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«Andrea Krause» It's always the same people too...grr... (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:46pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» ellen, search the archives for earthquake and read about norg, renita and jaci's first discoveries of the shaking (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:46pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» ellen, search the archives for earthquake and read about norg, renita and jaci's first discoveries of the shaking (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:46pm)
«Andrea Krause» yeah...and that oneinparticular is pretty omnipresent in the flame wars. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:47pm)
«I had Matt Spare's baby!» attention-craved. thats why. cant get enough. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:47pm)
«jaye» and then there's me - i've posted, what, 3 times? and never with nields content *shrug* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:48pm)
«Joy- new picture!» all westFruheads safe and accounted for? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:48pm)
«I had Matt Spare's baby!» After being on amm-f for so long and getting utterly disgusted with it, I decided no more mailing lists for me :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:48pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Tanya, does your enter key finger have epilepsy or something? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:49pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» it never used to be so bad. maybe i should shake it? or just use the "add" button instead (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:49pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» it never used to be so bad. maybe i should shake it? or just use the "add" button instead (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:49pm)
«Joy- new picture!» heh...I haven't looked at ammf for so long! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:49pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» I dunno, but do something about it :D (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:50pm)
«ellen» use the add button!!! 8) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:50pm)
«jaye» mike - she stutters. don't make an issue of it =� (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:50pm)
«ellen» I read AMMF for shits and giggles (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:50pm)
«jaye» yeah - i pretty much auto-delete everything from ammf, too (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:50pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» joy! my review was posted there. oh well.. there's link from my profile (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:50pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» joy! my review was posted there. oh well.. there's link from my profile (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:50pm)
«I had Matt Spare's baby!» i used to (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:50pm)
«Joy- new picture!» oooh! Elfy, I'll look now. :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:51pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» check out my profile.. it's spiffy with italicized words and such (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:51pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» check out my profile.. it's spiffy with italicized words and such (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:51pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» tanya, please use the add button (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:51pm)
«ellen» ah, well, I actually read ammf as a newsgroup so it's soooo easy to skip over threads... :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:52pm)
«George E. Nowik» well, didn't we all have a boatload of fun today . (: (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:52pm)
«Andrea Krause» i haven't read ammf in a long long time..probably over a year. it made my head hurt. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:52pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» mike, i AM! it doesn't seem to make a difference. sowwy. I will try not to post trivial piddly stuff though. (HUGS to safenorg) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:52pm)
«Andrea Krause» /me *hugs* the non-rubble-crushed george so hard that he crushed. :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:52pm)
«Joy- new picture!» GEORGE!!! *thankheavensyayyou'rebackhugs* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:53pm)
«ellen» *yay!* safe leftcoasters! *hugs!* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:53pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» tanya, I'm going to think you just have spastic fingers then :D (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:54pm)
«George E. Nowik» i guess it did a litle more damage than i thought. all the roads i tried to take home were closed because of cracked pavement and landsliding. (: (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:54pm)
«Bareena» Hi, everybody. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:54pm)
«George E. Nowik» bareena (: (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:54pm)
«George E. Nowik» *HUGS* joy (: (: (: (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:54pm)
«jaye» hrm. i wonder what the south end is like (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:55pm)
«George E. Nowik» andrea!! *HUSG* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:55pm)
«George E. Nowik» HUGS too (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:55pm)
«Joy- new picture!» hi bareena! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:55pm)
«George E. Nowik» *hugs* hi ellen . (: (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:55pm)
«jaye» (seeing as i live closer to the epicenter =/ ) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:55pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» i try to be good. maybeI need to make an offering to the god of computers? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:55pm)
«Bareena» Hi, Joy. Hi, George. How are you this lovely evening? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:55pm)
«George E. Nowik» jaci - not sure. i did a lot of radio listening. there have been very few reports that actually came from where the epicenter, and more reports at pioneer sq. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:55pm)
«ellen» Hmmm... reports say it was 7.1??? on the Richter scale!!! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:55pm)
«Joy- new picture!» How's your house, George? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:55pm)
«Andrea Krause» I am SO glad you guys were online here when it happened though. because if I found out on or something and didn't know where y'all were, I wouldafreaked (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:55pm)
«George E. Nowik» shaken but not stirred, bareena. (: how are you? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:56pm)
«George E. Nowik» joy - oh the house is fine. the worst here was we had a power cut but it was on before i got home and a few boxes fell. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:56pm)
«jaye» pioneer square - that was basically a mess already (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:56pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» okay.. afk to watch news coverage (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:56pm)
«Joy- new picture!» oh good. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:56pm)
«George E. Nowik» jaci - sho' nuff. the quake just cleaned up the mess. (: (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:56pm)
«Alderic» George, are you ok!? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:57pm)
«Alderic» oh I see that you are, hehe (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:57pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» .oO look at the clouds.. look at the earthquakes Oo. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:57pm)
«Alderic» good thing (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:57pm)
«Joy- new picture!» Elfy: fun review! And yes, I kept having to remind myself to open my eyes. :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:57pm)
«Alderic» *snuggles* Joy (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:57pm)
«sheryls» sugar ray, say, aaah, aaaah.. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:58pm)
«George E. Nowik» sugaray - as good as it gets. (: (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:58pm)
«Joy- new picture!» *snuggles Doug :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:58pm)
«Alderic» heeelllooo nurse.... sheryl (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:58pm)
«sheryls» what's up? :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:58pm)
«George E. Nowik» steryl! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:58pm)
«nitsita» *pokes her head in* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:58pm)
«Alderic» just working on some scripts, you sheryl? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:59pm)
«Alderic» Im writing iptscrae, if you've ever heard of it (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:59pm)
«Joy- new picture!» Nitsa! *hugs* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:59pm)
«Andrea Krause» /me wonders if the leftcoasters' brains are even more scrambled than normal now. *grin* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:59pm)
«Alderic» salut nitsa (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:59pm)
«Joy- new picture!» we're down to less then 2 weeks!!!! *yay* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:59pm)
«nitsita» Joy! *hugs* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:59pm)
«nitsita» allo doug (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:00pm)
«nitsita» allo doug (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:00pm)
«sheryls» George: is mike okay, do you know? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:00pm)
«sheryls» i just got to work. i'm hungry :D (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:00pm)
«George E. Nowik» sheryl - oh yeah. he was on the wall right afterwards and, to quote, "wheeeeeeeeeee!" (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:00pm)
«nitsita» yeah! :) *happy* I still have to find out if I'll be in Quebec that day... any clue what time you're arriving? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:00pm)
«sheryls» okay :D (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:00pm)
«George E. Nowik» sheryl - renita and mike said that they only felt it up there, but the damage, so far, didn't extend beyond downtown seattle (2.5 hours drive south of mike) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:00pm)
«Bareena» Sorry I'm taking so long to reply (I paused for a couple minutes to get dressed.) Glad to hear you're OK, George. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:01pm)
«sheryls» coolio. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:01pm)
«Alderic» vancouver felt it? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:01pm)
«George E. Nowik» sugaray - vancouver, portland, eugene, salt lake city ... (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:01pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» Norg, one thing I noticed, looking back over the archives, before you and renita mentioned earthquakes, you were talking about 'rolling' :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:01pm)
«Joy- new picture!» nitsa: we should make plans to meet the next day, 'cause I'll have flown from Alb. to Denver to Toronto to Quebec, and I'll be whipped! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:01pm)
«George E. Nowik» i was more concerned for jaci once i heard where the epicenter was, but she says she's ok (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:01pm)
«Alderic» wowza (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:01pm)
«ellen» /me *whistles appreciatively* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:01pm)
«George E. Nowik» when mother nature has a tummy ache, let's get ready to rumble. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:01pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» oh yeah, doug. we felt it. some people in the more wobbly houses had things fall off of shelves (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:01pm)
«Alderic» what was the seismic reading? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:02pm)
«jaye» well, i'm downtown so i'm ok - i just wonder what it's like at home (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:02pm)
«Alderic» or rictor scale thingy (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:02pm)
«ellen» Doug: I've heard both 6.2 and 7.1 (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:02pm)
«Andrea Krause» good thing I'm not afraid of earthquakes. :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:02pm)
«jaye» maple valley / renton looks fairly ick . .i'm not seeing anything about kent, though =/ (Feb 28, 2001 @ 6:02pm)

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