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«That Elly Chick» What is FRFF? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:06pm)
«~Kim~» I wonder if Fruvous is gonna be at FRFF this year (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:06pm)
«iPauley» Falcon Ridge Folk Festival (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:06pm)
«Rob Balder» Good question. I hope so. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:06pm)
«renita» Elly - d'oh! too bad! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:06pm)
«That Elly Chick» No, London Ontario! You guys all come here and visit me! *lol* Selfish little b*tch that I am! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:06pm)
«~Kim~» Falcon Ridge Folk Festival (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:06pm)
«J. Andrew World» Falcon Ridge Folk Festival with the PAPERBOYS!!!!!! aand NIELDS!!!!!! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:06pm)
«J. Andrew World» I think Dar will be there too! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:06pm)
«~Kim~» I LOVE the Paperboys! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:07pm)
«That Elly Chick» Oh.........okay......... (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:07pm)
«iPauley» Elly: if you've heard "Beware The Killer Tents" on the C album, that was written for FRFF '99. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:07pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» glad Seattle is still standing.. would be a bummer of a visit otherwise! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:08pm)
«Squee» I wanna go Falcon Ridge!!! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:08pm)
«~Kim~» welp im outta here folks! *hugs* ttyl (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:08pm)
«renita» heehee -that's very true JillMom :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:08pm)
«iPauley» bye kim! *huggles* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:08pm)
«That Elly Chick» The truth comes out....Elly has never seen Fruvous live, and has never heard the C album. *hangs head in shame* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:08pm)
«J. Andrew World» Susan Werner, The Nields, The Paperboys, Jimmy LaFave, Lucy Kaplansky, Eddie from Ohio, and Dar Williams (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:08pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» FRFF is THE place to go this summer! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:08pm)
«renita» hey, does anyone know where the center of the quake was? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:08pm)
«George E. Nowik» jill - er yeah, it would be rather a shame if you were touring a dead city. (: (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:09pm)
«renita» *hugs* for JillMom! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:09pm)
«iPauley» Renita: no report yet (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:09pm)
«~Kim~» Hi Jill! Bye Jill! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:09pm)
«George E. Nowik» renita - we're listening to news reports and trying to find out. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:09pm)
«Squee» Renita; I ate it. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:09pm)
«J. Andrew World» Jey Hill! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:09pm)
«George E. Nowik» all of the local web news sites are bottlenecked right now (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:09pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» hi, Kim! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:09pm)
«J. Andrew World» Hey Jill! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:09pm)
«iPauley» /me tugs squee over to the SnugglePile (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:09pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» Andy, Baby! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:09pm)
«J. Andrew World» I have to go to work guys! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:10pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Renita, where would you suggest Jill ,Kat, Julius get a hotel in the Vancouver area? Coquitlam? Langley? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:10pm)
«iPauley» bye andy! have a good day! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:10pm)
«J. Andrew World» /me hugs the women and grimace at the men* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:10pm)
«renita» *hugs* bye Andy! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:10pm)
«That Elly Chick» N e one heard Eminem's new song called "Ballad"? *giggles* It TOTALLY does not sound like Eminem type stuff! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:10pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» I am at work.. may have to disconnect quickly if the "wrong" people come by.. hate when that happens! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:10pm)
«That Elly Chick» ANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs&kisses&snuggles* I'll miss you! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:11pm)
«renita» I would suggest right sowntown.. it's easy enough for us to get out there to see them... (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:11pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» Elly, I have heard it and its ok.. not at all like the rappy stuff (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:11pm)
«renita» and at the same time they'll be right in the middle of things as it were so they can do stuff when we're not around... (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:11pm)
«iPauley» CNN is retransmitting KIRO coverage from Seattle. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:12pm)
«renita» without having to navigate highway 1 too much... (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:12pm)
«renita» jillmom.. what do you think? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:12pm)
«iPauley» ...KING, too. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:12pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» Renita, just any area downtown? I have ze AAA book! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:12pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Renita, makes sense, I just don't know of any places downtown (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:13pm)
«That Elly Chick» Jill: I laugh at the background girls! They are funny! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:13pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» sounds like a good idea. I will make reservations tomorrow and tell you where in Seattle and Vancouver (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:13pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» we have NO all video channels here (rats!) so I would love to see that video (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:14pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Jill, what days/nights are you planning on being in Vancouver? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:15pm)
«renita» JillMom - pretty much - when you come up with a few names - why don't you frum them to me - and I'll help you pick out some of the better locations? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:15pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» The BNL concert is Wednesday night, not thursday btw (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:15pm)
«iPauley» EPICENTER: 30 Miles SW of Seattle (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:15pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» Wed nite and Thurs nites in Vancouver (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:15pm)
«iPauley» looks like in the Puget Sound. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:16pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» Renita, I will do that from home a bit later today.. then hit AAA after work Thursday (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:16pm)
«George E. Nowik» mike - epicenter was 10 miles south of olympia is what we're hearing, btw. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:16pm)
«iPauley» Salt Lake City felt it (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:16pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» Mike, yeah, I finally got it right.... (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:16pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» kewl (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:16pm)
«renita» sounds perfect Jillmom :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:16pm)
«renita» WOW - so that's why it was milder here then... (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:17pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» I shouldn't be here, have a big deadline in 3 hours :D (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:17pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» Did I miss all the fun of an earthquake? I have only fely a very small one (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:18pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» So, I shall /away again , back after hopefully :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:18pm)
«renita» Oh - I know what I can do - I can visit with you guys - maybe dinner or something - on Thursday before I head to the airport and fly out! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:18pm)
«renita» bye Mike! good luck! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:18pm)
«George E. Nowik» good luck mike! take care (: (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:18pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» Renita, that will be good. We have all but Wed nite open! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:18pm)
«iPauley» According to finger [email protected] it was a 4.7 11.3 Miles NE of Olympia, WA at a depth of 30 miles. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:19pm)
«iPauley» sounds "notright" though... (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:19pm)
«renita» Jillmom - does Julius have any plans for while you and Kat are at the show? (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:20pm)
«iPauley» numbers are different from everything else I've heard (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:20pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» I need to get a job finished... talk later about the trip, and Renita I will message you early tonight.. bye all (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:21pm)
«George E. Nowik» take care jill *hugs* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:21pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» Renita, Julius has no plans, so he is available.. and a good conversationalist! (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:22pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» a real bye to all..xxxoooxxx (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:23pm)
«iPauley» I guess the numbers I just put up are a preliminary computer report. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:23pm)
«renita» bye Mom! *hugs* (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:23pm)
«iPauley» bye jillmom :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:23pm)
«iPauley» 10,000 customers w/o power in seattle (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:24pm)
«renita» wow. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:25pm)
«iPauley» I think the guy said that it was repeaters on the powerlines that went out. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:25pm)
«iPauley» yah, this is a guy from Seattle City Light talking on CNN. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:26pm)
«George E. Nowik» i've got a friend who works as IS in a prison right by the epicenter. she said all the prisoners were whooping it up (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:26pm)
«iPauley» scattered damage, but still no reports of any injuries. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:27pm)
«iPauley» heehee I'm not surprised, norg :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:27pm)
«George E. Nowik» yeah, no injuries so far. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:27pm)
«iPauley» now they're showing a video of a microsoft teaching seminar that was interupted, and bill gates leaving the stage :) (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:29pm)
«George E. Nowik» hehehe (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:29pm)
«iPauley» now reported as 6.4 (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:30pm)
«Misch» phooey... nothing fell on him (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:31pm)
«Andrea Krause» /me is very very thankful her leftcoasters are OK. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:31pm)
«George E. Nowik» "Hey, this feels like an earthquake." "Really? Cool!" "NOT Cool! Get outta here!" -- conversation heard at work just a bit ago . (: (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:31pm)
«iPauley» report from soneone at a tsunami warning center: aftershocks are a definite possibility, but, of course, they'll be significantly smaller. (Feb 28, 2001 @ 2:32pm)

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