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«Shelly» awww..shucks, gang (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:25am)
«Joy- new picture!» Paul: that's my fave. group shot of all taken! (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:25am)
«Joy- new picture!» *curious* (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:26am)
«iPauley» ...of what, joy? (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:27am)
«Shelly» group shot? (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:27am)
«Joy- new picture!» Pauley: why I'm looking closely! (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:27am)
«iPauley» shells: misch posted conpics (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:27am)
«Joy- new picture!» hmmm..... (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:29am)
«Shelly» /me notes that misch took one of my FAVE FRFF pics......andrea, jaci, kat and me....OOSHIES WOOSHIES!!! (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:30am)
«iPauley» hee hee :) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:30am)
«Shelly» actually, misch, iffin ya have yer negatives, i would -not- mind gettin a 'hard copy' of that one......lemme know if poss, ok? (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:31am)
«Joy- new picture!» where'd he go? (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:32am)
«iPauley» lurking, sorta, methinks. he's still on AIM. (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:32am)
«Shelly» dunno...<looks around wall, in corners...> (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:32am)
«iPauley» or he coulda crashed, and AIM hasn't timed out yet... (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:33am)
«Shelly» annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddd..a hush falls over the wall.... (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:36am)
«iPauley» why be noisy? schnuggles are best quiet. :) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:37am)
«Shelly» pauley---good point *swoon* (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:37am)
«Shelly» soft (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:38am)
«iPauley» yep :) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:38am)
«iPauley» that's the ticket :) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:38am)
«Joy- new picture!» *yawn* (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:38am)
«Shelly» ok--these bellowing cats outside my window MUST go..they sound like crying babies and it skeeves me (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:39am)
«Joy- new picture!» thought I'd stick with the S theme. (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:39am)
«iPauley» come yawn over here :) *tugs joy over to the SnugglePile* (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:39am)
«Shelly» zhwah--i LAVA it!!!! *HUGGSSS** (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:39am)
«iPauley» hehe nice :) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:39am)
«Joy- new picture!» /me collapses on the snuggle pile. (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:40am)
«iPauley» /me cuddles with a SleepyJoy (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:40am)
«Joy- new picture!» I wouls commence snoring but according to *some people* I just talk in my sleep. (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:40am)
«iPauley» hehe who said that? :) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:41am)
«Shelly» gah---joy-- you have now earwormed me with 'some people' form GYPSY!!!!!! MAKE IT STOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPP!!! (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:41am)
«Joy- new picture!» Pauley: let's just say rooming with Fruheads they let you know your sleeping habits. :) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:41am)
«iPauley» NP: "Take The Long Way Home" -- Supertramp (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:42am)
«Joy- new picture!» oOOn the Clear understanding that this kind of thing can happenOo (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:42am)
«iPauley» hehe :) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:42am)
«Shelly» joy--no better...not one of my fave musicals either....ooooh...but 'something wonderful'....*SWOON-O-RAMA* (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:43am)
«Joy- new picture!» is misch still on AIM? (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:43am)
«iPauley» for now (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:43am)
«Joy- new picture!» mmm, I love that one! (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:43am)
«Shelly» heh--an anthem of mine--lol (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:44am)
«Joy- new picture!» ok, cuties, I'm off for now! (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:44am)
«Shelly» actually, 'suddenly seymour' is kinda -seriously- my song....i mean the lyrics are -exact- (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:44am)
«iPauley» aww, I'm a cutie *blush* (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:44am)
«iPauley» I think, for a long time, my anthem would have been Rod Stewart's "Some Guys Have All The Luck" :) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:45am)
«Shelly» heh--i am gonna put the lyric to audrey's first verse on my is TOO close to home..well, except for the part where seymour is 'standing beside her' (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:47am)
«Shelly» rod was on leno tonight!!! (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:47am)
«iPauley» cool :) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:47am)
«Shelly» stewart, not frulie's husband--teehee (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:47am)
«iPauley» I figured, but it took a second to make sure. :) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:48am)
«iPauley» NP: "Dueling Banjos" (now there's an earworm if I ever heard one :-D) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:48am)
«Shelly» yah--and ya can't even sing along to it...ya just hafta go 'deeer deer deer deer derrr' (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:49am)
«iPauley» LOL :) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:49am)
«Shelly» wellllllllllll.... *grin* (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:49am)
«Shelly» edgar has decided barking would be matter that it's 2am here...grrr (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:50am)
«iPauley» hehehe :) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:50am)
«Shelly» suuuree...YOU come here and deal with him....the only resolution is to go to bed,, but i am -so- not tired yet...damn coffee... (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:52am)
«iPauley» faw, caffiene can do that. (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:52am)
«iPauley» um, make that "yah" (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:52am)
«Shelly» heh--and i thought i'd be all cool by drikin that tonight with dinner to avoid drinking pop/soda/coke/etc, which i gave up for lent....sillyshelly (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:53am)
«Shelly» i kinda like faw--teehee..another new word (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:53am)
«Shelly» um....drikin...niiiiiiiice, shell... (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:53am)
«iPauley» hee hee you are loaded tonight :) *schnuggles* (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:54am)
«Shelly» heh..well, i actually -did- have a drink....ooooh..and it was a sweet one..maybe the sugar is also keepin me up..grrr (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:57am)
«iPauley» can't be helping, anyway... (Mar 1, 2001 @ 1:58am)
«Shelly» heh--yeah... (Mar 1, 2001 @ 2:00am)
«Shelly» ok---i -must- away to the lilac lounge so edgar stops barking...*sigh*...MUST move puter back there this wknd... (Mar 1, 2001 @ 2:00am)
«iPauley» hehe okey :) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 2:01am)
«Shelly» heh..i shall read..soooo not tired...grrr (Mar 1, 2001 @ 2:01am)
«Shelly» and i will hafta schnugggle edgar...he's small, but at least he's warm!!!! (Mar 1, 2001 @ 2:01am)
«iPauley» I'm kinda tired... but I'm hanging out in case joy comes back -- she said brb, rather than goodnight, when she left IM... (Mar 1, 2001 @ 2:02am)
«Shelly» awww...give her a good night *schnuuuugggle* for me and tell her BREAK A LEG!!!! tomorrow!!!! and that i lava her (Mar 1, 2001 @ 2:03am)
«Shelly» *pooh-ff* <pink smoke�> (Mar 1, 2001 @ 2:04am)
«George E. Nowik» way too late to be up. g'night. (: (Mar 1, 2001 @ 3:45am)
«George E. Nowik» *pewf* (Mar 1, 2001 @ 3:45am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» no latenight wall life? (Mar 1, 2001 @ 4:16am)
«Dances with Llamas» anyone here this morning? (Mar 1, 2001 @ 5:45am)
«jamie.» i am, i am! (Mar 1, 2001 @ 5:45am)
«Dances with Llamas» hey, how's it going? (Mar 1, 2001 @ 5:46am)
«jamie.» and now i'm not. i have to wake up in 3 hours.... night night (Mar 1, 2001 @ 5:46am)
«Dances with Llamas» ok (Mar 1, 2001 @ 5:46am)
«jamie.» other than the 3 hour of sleep thing, tonight was GREAT! (Mar 1, 2001 @ 5:46am)
«jamie.» have a great night, AJ!!!!! (Mar 1, 2001 @ 5:46am)
«Dances with Llamas» is anyone here now? (Mar 1, 2001 @ 6:55am)
«Laura's way behind!!» i'm here about an hour too late! (Mar 1, 2001 @ 7:53am)
«That Elly Chick» He he, me too! :P (Mar 1, 2001 @ 8:42am)
«Laura's way behind!!» where is everyone!!!!!!!!?? (Mar 1, 2001 @ 8:58am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» heyheyhey (Mar 1, 2001 @ 9:14am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Well, Sarah Steele! As I live and breathe! (Mar 1, 2001 @ 9:40am)
«jaye» /me waves (Mar 1, 2001 @ 9:41am)
«not that you care» woo hey there! (Mar 1, 2001 @ 9:41am)
«not that you care» can't stay for long... =( i have... *inster ominous music here* a job interview!! (Mar 1, 2001 @ 9:42am)
«not that you care» but how are you Michael? (Mar 1, 2001 @ 9:42am)
«jaye» ooh . . good luck =) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 9:43am)
«not that you care» thanks! (Mar 1, 2001 @ 9:44am)
«not that you care» and hello to you too Jaci. =) (Mar 1, 2001 @ 9:44am)
«jaye» *grin* hello (Mar 1, 2001 @ 9:44am)
«not that you care» ack in fact, i must be off... (Mar 1, 2001 @ 9:44am)
«not that you care» later!!!!!!! =D (Mar 1, 2001 @ 9:44am)

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