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«iPauley» *waves to tyco* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:54am)
«Eri» Shells, pauley is SO cool IRL. :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:54am)
«iPauley» *blushes* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:55am)
«Shelly» tyco!!!! long time, no see chico (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:55am)
«iPauley» speaking of blushes, has anyone on AIM noticed that there's no bluching smile, only a blushing frown? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:55am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» yeah Shell, haven't hung out round the wall in a while... hey Pauley.... (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:56am)
«Eri» yes! DAMMIT, i want a blushing smile! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:56am)
«Shelly» do you have 6.0 pauley? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:56am)
«iPauley» yah -- shawna keeps frowning at me, and I know for a fact that she's not frowning at me! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:56am)
«iPauley» shells: I'm on AIM, not AOL. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:57am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» I actaully was fooling around with it erlier this week seeing if there wsa a way I could open the icon in a graphics imaging progrmam and alter them then re-sav (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:57am)
«Shelly» nor have i, really....dead puter...attemptat a life....etc.. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:57am)
«Shelly» ahhhhhhhhhh..i have aol but 5.0 doesn't do cute lil grafix (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:57am)
«iPauley» ahh. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:57am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» Tyco's D.I.Y. typos fixing! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:57am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» I make em, you trym to figure out what the hell I meant! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:58am)
«Eri» *giggle* it's SO the keyboard. ;) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:58am)
«Shelly» lol (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:58am)
«iPauley» how's that eri? did you spill some root beer in there? :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:58am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» there are a couple other keyboards in the apartment that I'm gonna try out soon. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:59am)
«Eri» not my keyboard, Tyco's. I hate it! :oP (Feb 27, 2001 @ 1:59am)
«Shelly» tyco--s'ok..this is how we create new words..i myself tonight created a new word this evening (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:00am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» maybe you spiled some rootbeer in my keyboard while you were -using- it? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:00am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» /me eyes eri suspiciously... (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:00am)
«Eri» no.... My rootbeer is still in the bottle, waiting to be shared with you. *sweet smile* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:00am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» wuzzat Shells? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:00am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» hey yeah! i wanna have the IBC experience! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:01am)
«Shelly» 'showul' it is..... (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:01am)
«Lux Fruthor» /me has an extra keyboard for Hire (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:01am)
«Shelly» /me *bows* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:01am)
«iPauley» /me has an extra keyboard or two -- dad stole one from work :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:01am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» um... showul means what? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:01am)
«Shelly» /me notes that she soon needeth to send more IBC to canad-ia...*nods* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:02am)
«Lux Fruthor» it's where the Jazz Singer was Cantor. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:02am)
«Eri» Shells, I still have a bottle left!!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:02am)
«iPauley» they bought computers from dell that they put into rack mount systems, but they didn't use the dell keyboards, so dad pilfered some. :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:02am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» I've got three, I'll see if I can make one of them work before I go looking for transcontinental assistance.. just cause of the postage costs... but thanks for (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:02am)
«Shelly» lil one----one bottle of IBC is -so- not enuff!!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:02am)
«Eri» Shells, I KNOW! Need more. :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:03am)
«iPauley» /me has a $10 Wegmans gift card -- must go buy IBC :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:03am)
«Shelly» tyco---well, 'showul' -started- out being 'should'.... (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:03am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» mmkaaay... (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:04am)
«Eri» Tyco- btw, I found myself a copy of the Nuf Sed vid. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:04am)
«Shelly» /me notes that the walm(wal-mart) 1/10 of a mile from her howse has it...yayeee (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:04am)
«Eri» dont'know if i mentioned it or not. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:04am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» ! how ?? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:04am)
«Eri» turns out it was Jen Kinghorn's dad who videotaped. She told me when she drove me home tonight. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:05am)
«Shelly» now i don't hafta wait to go to mommy's to supply the canadian/left coast contingent *grin* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:05am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» that's better than my plan... I was gonna see if i could see if Griff had a tape of somekind, being the sound guy, and all... (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:06am)
«Shelly» ok---i hafta be up 5 hours...night night kidz!!!! *MONDOSHELLYHUGGGSS* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:06am)
«Eri» AFAIK, Chris duzzent tape. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:06am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» Night Shell!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:07am)
«Shelly» *pooh-ff* <pink smoke�> (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:07am)
«iPauley» bye shells! *flyingtacklesnugglehuggles* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:07am)
«iPauley» NP: "Lights" -- Journey (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:07am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» well, it seemed like a good plan, I mean if anyone else there had the resourcesd, he would. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:07am)
«Eri» *nods* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:09am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» hey is IBC an acronym of some kind?? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:09am)
«Lux Fruthor» /me feels somehow responsible, Pauley (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:09am)
«Lux Fruthor» Infernal Beverage Conspiracy (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:10am)
«iPauley» International Beer Company, or something like that -- they switched to root beer during prohibition in the states (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:10am)
«iPauley» jer: for what? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:10am)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» good night eveyone (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:11am)
«Eri» nite smazzy sweetie! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:12am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» night Smatts! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:12am)
«Lux Fruthor» you playing Lights (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:12am)
«Lux Fruthor» night smatts (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:12am)
«George E. Nowik» later bizz (: (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:13am)
«iPauley» jer: I still don't get it :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:13am)
«iPauley» NP: FruHead Radio (elfy gave me the stream address on IRC) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:15am)
«Lux Fruthor» Lux=Light in Latin Pauley (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:19am)
«iPauley» ahh. :) gotcha. (I think I knew that -- brainfart :-D) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:20am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» ngh. wall death? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:25am)
«iPauley» hehe :) I'm on IRC chatting with tanya about a fruvous shoutcast stream. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:26am)
«iPauley» (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:26am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» thanks I was about to ask. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:27am)
«Lux Fruthor» I am playing scrabble. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:27am)
«iPauley» :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:27am)
«Lux Fruthor», not sure what table but can find out (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:28am)
«iPauley» they've paused GE+H to rip on dave :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:28am)
«iPauley» ok, they just restarted :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:28am)
«Eri» /me is just moping about. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:29am)
«iPauley» aww. don't mppe. *hug* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:31am)
«iPauley» don't mope either :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:32am)
«Lux Fruthor» but especially don't mppe. I don't have a codec for that (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:35am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» *L* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:35am)
«Eri» *shrug* (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:36am)
«iPauley» moping is bad.... mmkay (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:36am)
«iPauley» lol :) poor lux :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:38am)
«Lux Fruthor» who said I was poor? I am not Poor. I am just "financially challenged." (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:50am)
«iPauley» hehehe :) (Feb 27, 2001 @ 2:53am)
«iPauley» /me signs off the wall. night folks! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 3:03am)
«Lux Fruthor» me too, night all (Feb 27, 2001 @ 4:00am)
«Heatseeker Tyco» I am night wall boy.hoo-yeah. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 4:27am)
«nate...» TOO EARLY! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 7:07am)
«Andrea Krause» ahh. gotta love starting another crappy crappy day with oversleeping. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 7:21am)
«Kate Leahy» i looooooove being six hours ahead . .. (Feb 27, 2001 @ 7:47am)
«Laura's way behind!!» HULLOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:33am)
«Laura's way behind!!» what is this ... am i all by my lonesome on here this morning? (Feb 27, 2001 @ 8:35am)

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