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Wall Archive

«A.J.» Ooh Joe, you're going to Roch? We'll prolly see you on the 401. :) (Aug 10, 1999 @ 12:45am)
«stealthlori» Hey -- Way to go Woodward! :) (Aug 10, 1999 @ 12:57am)
«s o o z» mmmm thornhill. (Aug 10, 1999 @ 1:01am)
«Amy Dunmire» This is great! Thanks Josh! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 1:02am)
«Mollie» What a great site! Awesome. (Aug 10, 1999 @ 1:06am)
«Michael Femia» This is a very cool idea. Well done. (Aug 10, 1999 @ 1:18am)
«Snarki_Fru» Josh, may I worship you now??? You Rock, thank you! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 1:21am)
«Tricia Ellis» Josh rocks SO much, if he were president, he'd be Baberaham Lincoln! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 1:37am)
«Brian Dinsky» Woah, this is like, don't real nice-like and stuffs... (Aug 10, 1999 @ 1:41am)
«Brian Dinsky» I mean "done real nice". :) (Aug 10, 1999 @ 1:41am)
«dgodwin» Josh.. Thanks for your time and effort into this. It's really great! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 1:53am)
«I had Matt Spare's baby!» YAAAAAAY! Loves!! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 3:11am)
«Pope Mark D�nfee» I was here (Aug 10, 1999 @ 4:06am)
«Bender» You only thought I was here (Aug 10, 1999 @ 4:11am)
«maria» Hanson rulez! I only added that 'cause you always see that on walls... (Aug 10, 1999 @ 5:21am)
«Eric Jackson» WOW such a great site...Josh, you truly are a Man among men!! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 6:34am)
«Mike Glaser» Is it possible to pee on a wall like this? All I'm saying is that I like peeing (Aug 10, 1999 @ 7:52am)
«Adam Hartfield» Totally awesome, Josh. Congratulations! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 7:58am)
«Scott Perschke» All this and FDC too! They don't know how lucky they are!! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 8:04am)
«Lisa Bills» What a great site! Congrats Josh! I can't believe I can't stay home and play!! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 8:39am)
«Vika Zafrin» Very, very nice, Josh! A *great* procrastination tool, thank you! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 8:54am)
«frumanchu» i like cheese (Aug 10, 1999 @ 9:12am)
«ellen buckley» very cool, josh. groovy, even. ;) (Aug 10, 1999 @ 9:23am)
«Mike Glaser» All in all this is just another message in the wall (Aug 10, 1999 @ 9:35am)
«David Brake» A great tool for Fruheads to converge on the net (Aug 10, 1999 @ 9:43am)
«David Brake» We're all just bricks in the big Fruwall, Mike! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 9:44am)
«Neil Bardhan» For a good time, call (Aug 10, 1999 @ 9:47am)
«Rebecca Springer» Very impressive! And I love the logo. Thanks, Josh (Aug 10, 1999 @ 9:49am)
«Tara Cordes» Just what I needed - another FruResource to help me procrastinate!! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 10:28am)
«David Brake» I hear all you Cleveland fans have reason to celebrate ... the Browns are back!! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 10:40am)
«Cameron Ross» I can't think of anything witty to put here about this being a great page!*pout* (Aug 10, 1999 @ 10:47am)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» FHDC huh? Where'd you get the idea for that acronym? ;-D (Aug 10, 1999 @ 11:29am)
«Arbie» Hi Josh! Been a busy boy I see. Way to go. :-) (Aug 10, 1999 @ 12:09pm)
«Ariana Baseman» This site looks GREAT! Just bought Thornhill... getting tons of Fruvous goods! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 12:44pm)
«Ariana Baseman» This site looks GREAT! Just bought Thornhill... getting tons of Fruvous goods! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 12:44pm)
«Halle Amick» Anyone have an extra ticket for toniht's rochester show? Help a fellow FruHead! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 12:44pm)
«Em» Got Thornhill, listening to Fruvous on WBER... could today be any better? (Aug 10, 1999 @ 12:49pm)
«Ariana Baseman» WBER? what is that? (Aug 10, 1999 @ 1:00pm)
«Brian Giczkowski» Moxy Fruvous and is good. (Aug 10, 1999 @ 1:10pm)
«David Storm» Wonderful Site. Nice work, Josh. ...must get to record store... (Aug 10, 1999 @ 1:15pm)
«Dave Shiflet» Thornhill is awesome. Looking forward to "C" (Aug 10, 1999 @ 2:07pm)
«Trace» Josh, allow me to say that rocks! Thank you! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 2:21pm)
«Alyssa V.» is nirvana for those who have a Fruvous addiction. Thanks! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 2:49pm)
«Aaron Schatz» Hey, to those of you who have Thornill... is Bargainville is the funny album... (Aug 10, 1999 @ 2:51pm)
«Aaron Schatz» Wood is the serious album and Moon the exotic album.... what is Thornhill? (Aug 10, 1999 @ 2:52pm)
«Josh Drury» Wonderful site! Great complement to (Aug 10, 1999 @ 3:02pm)
«Ariana Baseman» Thornhill is the radio play album! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 3:11pm)
«Jennifer» JOsh, this place rocks. "Hours of by-yourself enjoyment" ;-) (Aug 10, 1999 @ 3:18pm)
«sheryls» Wall? is this an MBBS? :) y3w r0ck joshie. *egrin* (Aug 10, 1999 @ 3:19pm)
«Skip Newell» Eat at JOE'S and get gas... (Aug 10, 1999 @ 3:24pm)
«Skip Newell» Seriously- Nice Job Josh- looking forward to many hours of enjoyment... (Aug 10, 1999 @ 3:24pm)
«Steph Strenger» This site is great Josh! Good work! A Moxy Fruvous Community....scary... :-) (Aug 10, 1999 @ 4:22pm)
«wild bill» Kick ass site dude! Sweet... (Aug 10, 1999 @ 4:35pm)
«fzz» This is beautiful.. you're truly insane! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 6:06pm)
«Sandy Sisk» Great job Josh! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 6:50pm)
«Tim (Two-Sheds) Engle» Josh!! Let me just bow in your general direction! Make Mine Moxy! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 6:58pm)
«Mike Glaser» Drowned in information... (Aug 10, 1999 @ 7:06pm)
«Madeline Franklin» Took you long enough! Just kidding. Great site... the fun never ends, huh? (Aug 10, 1999 @ 7:44pm)
«Jenn Griffee» Way too fun! Fantastic! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 7:50pm)
«K-Lyn» Fantastic job Josh! I give you chocolate eclairs!! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 7:51pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I don't care...I'm not wearing underwear... (Aug 10, 1999 @ 8:42pm)
«Michael Wood» FRUHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE! I believe this is just a front ro LA RESISTANCE (Aug 10, 1999 @ 9:37pm)
«Tricia Ellis» My cat's breath smells like cat food. (Aug 10, 1999 @ 9:45pm)
«J. Andrew World» Are the Voices in my head bothering you? (Aug 10, 1999 @ 9:59pm)
«Christy McCullough» Quick! Tower Records is still open for 2 hours... run out and buy Thornhill NOW! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 10:05pm)
«Alyssa V.» *sobs* We dont have a Tower Records!!! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 10:10pm)
«Rebecca Stevens» Josh really, really should be king for a day for doing this! I am _impressed_! (Aug 10, 1999 @ 10:37pm)
«David Brake» Anyone out there from Delaware???? (Aug 10, 1999 @ 10:40pm)
«David Schmidt» hey i got thornhill today and it rocks my favorite song is "You can't be to (Aug 10, 1999 @ 11:35pm)
«David Schmidt» careful." (Aug 10, 1999 @ 11:35pm)
«s o o z» mmm earthquakes. that is my fave off of thornhill. (Aug 10, 1999 @ 11:46pm)
«iPauley» OK, I've listened to it twice -- need a few more times to decide a favorite...:) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:01am)
«Joy- new picture!» Stupid Borders in Santa Fe, NM! They didn't get thornhill this morning! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:08am)
«Cara's all...a lovenerd!» This site rocks!! And I can't WAIT for Thornhill to be relased in Canada!! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:21am)
«Glenn Baltzel» Independence Day, all the way! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 12:23am)
«Bender» (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:42am)
«Bender» Sorry, my friend jumped on the keyboard, trying to demonstrate a surfing move... (Aug 11, 1999 @ 1:43am)
«Brandon Johnson» Thornhill Rocks! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 2:25am)
«Mike Glaser» FruMessenger beats AIM anyday of the week (except weekends and some holidays) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 2:32am)
«Tricia Ellis» Have I mentioned recently how much Splatter Splatter rocks? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 2:35am)
«Topiratti*» Thornhill is an amazing album = ) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 3:21am)
«Rich Hosler» woo, text (Aug 11, 1999 @ 3:32am)
«David Storm» good morning... (Aug 11, 1999 @ 7:33am)
«Reverend Dude» Milestones gig was great, looking forward to December! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 8:05am)
«Paul Baker» Disco version of Video B. played at Milestones... pass it on! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 8:42am)
«Kelly Affannato» Can't wait for CDNow to ship my pre-orded "Thornhill"... (Aug 11, 1999 @ 8:44am)
«Chris "Father" O'Malley» My cat's name is mittens... (Aug 11, 1999 @ 9:07am)
«Josh Woodward» owww.. i bent my wookie. :-( (Aug 11, 1999 @ 9:12am)
«Adam Hartfield» Josh, any way to make this a scrollable list with history? (Aug 11, 1999 @ 9:24am)
«David Storm» Hello Super Nintendo Chaumers (Aug 11, 1999 @ 9:25am)
«Tim (Two-Sheds) Engle» Today is Robin's & my 20th Wedding Anniversary..Happy 20th, darlin'!! (Aug 11, 1999 @ 9:29am)
«frumanchu» Gordon Lightfoot was on Bob & Tom this morning!!:) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 9:39am)
«Kate Leahy» Wait a minute, O'Malley . . . your cat's name is Seven :) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 10:00am)
«Jennifer» heh-- I already see where this little wall is headed... ;-) (Aug 11, 1999 @ 10:20am)

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