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Wall Archive

«Chris "Father" O'Malley» I may be getting a job at Lycos, doing Cold Fusion (and ASP and other things) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:55pm)
«Josh Woodward» chris -- nonono. :-) FHDC is 100% mysql driven. 25,000+ hits in a day and a half and still running quick. i'm impressed with it. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:56pm)
«Alec Heller» i'm interning for a company.... I'm half access half SQL 7 (and totally unqualified) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:56pm)
«Rachael "want snow" fruz» god it's times like this I kinda wish that *I* too was a computer nerd just to fit in...sigh (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:57pm)
«Rachael "want snow" fruz» god it's times like this I kinda wish that *I* too was a computer nerd just to fit in...sigh (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:57pm)
«Bender» hehe... I'm just sitting here, watching the wall... sad... (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:57pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» leah: the refresh button is your friend :-) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:58pm)
«Steve Holt» ack! tech-speak! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:58pm)
«Rachael "want snow" fruz» *snort* whY don't I hit return a few more times there (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:58pm)
«Josh Woodward» a new summer pasttime.. watching the wall.. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:58pm)
«Bender» *hugs the refresh button* (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:58pm)
«Steve Holt» "the message wall got me high..." (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:59pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» josh: gonna put stuff on FDC soon about removing frufan bios from there (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:59pm)
«Jennifer» you've created a dangerous place here, Josh. I would much rather listen to you all ramble than listen to our authors ramble ;-) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:00pm)
«Bender» What I Did Over Summer Vacation: Watched a wall (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:00pm)
«Josh Woodward» yeah, we need to figure out what to do about that (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:00pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» I'll just have people email me when they're happy with their bio setup on FHDC (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:01pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» and eventually change the fruvous fans link on index.html to Fruhead.Com (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:01pm)
«Bender» chris: why e-mail? we have magical walls!!!! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:02pm)
«Rachael "want snow" fruz» hey does that mean that I could become an "official" frufan and make it on the page? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:02pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» rachael: nothing official about any of us. FHDC is where all the bios will be anyway (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:03pm)
«Alec Heller» is fdc a fan site then? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:03pm)
«Steve Holt» y'know... they have focus groups about this type of stuff (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:03pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» Alec: of course! it's been fan run (by me, mostly) since it's inception (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:03pm)
«Alec Heller» I'm studiously imperceptive, and it looks great, so I thought it was sponsored (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:04pm)
«Steve Holt» ... 12-step programs... (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:04pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» FHDC looks great, too... love the window look (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:05pm)
«Rachael "want snow" fruz» grr and i"m *still* not on the frumap thingie..I swear josh I'm gonna start developing *issues* (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:05pm)
«Alec Heller» If I could do this sort of thing at home, I'd never leave the house (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:05pm)
«Rachael "want snow" fruz» both sites are farging amazing in my opinion (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:06pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» josh: we should've taken those red dots off of the map...they're messing up some of the locations (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:06pm)
«Steve Holt» hey.. could you make area specific rallying to get Fruvous on the radio based on the loc. in the profiles? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:07pm)
«Bender» *hugs FHDC* (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:07pm)
«Steve Holt» like with local stations and numbers to call (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:08pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» could link to radio.html on FDC (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:09pm)
«Rachael "want snow" fruz» allrighty the librarians are kicking me off...bye guys...*waves at wall* (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:09pm)
«Steve Holt» yeah.. but I mean like activly seaking support (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:10pm)
«Alec Heller» oh, chris, you'd know... is the radio gig they just did archived somewhere? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:10pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» alec: nope...but I'm sure people taped was FUNNY (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:11pm)
«Steve Holt» and WEQX is listed as the only station in Albany, but is a different area code (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:11pm)
«Alec Heller» I was at my friends b/day party (for whom I got thornhill... who hasn't been able to get to a show yet (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:11pm)
«There'sNoPlaceLikeHome» Say, why isn't the Bronx on the map?! ; > (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:11pm)
«Jennifer» someone should post some of it... I was tempted to bring in the headphones and listen over the web, but resisted (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:12pm)
«Steve Holt» hey they're playing near me on my b-day! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:12pm)
«Alec Heller» where are you/when is that? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:13pm)
«Steve Holt» at Northern Lights in NY in Dec. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:13pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» gonna run, see everyone later! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:14pm)
«Steve Holt» wow... 251 people admit to being Fruheads :) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:20pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» maybe all 15000 people on the quill mailing list will be here soon (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:20pm)
«Alec Heller» maybe they just lured us with promises of candy. Personally, I think I'd be embarassed in fruhead circles because I'm not enough of one. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:21pm)
«Steve Holt» that'll make the wall more exciteing! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:21pm)
«Steve Holt» I've never actually seen them live :( (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:22pm)
«Alec Heller» It hooked me faster than anything (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:22pm)
«Steve Holt» yeah... I've got Live Noise... but it's not the same as being there (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:22pm)
«Jennifer» candy? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:23pm)
«Trace» There's 15000 people on the quill mailing list?!? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:23pm)
«Bender» I'm going to my first show in OC on Monday... whee! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:23pm)
«Steve Holt» WooHoo... my first show prob won't be till Dec. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:23pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» traci: if not that, then more (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:24pm)
«Alec Heller» you're in upstate stephen? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:25pm)
«Steve Holt» I gotta go... or else I might forget to eat... (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:25pm)
«Trace» Chris: good lord, Fruvous *will* rule the world soon :) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:25pm)
«Kate Leahy» whoa. you people - like me - have too much time on your hands. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:25pm)
«Steve Holt» yup, near the grand old city of Albany... lol (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:26pm)
«Kate Leahy» this makes up for my inability to use IRC at work :) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:26pm)
«Alec Heller» missed rochester, I guess? I thought there were some more shows before dec. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:26pm)
«Jennifer» hmmm... that's madison square garden right there (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:26pm)
«Steve Holt» I think there might be, but I can't make any 'till then (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:27pm)
«Alec Heller» they're playing msg? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:27pm)
«Steve Holt» I was visiting RIT last weekend and missed them by two days.. TWO DAYS!!! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:28pm)
«Kate Leahy» jen - some of those people live in denmark :) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:28pm)
«There'sNoPlaceLikeHome» can anyone be in love with a damn website? This fhdc rocks! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:28pm)
«Alec Heller» quick question before you go... if I were to refer to "The City", you wouldn't think it was albany, right? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:28pm)
«Kate Leahy» keep checking the schedule, guys. it's still semi-open. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:28pm)
«Jennifer» but I'm sure they've alwasy wantedto seen NY ;-) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:28pm)
«Steve Holt» no... if you said "The Armpit" I think Albany (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:29pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» I think Josh needs to make this thing display more than 8 msgs (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:29pm)
«Alec Heller» I'm in new york, I have to work during the South street free show (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:29pm)
«Kate Leahy» i type that as i worry that two months straight on the road'll kill them :) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:29pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» kate: they've done a lot longer before! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:30pm)
«Kate Leahy» chris - is this lycos job in the boston area? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:30pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» waltham (west of boston) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:30pm)
«Kate Leahy» chris - true, they have :) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:30pm)
«Alec Heller» I don't know, if it becomes too IRC-y, it could be annoying to the not-poster (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:30pm)
«Jennifer» Lord knows *I* couldn't spend that much time in a van... (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:30pm)
«Steve Holt» I gotta go... I'll catch all you crazy people later (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:30pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» I think the novelty of the wall will eventually settle down :-) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:31pm)
«Kate Leahy» btw - the little Y2K disclaimer on FDC is cute :) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:31pm)
«Jennifer» then again, I spend my days in a cubicle, so its a trade off.. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:31pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» kate: like that? Vee and I thought of it (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:31pm)
«Jennifer» I also like the party hats, Chris ;-) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:32pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» vika got those for me, too... (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:32pm)
«Kate Leahy» if i didn't like the two of you so much, i'd be completely nauseated by you :) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:33pm)
«Alec Heller» chris, would it be possible to put a "refresh ever x seconds" button next to the wall? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:34pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» kate: why? :-) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:34pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» alec: ask josh...he's the webmaster... :-) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:34pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» Chris all of a sudden likes the concept of someone else slaving away to keep fru-net stuff going (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:35pm)
«Alec Heller» wasn't a request, I was curious. It would get around the java and keep you from wearing down that refresh button. (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:35pm)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» alec: but would require server pushing pgs at the user...Josh is worried about srvr load (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:35pm)

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