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«Fr�Wench» *grin* Well, you got it half right . . . you're out of the house. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 9:53am)
«emilie is CRANKY» I'm sitting right next to the door... does that count as fresh air? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 9:54am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» /me is really, REALLY glad he doesn't drive to work. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 9:54am)
«emilie is CRANKY» :D (Feb 27, 2001 @ 9:54am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» they closed down Wacker Drive, one of the MAJOR thouroughfares in Chicago. It's a MESS. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 9:54am)
«emilie is CRANKY» my entire road has been closed off. pain in the ass (Feb 27, 2001 @ 9:55am)
«dave "buh"» hi all :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 9:59am)
«dave "buh"» is it just me or does fhdc randomly change fonts on you? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:01am)
«emilie is CRANKY» yep. but it depends which pooter i'm on (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:02am)
«dave "buh"» it happens to me just by resizing the window (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:03am)
«dave "buh"» weird. What's up Emilie? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:03am)
«Fr�Wench» Doesn't change for me. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:04am)
«dave "buh"» well you're just special:) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:05am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» OMG. The agency that got me into this job CLOSED DOWN. Heh. Guess I got out right in the nick of time! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:05am)
«dave "buh"» or maybe it's me who's special (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:05am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Dave: It occasionally changes them on me, but generally restores them with the next refresh. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:05am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» My contact at that agency just called me to ask if she could use me as a reference. Yeesh. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:06am)
«emilie is CRANKY» Dave: I have a cold/'viral infection' (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:14am)
«emilie is CRANKY» Bleh! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:15am)
«dave "buh"» yuck sorry to hear that emilie.. are you sure you weren't at Flucon last weekend? :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:18am)
«emilie is CRANKY» heehee. Lovely pun on words there. I'm so impressed :D (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:21am)
«dave "buh"» :) There's been a lot of sickness post-Con... i'm still okay, so far. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:22am)
«George E. Nowik» FruCon DeathFlu is as much a tradition as the con itself. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:22am)
«~Kim~» howdy (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:23am)
«emilie is CRANKY» I wasn't there, I'm afraid. It's a british thing. (God, I hate Britain!) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:24am)
«emilie is CRANKY» *still gutted at not having been at frucon* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:24am)
«dave "buh"» i can bring you some concert Cd's when i'm in London next month emilie (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:25am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I rather dig the UK from afar. :-) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:52am)
«dave "buh"» it's pretty cool, i've been there several times (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:53am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» y'all have cool accents, anyways. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:54am)
«dave "buh"» by the way happy mardi gras everyone :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 10:54am)
«jen» someone shoot me (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:19am)
«dave "buh"» aww *hug* jen (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:26am)
«jen» thanks dave :) yesterday i got sicker faster than a prom dress coming off (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:28am)
«jen» welp, im gonna go try and sleep again before the flames from my burning fever jump out and set the comp on fire... bye! : (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:32am)
«dave "buh"» whoa nice imagery there jen (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:33am)
«dave "buh"» the prom dress image was good too (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:33am)
«jen» :) fevers make me imaginative ... (or just delusional...) be back later! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:33am)
«Andrea Krause» *screams bloody murder* I just spilled french dressing all over my pant leg and brand new boots. grrr. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:42am)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» d'oh! is it easily cleanupable? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:43am)
«Andrea Krause» well...mostly...just need some water and stuffs...but there's some dressing in the lace holes which will be a bitch. :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:45am)
«George E. Nowik» q-tips (: (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:48am)
«Andrea Krause» I'm such a frickin clutz. Bah. :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:49am)
«Matt Spare» I don't like French dressing. And now I just have one more reason- it's tough to get out of boot-lace holes. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:50am)
«George E. Nowik» amen, brutha spare. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:51am)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» It's all about the pipe cleaners :D (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:53am)
«George E. Nowik» aww jeah (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:53am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Mike: I thought the hokey pokey is what it's all about. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:57am)
«Andrea Krause» matt stop being so adorable. :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 11:59am)
«That Elly Chick» I just drank 2 large cups of Starbucks coffee in 1 hour! :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:00pm)
«jaye» can i ask . .why? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:02pm)
«That Elly Chick» Why did I drink the coffee? Cuz it was GOOD and I was tired! :P Needed something to wake me up! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:03pm)
«jaye» heh. no . .why starbucks =) of course, i'm waiting for my coffee to kick in *yawn* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:05pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» tummy is rumbling. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:06pm)
«jaye» hiya michael =) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:06pm)
«dave "buh"» yeah i don't think you can drink starbucks and talk on the fruvous power wall at the same time :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:06pm)
«That Elly Chick» Starbucks cuz the lineup for Tim Hortons was WAY too long, and somehow the Timmy H's at school manages to destroy the coffee. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:07pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» hey, Jaci...what shakes? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:07pm)
«That Elly Chick» Dave: Why not? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:07pm)
«dave "buh"» because of Jian's anti starbucks stance :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:08pm)
«That Elly Chick» Oh. Well if it helps, it wasn't actually FROM starbucks, Olive Oyles in our school sells Starbucks. *shrugs* Makes me no nevermind! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:09pm)
«jaye» ah . .i understand about schools destroying coffee, though. i just don't like starbucks. not because of jian, but because i'm an opinionated seattleite =) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:10pm)
«That Elly Chick» Bee-sides, if Jian doesn't like it, that doesn't mean he hasta ruin it for the rest of us! :P (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:10pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski»'s funny how one feels so strongly about boycotting coffee. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:10pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» most donut shops per-capita, that Canada. Of course, that still means that the entire country has less of 'em than Chicago, but I digress... :-) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:10pm)
«dave "buh"» well, between the Au Bon Gross in my building and the Starbucks across the street I'll take starbucks (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:10pm)
«That Elly Chick» I put enough milk and sugar in it that it doesn't matter anyway! :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:11pm)
«dave "buh"» however, the best coffee is the "Dark Velvet" blend at Park Pastries in Hoboken NJ (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:11pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I try to not give my money to The Man wherever it's expedient to avoid it. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:11pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Au Bon Gross? Heh. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:12pm)
«That Elly Chick» Personally, I'm pro-coffee, but I'd rather get it from a Tim Hortons that knows how to make it, not the one in school where it tastes like @$$. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:12pm)
«Carmelita Cupcake» Hi, Dave. My biggest problem with Starsucks is the coffee is too bitter. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:12pm)
«dave "buh"» Hey Carmelita. :) That's why you need to get it with sugar -and- vanilla syrup. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:12pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Michael, the hokey pokey is what it's all about, but sometimes it has to share :D (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:13pm)
«dave "buh"» coffee & a cupcake, sounds like a good snack (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:13pm)
«That Elly Chick» That's why you fill the cup 3/4 of the way, the rest is milk and sugar. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:13pm)
«Carmelita Cupcake» Then its not coffee! Its dessert! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:13pm)
«That Elly Chick» Yeah, but it tastes better that way! :P (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:14pm)
«jaye» you shouldn't have to dilute it - not that much, anyway =) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:14pm)
«That Elly Chick» *ding ding ding* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:14pm)
«jaye» (but i do understand about school coffee - the coffee at seattle u could remove paint) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:15pm)
«dave "buh"» mmm dark velvet (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:15pm)
«Carmelita Cupcake» Who said it: "I like my coffee the way I like my men"??? its really a quote from a movie, I just can't rember which one. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:15pm)
«That Elly Chick» But it's Starbucks, you do. Tim Hortons you can get a double double and it tastes decent. Starbucks you need a quadruple quadruple to make it drinkable! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:15pm)
«dave "buh"» (oh so that's why the fonts change, it's the style sheet which sometimes doesn't load...) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:16pm)
«That Elly Chick» The Beastie Boys said "I like my sugar with coffee and cream" (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:16pm)
«That Elly Chick» Which is how I like mine....... (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:16pm)
«Carmelita Cupcake» see, Dave, I told you you were a nerd. I thought only graphic designers knew about style sheets..... (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:17pm)
«dave "buh"» I use one on my web site too, Carmelita :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:19pm)
«Carmelita Cupcake» so, does it ever get exciting on the wall or is it more of a "gee work sucks and I don't want to do it anymore" type of thing? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:19pm)
«dave "buh"» i wish i knew how to use them better though (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:19pm)
«dave "buh"» depends on what you consider exciting ;-) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:20pm)
«That Elly Chick» Questions? Contact Josh Woodward. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:20pm)
«Carmelita Cupcake» *decides to go to usability training, instead* Bye all. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:20pm)
«That Elly Chick» /me waves at Josh on her Recent Users list. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:20pm)
«dave "buh"» oh! carmelita! i didn't realize it was you! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:20pm)
«That Elly Chick» *waves bu-bye to Carmelita* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:21pm)
«Carmelita Cupcake» 'twas me. I've made my mark. Good deed done for the day. da svidanya (doesn't translate well from cyrillic) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:22pm)
«dave "buh"» i was wondering how she knew i was a nerd. heh. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 12:23pm)

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