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«Andrea Krause» btw...are my leftcoasters still alive and uncrushed? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:47pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Doug: Nuffin. Had diversity training, so I learned it's not nice to opress the proletariat. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:48pm)
«danced with Lazlo» they're all fine Andrea :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:48pm)
«Andrea Krause» ooooh big sale at guitar center this month...maybe it's time for me to get a case for my bass :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:48pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Andrea: OMG. I am *so* going to need to keep my part time job just to have that $100 coming in every week! :-) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:48pm)
«Eri» *wave* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:48pm)
«Joy- new picture!» Andrea: they were evacuated. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:48pm)
«Alderic» good good michael (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:48pm)
«Rob Balder» Not nice, Michael, but frequently necessary. :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:48pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» I should put on Thornhill right now. :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:48pm)
«Andrea Krause» I know they were OK when I left work, but I told them they'd better not get crushed by rubble in the meantime. Making sure they obey me :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:48pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» a bass cass, as it were? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:48pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» "Now do my BIDDING!" (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:49pm)
«Rob Balder» Well Norg hasn't appeared since he was evacuated from his building. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:49pm)
«Andrea Krause» no michael. no. shush. :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:49pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Being trapped in a room with a corporte trainer makes me slap-happy. <slap> (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:50pm)
«Squee» /me pounces the leopardkitty * (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:50pm)
«Alderic» whhhaaat? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:50pm)
«iPauley» tanya: "Look at the clouds"? :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:50pm)
«iPauley» hi eri! *huggle* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:50pm)
«Rob Balder» I'm pretty sure I would have evacuated if I had been in that quake. My bowels, I mean. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:50pm)
«Andrea Krause» evacuation? whut? were there aftershocks, or structural concerns or something?? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:50pm)
«Andrea Krause» (took their sweet time evacuating them!) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:50pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Rob: You mean he doesn't have the Netscrape HeadBrowser installed yet?! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:50pm)
«Joy- new picture!» Andrea: I don't think so. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:50pm)
«Rob Balder» No, he said it was a precaution and that he'd log in from home. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:50pm)
«Alderic» 7.0 earthquake (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:50pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» pauley! yeah!!!! how did you know? :) earth shaking is a theme today methinks. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:51pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» kinda misses quirky mondo (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:51pm)
«iPauley» elfy: I'm just smart :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:51pm)
«jaye» *yawn* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:51pm)
«Rob Balder» Michael the day that cerebral jack becomes available I am signing up. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:51pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Andrea: I think it's just SOP to evacuate after they've determined that the building won't collapse from, say, ALL THE EMPLOYEED USING THE STAIRS AT ONCE (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:52pm)
«Andrea Krause» jaci! you still uncrushed?? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:52pm)
«Joy- new picture!» jaci! *HUGS* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:52pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Rob: Get it in a package with the Mark of the Beast�. It saves on installation cost. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:52pm)
«Joy- new picture!» Did you eat? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:52pm)
«jaye» yeah. and am i not getting email anymore or am i just unloved? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:52pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Hey, Jaci. Is it like Planet of the Apes? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:52pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» *gives jaci a huge "thank fruness you are okay" Snugglehug * (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:52pm)
«jaye» i ate, yes. and now i have choklit, so all is good =) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:52pm)
«Andrea Krause» well I'm home now so I haven't emailed in a long long while :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:52pm)
«iPauley» /me waves to the shy erica :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:53pm)
«Joy- new picture!» ok. And you're uncrushed. *sighofrelief* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:53pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» PAULEY:* SNUGGLES* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:53pm)
«jaye» michael - if only it was that interesting =) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:53pm)
«jaye» ah, okie. i seem to have lost lily, too, so i wondered =) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:54pm)
«iPauley» yah, there ya go, erica :) *schnugglesandhuggles* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:54pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» also uncrushed here in coquitlam! I got to "duck and cover" because I was in a grade one classroom at the time! :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:54pm)
«Joy- new picture!» I'm off, dear ones. Take care!!! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:54pm)
«Eri» *hugs jaci* oh good, the pretty one is okay. :o) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:54pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» yay pauley! put me on the list now,please!! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:55pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» bye jaci*hugs* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:55pm)
«Eri» hehe, the computer is sucking now. Going to go rot my brain with some TV. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:55pm)
«iPauley» done :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:55pm)
«jaye» i hope all is well with my mom - she's at an elementary school. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:56pm)
«jaye» bye joy =) *hugs* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:56pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» jaci, lots of the schools are cancelling classes. i was watching komo and there's news updates scrolling across the screen (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:56pm)
«Andrea Krause» bass is on sale for cheaper than I bought it. :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:56pm)
«Andrea Krause» I'm hongry (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:59pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» /me keeps reading that like the fish. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:59pm)
«Andrea Krause» you must be hongry too :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:02pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» No, actually, not at all. Taco Bell *seemed* like a good idea for lunch today... (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:06pm)
«Andrea Krause» It's sad to say...but I'd kill for some taco bell :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:07pm)
«Misch» what about all your base? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:07pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» FruHead Radio - winamp to (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:08pm)
«iPauley» hey guys: Winamp this: (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:08pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» it's the show from which the Kasparkov vs. Deep Blue segment is taken (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:09pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Andrea: You can have mine. :-) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:10pm)
«iPauley» *pings the wall* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:17pm)
«Andrea Krause» /me giggles at tara (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:27pm)
«iPauley» tara? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:27pm)
«iPauley» I'm gonna go chill out in the back room, and read or something. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:31pm)
«Andrea Krause» /me points at miss jaclyn dahlvang out there (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:31pm)
«iPauley» I've spent a lot of time on my butt in front of the keyboard and this wall, I need to do something different for a little change. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:31pm)
«Andrea Krause» ciao pauley (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:31pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» what about fruheadradio ?? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:31pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» what about fruheadradio ?? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:31pm)
«jaye» wha?? whadido? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:32pm)
«iPauley» hehehe I've got it bookmarked, I'll find it again later. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:32pm)
«iPauley» jaci: WinAmp to (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:32pm)
«jaye» pauley - no audio at werk. i'm rocking out to mix mds instead (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:33pm)
«iPauley» okey. save it for home, then :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:33pm)
«iPauley» I've got a Tom Clancy book I've not touched in over a month that's begging for attention. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:34pm)
«iPauley» bye folks! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:35pm)
«iPauley» *shimmersparkledissovlefadawayp�f* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:36pm)
«Andrea Krause» the nields nook is an infuriating place. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:38pm)
«jaye» yeah, i've been deleting a lot of digests of late basically unread *shrug* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:40pm)
«Andrea Krause» every day's a flame war. sigh. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:41pm)
«ellen» Jaci!!! how are things out there? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:43pm)
«I had Matt Spare's baby!» I'm glad I never signed up for that :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:45pm)
«jaye» ellen! we're doing fine. lucky george got to go home, but our building's still open (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:45pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» safe. west fruheads are safe (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:45pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» safe. west fruheads are safe (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:45pm)
«jaye» hiya shannon =) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:45pm)
«Andrea Krause» jaci's done some shake n' bake today :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:45pm)
«ellen» *yay!* you guys are the only people I knew out there, but of course I was a bit worried :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:46pm)
«I had Matt Spare's baby!» *waves* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:46pm)
«Andrea Krause» heheh shannon be thankful indeed...:) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 5:46pm)

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