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«Bender» ohhh (Aug 11, 1999 @ 4:04pm)
«Kate Leahy» umm . . . a rock where you weren't on IRC yet, like me. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 4:04pm)
«Bender» ahh! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 4:04pm)
«Skip Newell» *ahem* Way to go, Murray...*g* (Aug 11, 1999 @ 4:05pm)
«Kate Leahy» i've decided that i'm not going to do any work and am therefore leaving at 4:30. so there :). (Aug 11, 1999 @ 4:14pm)
«Josh Woodward» *grins* you go, girl! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 4:25pm)
«Bender» and if anyone has a problem with that, I'll sic my parrot on them... LOL (Aug 11, 1999 @ 4:25pm)
«Skip Newell» 15w...leaving soon... (Aug 11, 1999 @ 4:36pm)
«Josh Woodward» ditto, quake time. ttyl, all :) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 4:46pm)
«Josh Woodward» sorry, it was running slowly for awhile there. should be back. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 6:07pm)
«Steph Strenger» I must say...this scribbles doo dad is the coolest web thing-a-ma-bobber I've ever seen. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 6:43pm)
«Steph Strenger» PS: Yes, tjhose were technical terms. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 6:44pm)
«Josh Woodward» fresh and wilted... (Aug 11, 1999 @ 8:33pm)
«Josh Woodward» ok, the nifty thingamajig should be back and very optimized. eek! :-) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 6:59pm)
«Josh Woodward» ...and at 15.. with.. nevermind :) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 8:35pm)
«Adam Duncan» wow, what a site... THANKS, JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 8:36pm)
«Rachael "want snow" fruz» sheep r cool (Aug 11, 1999 @ 9:00pm)
«Steph Strenger» Lambs are cooller then sheep. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 9:21pm)
«Steph Strenger» BTW, is it just me or does Thornhill sound like a downer album? Almost all the songs were sad, I thought. It still rocks though. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 9:23pm)
«J. Andrew World» Conan is on my TV. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 9:34pm)
«Ken VanTassell» "This small comrade really obtained the fact." (Aug 11, 1999 @ 9:41pm)
«Bender» Steph, look at me... no comment! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 9:53pm)
«Scott Panfil» Thornhill has some of the coolest chord progressions around (Aug 11, 1999 @ 10:00pm)
«Sarah Starr» i became a dave's person last night. it's a weird feeling :) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 10:01pm)
«M.J. (truztno1)» i'm a poor quill-less folk, what's up with this whole conan thing? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 10:38pm)
«Jerry Levine» Steph, it sorta is, but I keep playing it over and over and over and over until my car shuts off. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 10:39pm)
«stealthlori» hey jerry did you just try to im me? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 10:54pm)
«Jerry Levine» Yes, yes I did! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 10:58pm)
«stealthlori» hehheh. with that x-rated spam trap I wasn't sure it was the same MaddHatter :) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 11:03pm)
«stealthlori» but now I know so I can unblock you (Aug 11, 1999 @ 11:04pm)
«David Storm» Has anyone noticed how Thornhill sounds a bit like Crowded House's "Woodface" done right? Just wondering. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 11:38pm)
«David Storm» Has anyone noticed how Thornhill sounds a bit like Crowded House's "Woodface" done right? Just wondering. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 11:38pm)
«David Storm» And... why did that post twice? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 11:39pm)
«Bender» Because your computer is harboring homocidal feelings towards you. Save yourself while you still can. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 11:50pm)
«David Storm» Must... pull... plug... (Aug 11, 1999 @ 11:53pm)
«Bender» Ahh! It's too late! Your... comp... got... me... (Aug 11, 1999 @ 11:58pm)
«David Storm» That sonofa - my kingdom for a virus! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 11:59pm)
«Bender» *magically back* At least your comp isn't the Demon Compaq From Hell... a.k.a. Eddie C. Presario... LOL (Aug 12, 1999 @ 12:27am)
«Jill Yankovic» Hey Everybody! Wow, I'm on the page..HI MOM!!!! (Aug 12, 1999 @ 1:09am)
«Jill Yankovic» Anybody out there? (Aug 12, 1999 @ 1:11am)
«Jill Yankovic» Alrighty, nighty night everyone! (Aug 12, 1999 @ 1:13am)
«Peter Griffin» Wow... cool. (Aug 12, 1999 @ 1:14am)
«Jill Yankovic» hey Randy! (Aug 12, 1999 @ 1:15am)
«Jill Yankovic» ZzZzZzZzZzZzZz (Aug 12, 1999 @ 1:18am)
«Jill Yankovic» (Aug 12, 1999 @ 1:19am)
«maria» sleeping to hehe "fruhead dot com--the album" (Aug 12, 1999 @ 1:19am)
«Jill Yankovic» LOL (Aug 12, 1999 @ 1:21am)
«Jill Yankovic» hit single.."I Will Go To Sleep" (Aug 12, 1999 @ 1:23am)
«Jill Yankovic» gonna go see if conan has got a cool band on tonight...sweet dreams late nighters! (Aug 12, 1999 @ 1:25am)
«maria» actually..i prefer "fruhead dot com--the musical". That way they could get all the songs for the album from that (Aug 12, 1999 @ 1:49am)
«Bender» ooh! I want a Tony! Can I win a Tony? (Aug 12, 1999 @ 2:07am)
«maria» heh...maybe you could have a lead first user or something ;D (Aug 12, 1999 @ 2:14am)
«I had Matt Spare's baby!» "525,600 Fruheads!!" (Aug 12, 1999 @ 2:20am)
«I had Matt Spare's baby!» 'scuse me. Fr�heads. (Aug 12, 1999 @ 2:20am)
«iPauley» Just out of curiosity, who exactly was the first user? :) (Aug 12, 1999 @ 2:22am)
«maria» you can find that all out at the opening night of...*tada* "fruhead dot com--the musical" with leah bender portraying the first user (Aug 12, 1999 @ 2:37am)
«Bender» "The hills are alive with the sound of Fr�vous..." (Aug 12, 1999 @ 2:38am)
«maria» hmm, are you gonna be our new nanny? (us being the little brats who are really 'pooter illiterate) (Aug 12, 1999 @ 2:47am)
«maria» okay...sorry for the incredibly lame joke (and really obscure reference to "the sound of music" (Aug 12, 1999 @ 3:06am)
«Bender» Sorry! I forgot I had this browser open! Hehe... I know The Sound of Music... I have a picture in my profile from when I played the Mother Abbess... LOL (Aug 12, 1999 @ 3:17am)
«maria» lol...i haven't actually seen that movie all the way i suspect i shouldn't be talkingg :) (Aug 12, 1999 @ 3:31am)
«I had Matt Spare's baby!» Leah.. do we EVER leave????? (Aug 12, 1999 @ 3:45am)
«maria» hrmph...fine mocks..DON'T acknowledge me...;) (Aug 12, 1999 @ 3:48am)
«Mike Glaser» you should see it the whole way's good (Aug 12, 1999 @ 5:28am)
«maria» i like to not see i can freak people out by saying i've never seen them..._star wars_ for example ;D (Aug 12, 1999 @ 6:00am)
«Mike Glaser» I don't like Star Wars (Aug 12, 1999 @ 6:07am)
«maria» I'm *shocked* could you?!! actually...i shouldn't be've read my earlier message (Aug 12, 1999 @ 6:11am)
«Mike Glaser» It's dumb. Plus those lines are from a Queen song. PS...we could take over this whole wall!!! (Aug 12, 1999 @ 6:18am)
«maria» oh...oops...if only somebody else saw me not recognizing that band...sorry more message and we DO take it over..hehe (Aug 12, 1999 @ 6:43am)
«Mike Glaser» It's from a song called which I believe he states "and I don't like Star Wars". I love that song and that line. PS...WE HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Aug 12, 1999 @ 6:46am)
«Mike Glaser» Ok...I'll stop posting now (Aug 12, 1999 @ 6:51am)
«maria» Oh...oops..untriviaknowledgable me didn't know that....sorry PS..i use "..." entirely too often (Aug 12, 1999 @ 6:53am)
«Josh Woodward» what are you guys doing up at this hour? *grins* (Aug 12, 1999 @ 7:03am)
«maria» what do you mean? *innocent look* it's six am in the morning...many people are on at this hour *g* (Aug 12, 1999 @ 7:08am)
«Kelly Affannato» Welcome to WallRC, ladies and gents... (Aug 12, 1999 @ 7:32am)
«Mike Glaser»'s 7:30 AM now...and we're freaks. (But I'm going to bed! (Aug 12, 1999 @ 7:34am)
«Tim (Two-Sheds) Engle» VIRUS WARNING: eMAIL ATTACHMENT:"CALIFORNIA" -CONTAINS 'WOBBLER' VIRUS--AFFECTS IBM & MACS. (Thought you'd like to know) (Aug 12, 1999 @ 7:44am)
«Tim (Two-Sheds) Engle» (See y'all at South Street Seaport tomorrow night! (Aug 12, 1999 @ 7:45am)
«Robin Engle» Morning Tim, boy you got to work fast! Thanks for the info. (Aug 12, 1999 @ 7:46am)
«Lorraine Porcello» But I just woke up!!! (Aug 12, 1999 @ 7:50am)
«Chris "Moz" Moesel» Happy Workday, Everyone! (Aug 12, 1999 @ 7:52am)
«Reverend Dude» Hold on guys, just gotta put on Thornhill. (Aug 12, 1999 @ 7:53am)
«Reverend Dude» Ok, I'm back. (Aug 12, 1999 @ 7:56am)
«Adam Hartfield» And here I thought we IRC people were the crazy ones, but it's really the FruScribblers! /me runs away in shock and horror (Aug 12, 1999 @ 8:02am)
«Cameron Ross» /me /mes in shock and horror! (Aug 12, 1999 @ 8:14am)
«Robin Engle» Morning fellow FruHeads! Looks like another warm, RAINLESS day in New Jersey. Chance for showers tomorrow. Hope it holds till after SSS. (Aug 12, 1999 @ 8:33am)
«casey k.» ahh...nothing like waking up to michigan militia on the radio... :) (Aug 12, 1999 @ 8:34am)
«David Storm» And a happy morning to everyone out there in... where are we, anyway? (Aug 12, 1999 @ 9:04am)
«Robin Engle» I think you're in Ohio, I'm in Montclair, New Jersey! (Aug 12, 1999 @ 9:07am)
«Kate Leahy» Oh bleh. If it rains at SSS tomorrow I'm gonna be mighty aggravated. (Aug 12, 1999 @ 9:07am)
«Ariana Baseman» i only wish i could hear fruvous on the radio... no one in DC plays them (Aug 12, 1999 @ 9:08am)
«David Storm» *pinching self* Then it wasn't a dream... I'm still in hot boring Ohio after all! :-P (Aug 12, 1999 @ 9:09am)
«Robin Engle» It's not too hot here, yet - but we haven't had rain in weeks. Have you? (Aug 12, 1999 @ 9:10am)
«There'sNoPlaceLikeHome» Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore... (Aug 12, 1999 @ 9:12am)
«David Storm» We got a nice deep soaking of 1.84" Sunday. The most rainfal we've had all year. But other than that, dry dry dry. (Aug 12, 1999 @ 9:12am)
«David Storm» I never liked the band Toto or Kansas, myself... (Aug 12, 1999 @ 9:13am)
«David Storm» Oh well, back to work for me.. Later all! (Aug 12, 1999 @ 9:18am)
«There'sNoPlaceLikeHome» ...David...? In the words of H. Simpson, "DOH!" (Aug 12, 1999 @ 9:18am)

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