andy. :)and nitsa! and...almost..Pauley! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:05am)
«iPauley» but I'm a snuggledaddy, how could I jinx her? (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:05am)
«J. Andrew World» :*P=:^P (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:05am)
«J. Andrew World» You never say good luck to someone in the theader it's bad luck! Break a leg is good luck (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:06am)
«J. Andrew World» It's like mentioning that scottish play before a show! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:06am)
«nitsita» theatre, andy.. th��tre in french :) (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:06am)
«J. Andrew World» Damn froggies! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:07am)
«J. Andrew World» Oops was that out loud ;^D (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:07am)
«iPauley» *inside voice, inside voice!* (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:07am)
«nitsita» hee :) I'm only half froggie, so it doesnt apply (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:08am)
«J. Andrew World» Nitsa's a tadpole? (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:08am)
«nitsita» hee (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:08am)
«iPauley» no, that's just a baby frog. she's a hybrid. (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:09am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I am only an egg. (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:09am)
«J. Andrew World» .o0Nitsa the Tadpole girl, only half a frog, only half a frog nitsa the tadpole gire, better than a dog better than a dog0o. (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:09am)
«iPauley» (I thought about saying "mutant," but that's just plain mean.) (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:09am)
«nitsita» what song is that andy? (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:10am)
«J. Andrew World» Nitsa do you jump well? It was a song I made up! (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:10am)
«nitsita» pauley - hee :) donut worry aboot it :) (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:10am)
«nitsita» I can, if coaxed (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:10am)
«J. Andrew World» /me is Andy the Lyricle Genious* (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:10am)
«iPauley» okey. *schnuggles* (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:10am)
«iPauley» "lyrical" (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:10am)
«J. Andrew World» Nitsa did you read the poem om my profile? (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:11am)
«nitsita» pauley - seems we have some stories to trade when I get home (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:11am)
«nitsita» andy - not yet... I'll do that at home (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:11am)
«iPauley» ya know, like "principle" and "principal," only this time there is a wrong answer. :) (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:11am)
«iPauley» nitsa: yah -- but like I said, mine's not that interesting. (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:11am)
«nitsita» pauley -and what, mine is? (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:12am)
«iPauley» I don't know, I haven't heard it yet. :) (Mar 2, 2001 @ 11:12am)

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