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«Shelly» too many people that i dinna get to see *pouts* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:24pm)
«betsy =)» sure jill!!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:24pm)
«iPauley» shells: I was there and I still missed a buttload of people. :( (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:25pm)
«mindy» sorry bout grabbing your ass there =+)... yeah I got the message but i couldnt go... I was flying to VA the next day and Have no money... (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:25pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» Pauley!!!!!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:25pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» renita!!!!!!!!!!!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:25pm)
«iPauley» Barb!!!!!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:25pm)
«George E. Nowik» mindy - doh! oh well. we missed you (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:25pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» how are Ya pauley?? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:26pm)
«mindy» how was the show? by the by, hows your butt =+)? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:26pm)
«iPauley» not bad, barb, you? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:26pm)
«Shelly» renita??? WHERE???? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:26pm)
«George E. Nowik» mindy - the show was incredible, and my hindquarter has recovered mostly. (: (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:26pm)
«Eri» alright,, now that I'm clothed, time to head up for dinner and then rehearsal. *nods!* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:27pm)
«iPauley» shells: I just looked -- logged out. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:27pm)
«mindy» what about the rest of ya *nudge nudge* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:27pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» Tired I just got back from a pancake supper at church (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:27pm)
«Jill KatFan#1 Josupeit» Bye, Eri, I'll check out the Pics... thanks (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:27pm)
«iPauley» you mean you weren't clothed before? *faints* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:27pm)
«mindy» i heard tory has new songs (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:27pm)
«George E. Nowik» mindy - he does. good stuff, too. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:28pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» Pauley can I be part of the snugglwe pile. *snuggle* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:28pm)
«George E. Nowik» mindy -i'd never seen him with the band before. it blew my mind. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:29pm)
«iPauley» well, you just snuggled, so yes :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:29pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» Norge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:29pm)
«George E. Nowik» barb! (: (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:29pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» Yippi skippy *snuggles pauley some more* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:29pm)
«Lisa SnuggleQueen» so many frum's! i feel so popular. wierd. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:29pm)
«mindy» so, does this mean I won't see you again for a year? Yeah. Tory rox... and Im supposed to show him apic of my sis now... they sang together in high school (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:30pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» lisa *huggles* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:30pm)
«Shelly» lol---somewhere out west in canada---lol kat! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:30pm)
«Eri» Pauley, I wasn't a NekkidEri, I was a PyjamaEri. *grin* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:30pm)
«George E. Nowik» mindy - that depends on if you ever trek out west or not. (: (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:30pm)
«George E. Nowik» mindy - hang out more next year, i miss ya (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:30pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» eri bye have fun at rehersal. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:30pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» shells!!!! you rock!! im listening too! how fun is this?! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:31pm)
«Lisa SnuggleQueen» mmmm...huggles... (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:31pm)
«Shelly» heh--now ya see why we faithful KatFans all gather here on a tuesday night... (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:31pm)
«George E. Nowik» /me can't even hear the show koz is mother called half an hour ago to get him to walk her through word documents. *chuckle* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:31pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» pauley...whats the "pilecount" as of now? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:31pm)
«Shelly» /me thought about re-institutung her KatFan status this week...yup yup... (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:32pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» yay!! *hugs the shells* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:32pm)
«mindy» i will, i will... they younger girl I was with was bitching and wanted to go home =+(.... I'll have to go into someones bag to afford a trip west (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:32pm)
«iPauley» sus: looks like 8 :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:32pm)
«Shelly» norg-aren't you DAt ing it??? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:32pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» hmm....* is my fave number so that is GOOD!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:33pm)
«Eri» /me has still never heard eclectic cafe. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:33pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» im hearing it eri love!! im excited! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:33pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» lisa you rock my world (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:34pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» you doing today dear? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:35pm)
«Lisa SnuggleQueen» much better. thanks for asking. 8) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:36pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» thats good. I am glad that your are feeling better. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:36pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» just wanted you to know someone was thinking about you...cause i was (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:37pm)
«Shelly» lil sis---sacriledge!!! i must tape an old copy for you!!!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:37pm)
«Lisa SnuggleQueen» *snuggles* thank you. i truly appreciate it. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:37pm)
«iPauley» we're all thinking bout'cha, lis :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:37pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» my sunggles are your sunggles. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:38pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» *hug* its what friends do sweetie (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:38pm)
«George E. Nowik» shelly - yeah i'm datting the show. i think renita wants a copy. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:38pm)
«Shelly» heh-i -still- always laugh at that 'one order of fries and a cheeseburger'...sillynorg :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:38pm)
«Lisa SnuggleQueen» awww! me feels warm fuzzies! love you guys! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:38pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» hee! read that as "dating" the show (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:38pm)
«George E. Nowik» mmm no, already had a date with the show. (: (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:39pm)
«Shelly» heh--even norg isn't -that- desperate :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:39pm)
«Eri» shells! really, a copy for me? *dance* you rock my WORLD! ;oP (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:39pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» lisa I miss ya (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:39pm)
«Eri» okay... now I really -am- going to eat and get to rehearsal. :o) See y' (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:40pm)
«George E. Nowik» mmm. seattle and sailboats. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:40pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» bye eri (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:40pm)
«George E. Nowik» later eri! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:40pm)
«Eri» all later, much love from the eri! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:40pm)
«Shelly» lil one--i have the marathon um...somewhere....and i have another one from last year that kat sent me..lemme look (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:41pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» i like the connection of listening to something with y' makes me feel more connected to you (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:41pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» be awesome at rehearsal (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:41pm)
«George E. Nowik» oh my GOD! SHELLY. GO. TO. THAT. SHOW (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:41pm)
«Shelly» heh--you'd think that the kat were headin out to silly seattle or summthin...*grin* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:41pm)
«George E. Nowik» i just saw the featured quartete (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:41pm)
«Shelly» norg--W H Y??????? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:41pm)
«George E. Nowik» A C O U S T I X (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:41pm)
«Shelly» OMG!!!!!!!!!!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:42pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» :op..blah blah blah (they are "oxless"!!) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:43pm)
«George E. Nowik» they will blow your mind live. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:43pm)
«Eri» mmm.. *puts on acoustix CD* ~*sparkleout*~ (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:43pm)
«Shelly» /me does a -serious- mini freakout jumpy dance!!!!!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:43pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» woo hoo!!! love BNL!!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:43pm)
«Shelly» heh-i have heard so few of them on CD as well..ooooooooh!!! i can get acoustix cd's--YAYEEEE!!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:44pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» I am on the pauley sunggle list (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:45pm)
«iPauley» yep :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:45pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» sorry...didnt mean to discourage the novice bshop lovers!! sorry...just not the accoustix to me anymore without the just too loyal to my bud (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:45pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» I feel so loved (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:45pm)
«George E. Nowik» susie - (: it's all about the music for most everyone. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:45pm)
«Lisa SnuggleQueen» me has to run too, but i'll be back. dad's just waiting for a call, so as soon as he get's it, i'll be here! laters! *snuggles all around* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:46pm)
«Shelly» /me seriously canna -believe- that she will get to see acoustix anyhoo!!!! well, that seals my plans for st paddy's day!!! :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:46pm)
«George E. Nowik» *hugS* bye lisa. (: (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:46pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» too...thats prolly the biggest part of my problem with them (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:46pm)
«Obiwan Piscobi» bye lisa (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:46pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» KIB!!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:46pm)
«Shelly» heh-i should take my 'george fan' with me--lol (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:46pm)
«George E. Nowik» susie - not everyone has the same background that you and i do. (: (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:47pm)

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