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«George E. Nowik» sis!!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:05pm)
«George E. Nowik» i get to see mike for too often for mike's liking, yes. (: (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:05pm)
«Andrea Krause» I wanna see mike more :( (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:06pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» no cleanliness is next to no goodliness :D (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:06pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» allo clementine :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:06pm)
«Frances Fox» hey, I'd like to be able to at least SEE you guys, even if only once! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:06pm)
«George E. Nowik» come on over. (: (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:07pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» George is my favourite US Post Office Box :D (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:07pm)
«Andrea Krause» (in fact, I'd like to see more Mike...*rowr*) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:07pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Andrea, Seatltle. To. Move. , now rearrange the puzzle pieces ;) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:07pm)
«Frances Fox» no can do at teh mo- dad's in ospital & I'm the main family carer! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:07pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» erm, I mean, Seattle :D (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:08pm)
«Frances Fox» one day tho, when I'm rich & parents are taken care of, I'll be free to travel whereever i want (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:08pm)
«George E. Nowik» awesome. we'll still be here. (: (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:08pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Frances, there is another Fruhead that stops by here from your side of the ocean :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:09pm)
«Frances Fox» which one? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:09pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Emilie , I think :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:09pm)
«George E. Nowik» richard butterworth as well. amy schraeder spent a lot of time there, and katie leahy was just there this last weekend (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:10pm)
«iPauley» Emilie the BritishFru :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:10pm)
«Frances Fox» Oh yes- I've been chatting to her recently- (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:10pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» is the one I was thinking of :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:10pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» I don't think I've ever seen Richard on FHDC :/ (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:11pm)
«Andrea Krause» Richard Chaplin as well, right? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:11pm)
«Frances Fox» don't know RB or AS but have heard of K how come she was here for a weekend? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:11pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» She's studying abroad, and making the most of her time :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:14pm)
«Frances Fox» good for her! That's the neat thing about this part of the world- so many countries so close together (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:15pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» One day I'll do the european touring thing :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:16pm)
«Frances Fox» You mean the "oh it's Tuesday so this must be germany" type thing???? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:16pm)
«nitsita» Miket - lemme know when, I'll go with you if you'll let me :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:16pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Frances, well, hopefully I'll be able to spend a bit more time than just a day in each place ;) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:17pm)
«Frances Fox» Or teh "lets buy a rail pass & spend a few weeks in each country" type thing? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:17pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» nitsa, no problem :) but it won't be anytime soon I'm afraid :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:17pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Frances, probably somewhere in the middle of those two scenarios :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:18pm)
«Frances Fox» For God's sake (tho I don't usually invoke his name) pleaseeeeeee spend more than a few dys per country! ok? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:18pm)
«nitsita» Miket - thats ok :) I can't any time soon, anyway :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:18pm)
«Frances Fox» Best thing to do, find 'host' families- best way to get to know a place!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:19pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Frances, but, I like to wanderabout :) That's not good for host families :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:19pm)
«Frances Fox» If I have my own place by then you're welcome at my pad (but I may be working in Tibet by then!) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:20pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Wud, you confuse me each time I see your screen name :D (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:20pm)
«Frances Fox» Hey, you don't have to stya with ahost family the whole time- just stay at teh start, get to know the feel of the place, then wander, with their recommendations (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:20pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Frances, wow, you liked Tibet that much eh? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:21pm)
«Frances Fox» It's my spiritual home- I feel I belong there (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:21pm)
«Frances Fox» Nope! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:21pm)
«Frances Fox» It's cheap to stay there, but to travel- uhuh! teh Chinese Gov wants to restrict tourists so much that they make it incredibly expensive to go anywhere. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:22pm)
«Frances Fox» Why are u confused when u see my screen name? or was that dirrected to someone else? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:23pm)
«Frances Fox» I'll come visit u in prison!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:23pm)
«Frances Fox» My 2 and 1/2 weeks there cost around $2000 (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:24pm)
«Frances Fox» not yet- haven't hd much time to work out how to use my new scanner. when dad's out of hospital I'll have more time- be patient! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:25pm)
«Frances Fox» REally? Just Tibet or Asia? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:26pm)
«Frances Fox» And if thre's anything u need to know- just ask- I'm writing a book about it (& I wrote my MA thesis on teh subject of Tibet too, so I know a fair amount!) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:27pm)
«Frances Fox» Only if u go to Dharamsala (India), when he's there, at a time when he's holding his monthly welcome. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:29pm)
«Frances Fox» Or u can contact his office & try to book an appointment with him (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:30pm)
«Frances Fox» So yes- it's possible. I got to shake his hand back in '95 (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:30pm)
«Frances Fox» I wonder how much time he has to do that these days. I kow he used to do that a lot when he wa younger. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:31pm)
«Frances Fox» Hofstra University, NY (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:32pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Frances, no, Mike Wood's screen name confuses me, too much like mine :D (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:33pm)
«George E. Nowik» who are you anyway? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:33pm)
«Frances Fox» uh oh- I'm seeing double!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:34pm)
«George E. Nowik» it's the mike collective. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:34pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Mike Wood isn't content with having a Michael Wood on FHDC, he needed to have a second doppleganger :D (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:34pm)
«iPauley» HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:35pm)
«Andrea Krause» can I take both mikes and be in a yoshioka sandwich? *grin* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:35pm)
«iPauley» *falls off chair laughing* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:36pm)
«Andrea Krause» *giggle* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:36pm)
«George E. Nowik» oh thats not RIGHT (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:36pm)
«iPauley» WHOA! low blow :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:36pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Hey, that works for me :D (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:37pm)
«George E. Nowik» hey, he's making fun of my dome. (: (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:37pm)
«George E. Nowik» i'm surprised he didn't do like George 3. Nowik or something. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:37pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Is there any blocks from two people having the same screen name? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:37pm)
«George E. Nowik» nope. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:38pm)
«Frances Fox» U guys are wearing me out- I'm off to bed- Night all! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:39pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» For the benefit of you future historians: Mike Wood was Mike "Yoshioka" Wood, and has now assumed the George F. Nowik identity (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:39pm)
«George E. Nowik» bye frances (: (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:39pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Whoa george, now that's just freakybad :D (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:39pm)
«George E. Nowik» It is! :D (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:39pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» G'nite Frances :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:40pm)
«iPauley» HAHAHAHA that episode was great! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 5:40pm)

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