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«George E. Nowik» /me is at work and not watching a movie. (: (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:41pm)
«jaye» susie - nope. though i really like judy davis (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:42pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» awe...that stinks!! i know how bad you want it (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:42pm)
«George E. Nowik» susie - well, the original order i placed in Feb. said it screwed up on the web page, so i ordered again last wek. (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:42pm)
«George E. Nowik» looks like it went through, so tony said there's a duplicate order and he wants to know if both orders are to be processed or just the one. (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:42pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» oh jaci....shes amazing....this has emmy written all over it (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:42pm)
«Mary» hey - what's the real airport in seattle? are there really 2 international airports? (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:42pm)
«George E. Nowik» mary - the real one is Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, fondly referred to as Sea-Tac. (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:43pm)
«jaye» susie -she's a great comic actress =) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:43pm)
«Mary» cool (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:43pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» i mean i am a hard core judy fan...and anyone would be hardpressed to impressme ...but i am SOOOOO impressed with this performance (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:43pm)
«Cos (Ofer Inbar)» "Viva Seattle-Tacoma, viva viva Sea-Tac!" (sorry, had to pop in for that, you gave me a Robyn Hitchcock flash :) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:44pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» its quite believeable!! (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:44pm)
«George E. Nowik» cos - hehe!! (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:44pm)
«Andrea Krause» I love the Ref. I'm so dumb. But man I love it. :) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:45pm)
«Cos (Ofer Inbar)» "... but the space needly points to the sky... the space needle's such a nice guy..." (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:45pm)
«jaye» andrea - i own it =) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:45pm)
«George E. Nowik» hehehe. Sneedle! (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:45pm)
«Cos (Ofer Inbar)» "viva viva viva sea-tac, they've got the best computers and coffee and smack!" (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:45pm)
«Cos (Ofer Inbar)» one now :-) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:46pm)
«Cos (Ofer Inbar)» err... "ok, done now :)" (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:46pm)
«Andrea Krause» mmmm...jaci rocks :) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:46pm)
«George E. Nowik» mmm. smack. (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:47pm)
«jaye» well? that movie's hilarious =0 (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:47pm)
«jaye» or =), even. and you -are- a bit biased (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:47pm)
«Mary» well, folks. i have to be off. i have a tape of 4 hours of the history channel calling out to me. (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:47pm)
«Andrea Krause» i am not biased :) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:47pm)
«jaye» bye mary =) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:47pm)
«George E. Nowik» take care mary!! (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:48pm)
«Andrea Krause» byebye mary :) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:48pm)
«jaye» yes, you are biased (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:48pm)
«Mary» bye :) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:48pm)
«Snarki_Fru» heeeya!!! (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:48pm)
«jaye» hrm. for a minute i thought i was getting a cold after all. but i think it's just the rabbit (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:48pm)
«George E. Nowik» angieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:49pm)
«Snarki_Fru» hey wall, what's shakin'? (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:49pm)
«Andrea Krause» you have a rabbit in your throat? or yer nose? (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:49pm)
«Snarki_Fru» nooooooooooooooorrrg!!! :) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:49pm)
«Andrea Krause» hey hey angie :) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:49pm)
«jaye» tthhbbpptt. in the back yard. but i had to feed him. and i forgot he makes me sneeze (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:49pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» is your rabbit getting a cold? (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:49pm)
«jaye» hiya angie =) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:50pm)
«Snarki_Fru» well, for the record. my computer-based curse followed me home. (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:50pm)
«jaye» (you know - that soo made sense in my head. but clearly not once i typed it) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:50pm)
«Snarki_Fru» i tried to open two of my disks Sat nite... and they both were corrupted beyond ScanDisk (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:50pm)
«George E. Nowik» angie - ugh (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:51pm)
«George E. Nowik» angie - you sure the drive isn't bad? (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:51pm)
«George E. Nowik» on one end or the other? (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:51pm)
«nitsita» george - ooh. antoine is out of the hospital since yesterday morning, and acctually doing a show tonight in mtl (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:52pm)
«iPauley» *waves to angie* (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:52pm)
«Snarki_Fru» no... t'were just the disks... i tried a few others, they were fine... these two just decided they didn't like me anymore (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:52pm)
«Snarki_Fru» hi paul (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:52pm)
«George E. Nowik» andrea and jaci - who else was with you when the three of you said "JOY!" in the hotel lobby? there was one more ... (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:52pm)
«George E. Nowik» angie - doh (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:53pm)
«Drea» Angie :) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:53pm)
«Snarki_Fru» george- *nod* (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:53pm)
«Snarki_Fru» hi drea (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:53pm)
«jaye» ellen, i think (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:53pm)
«George E. Nowik» thank you . (: (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:53pm)
«Snarki_Fru» today was a lovely spring-like day... albeit a bit nipply... then i got called in to do the 2nd half of a class (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:53pm)
«Snarki_Fru» i was quite peeved, i must say, esp when i also had to teach a previously scheduled 5:30 - 10p class. i let them out early (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:54pm)
«jaye» any time. maybe next time i'll even be right (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:54pm)
«Snarki_Fru» *snort* not that anyone gives a flying $%($ about my day... *grin* (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:54pm)
«George E. Nowik» jaci - ... it wasn't ellen? (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:55pm)
«George E. Nowik» angie - hmmph. we care. d: (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:55pm)
«Drea» *g* we all do Angie :) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:55pm)
«jaye» george - well, i think it was. but i could be wrong. thasall =0 (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:56pm)
«Snarki_Fru» *grin* oOheigh-ho lackaday... boy its a matter of fact...Oo (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:56pm)
«Andrea Krause» i'd been trying to remember too and I can't... (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:56pm)
«jaye» (hm. clearly i am having smiley issues today. i seem to be in shock as opposed to amused) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:56pm)
«Snarki_Fru» oO I ain't no kin... but I would like to get in the act...Oo (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:56pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» LOL...jaci that was way funny to me for some reason...the "shock" thing (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:57pm)
«Snarki_Fru» <--- has a Manhattan Transfer Earworm this evening... (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:57pm)
«jaye» susie - oh dear (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:57pm)
«jaye» /me is listening to madonna again. mainly because she's still in the computer. the cd that is, not the woman. (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:58pm)
«Snarki_Fru» susie? EOTR = Susie? hi Susie :) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:58pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» manhatten transfer...met them once in portland...was quite an odd chance meeting (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:58pm)
«Snarki_Fru» jaci- geez, i knew she was in shape and good at losing baby weight... but day-um! (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:59pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» hi angie!!...yepper...tis i (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:59pm)
«Drea» I should hope not Jaci, she's certainly not skinny enough to be in your computer in the first place ;) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:59pm)
«Snarki_Fru» saw them in concert once, about 3 years ago... quite delish... :) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:59pm)
«nitsita» george - I was lost elsewhere for a bit.. did you see that bit about antoine? (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:59pm)
«Andrea Krause» (Feb 26, 2001 @ 9:59pm)
«Snarki_Fru» kee-ryst! (Feb 26, 2001 @ 10:00pm)
«Snarki_Fru» hi nitsa :) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 10:00pm)
«jaye» /me is afeared of all of you. just . .wanted to get that out there. yup. (Feb 26, 2001 @ 10:00pm)
«George E. Nowik» nitsa - oooh no, i didn't. (Feb 26, 2001 @ 10:00pm)
«George E. Nowik» how is he? (Feb 26, 2001 @ 10:00pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» wow! love that line from the movie....Judy: "nobody ever asked me what i wnated..they just told me what to do and i did it" (Feb 26, 2001 @ 10:01pm)
«Snarki_Fru» why jaci... cause we're all talking like Dubya's cabinet? *grin* (Feb 26, 2001 @ 10:01pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» jaci...silly silly could you ever be afriad of the sus??? (Feb 26, 2001 @ 10:01pm)
«Andrea Krause» george...what where the 2syllables-into-one examples? (Feb 26, 2001 @ 10:01pm)
«nitsita» george - out of the hospital since yesterday morning, and preforming in Montreal tonight wil Pol�mil bazarre (Feb 26, 2001 @ 10:01pm)
«George E. Nowik» andrea - coors == crrs. (Feb 26, 2001 @ 10:02pm)
«George E. Nowik» nitsa - heh. so much for taking it easy after being in the hospital. d: (Feb 26, 2001 @ 10:02pm)
«Andrea Krause» heheh :) (Feb 26, 2001 @ 10:02pm)
«nitsita» george - yup.. (Feb 26, 2001 @ 10:03pm)
«Andrea Krause» gah...I wonder why my knees hurt so much. (Feb 26, 2001 @ 10:04pm)
«George E. Nowik» ok it's time for me to head out. (Feb 26, 2001 @ 10:05pm)

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