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«Sally M Block» /me doesn't have poor circulation (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:23pm)
«iPauley» yay, everyone's fine (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:23pm)
«Heatseeker Tyco» although Eri hates my cold hands... (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:23pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Hey, y'all. *now* I'm diverse. :-) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:23pm)
«iPauley» norg left for a safety inspection evacuation of his building, he'll be back later (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:23pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» *gives jaci a HUGE thank-Fruness-you're-okay HUG!! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:23pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» *gives jaci a HUGE thank-Fruness-you're-okay HUG!! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:23pm)
«iPauley» SALLY! Come join the SnugglePile! :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:23pm)
«Heatseeker Tyco» Norgs Fine Tanya. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:23pm)
«Shawna login infrequent» hee :) tyco, i understand...boys nevy want to hold my hand cuz their cold (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:23pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» "Di longer you verk here, diverse it gets." (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:24pm)
«Shawna login infrequent» why is everyone maybe not okay? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:24pm)
«Shawna login infrequent» what did i miss? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:24pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» umm...why *wouldn't* Jaci be okay? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:24pm)
«iPauley» Shawna: 6.8-magnitude earthquake in seattle (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:24pm)
«Shawna login infrequent» ah.....this is where the earthquake talk came from (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:25pm)
«Heatseeker Tyco» Weel I can hold you hand Shawna! Together in freezingness! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:25pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» thanks, tyco. I figured the wall would know. :) (sigh of relief) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:25pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» thanks, tyco. I figured the wall would know. :) (sigh of relief) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:25pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» i am listening to a news radio show - they say 7.0 magnitude (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:25pm)
«iPauley» George and Renita both said "Earthquake" at about the same time, and I scrambled for CNN. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:26pm)
«iPauley» tanya: USGS just revised that back dwon to 6.8 (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:26pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» you know what is sad? some people, rather than listening to radio or logging onto CNN - they fricking call 911 !!!! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:26pm)
«Shawna login infrequent» whoa...what's the damage? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:26pm)
«Shawna login infrequent» calling 911? How would that help? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:27pm)
«Heatseeker Tyco» some people are morons... (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:27pm)
«Heatseeker Tyco» actually a -lot- of people are morons. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:27pm)
«iPauley» 19 injuries have been reported, 4 still in serious condition... (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:27pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» well, In olympia, the capitol building's dome has a crack in it. (i know, 911 is not for information. If *I* worked 911, i would chew them out) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:27pm)
«Shawna login infrequent» tyco: yes...true (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:28pm)
«Shawna login infrequent» is everyone alive though? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:28pm)
«iPauley» no deaths reported (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:28pm)
«Shawna login infrequent» far so good then. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:29pm)
«Heatseeker Tyco» and present company excluded, They all tend to be American. 7 hours a day I talk to moron after moron... calling the states... (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:29pm)
«Heatseeker Tyco» yay for not being dead! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:29pm)
«Shawna login infrequent» Being an O Canada girl, I don't know a lot about the direct effects of earthquakes...(how bad damage is, etc.) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:29pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» i don't consider American Fruheads to be among the typical americans.. those 'typical' american's don't have the excellent taste required of a fruhead (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:30pm)
«Shawna login infrequent» /me has stopped eating and now can use both hands and make less spelling mistakes :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:30pm)
«Heatseeker Tyco» If I don't jump in the shower now, I'm gonna be late for rehearsal.. so talk to all you my loves later... must go get nekkid.. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:31pm)
«iPauley» on behalf of american fruheads, thanks tanya :) *huggles* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:31pm)
«Shawna login infrequent» See you Tyco...rehearse your ass off :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:31pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» you're WELCOME, pauley! **snugglehug** (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:31pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» you're WELCOME, pauley! **snugglehug** (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:31pm)
«Heatseeker Tyco» but Shawna, I -like- my ass... (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:32pm)
«Shawna login infrequent» eh ben...just shower it then :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:32pm)
«Heatseeker Tyco» Agred, Tanya. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:32pm)
«Rob Balder» I got chewed out for inciting a Wall riot for suggesting that we Americans are pretty low-class people. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:32pm)
«iPauley» I love snugglehugs :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:32pm)
«Rob Balder» Not really suggesting, more like declaring, but still. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:33pm)
«Heatseeker Tyco» will do! hugs to everyone, even Pauley if I can find him at the bottom of this pile of girls... 8) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:33pm)
«iPauley» hee hee thanks tyco :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:34pm)
«Shawna login infrequent» hee... I didn't get chewed out for stating we Canadians are cold :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:34pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» low-class people, combined with low common sense and low taste (ie, no fruvous) = typical "American" (though I know of some canadians like that) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:34pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» low-class people, combined with low common sense and low taste (ie, no fruvous) = typical "American" (though I know of some canadians like that) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:34pm)
«Heatseeker Tyco» *runs away* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:35pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» i am going to check the news for some live coverage about the people trapped in the space needle (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:35pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» i am going to check the news for some live coverage about the people trapped in the space needle (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:35pm)
«Shawna login infrequent» I think it's time for me to run off too! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:37pm)
«Shawna login infrequent» Baises to all (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:37pm)
«iPauley» ok, see ya later, shawna! :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:37pm)
«Alderic» boo (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:39pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Oh my. I hope The Real World house is okay, ;-) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:40pm)
«iPauley» oh, lordie, michael :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:40pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» fruit and sammiches from a meeting. :-) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:40pm)
«iPauley» hi doug :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:40pm)
«Alderic» heeey (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:41pm)
«Rob Balder» That was my first thought too, Michael. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:41pm)
«Rob Balder» NAHHHT! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:41pm)
«Squee» Free food = good. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:41pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» by the by, where *does* one procure raspberries in the end of March?! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:41pm)
«Rob Balder» The rule is, it doesn't have to be good to get eaten at the office, it just hast to be free. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:42pm)
«iPauley» /me tries to tug squee over to the SnugglePile :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:42pm)
«Rob Balder» Fresh Fields has em. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:42pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Squee: Heh... haven't been a real employee for long enough for the free-food-detector to turn off. :-) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:42pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Rob: Heh. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:42pm)
«Rob Balder» You could bring in a plate of bread crusts around here and they'd get demolished. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:42pm)
«Andrea Krause» ok I'm dumb...I now realize this IS a pay week. For some reason I was thinking last week was the con and I know I got paid while in Toronto. :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:42pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Rob: Aha. I see you are familiar with the ways of The Temp. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:43pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Rob: So I should bring something else to make a path home? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:43pm)
«Rob Balder» I was one until Monday. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:43pm)
«Squee» Heh... There *is* an advantage to working in a restaurant. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:44pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» My sister is silly. Do you get paid on the 15th and the last of the month, Andrea? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:44pm)
«Rob Balder» Yeah use post-its. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:44pm)
«iPauley» Squee: or a convenience store! :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:44pm)
«Alderic» he victoria (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:44pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» congrats, Rob! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:44pm)
«Alderic» hey* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:44pm)
«Andrea Krause» it's not as easy as that's every other week. :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:45pm)
«Andrea Krause» So I was just dumb thinking I got paid last week and thus would not this week...but I lost a week in there. :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:45pm)
«iPauley» bi-weekly here, too -- I get paid on friday. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:45pm)
«Alderic» mm tapioca (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:45pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I actually prefer every other week...that makes two months a year have an extra payday...although my checks are bigger this way. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:46pm)
«Squee» It's that Doug guy! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:46pm)
«Rob Balder» Thx Michael. I drove a hard bargain to get hired but they finally caved. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:46pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I'm *really* going to miss beign paid every week. One of the very few things I'll miss of temping. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:46pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» hey, Doug. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:46pm)
«Andrea Krause» I'm just happy I get paid. :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:46pm)
«Alderic» hey michael, sup stud? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:47pm)
«Andrea Krause» I think george gets paid once a month, and that I could just not deal with. I'm not that good at rationing. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 4:47pm)

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