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«zil» kewl. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 7:07am)
«zil» so I can send you some rusted root. I'm going sleepy go night night myselfnow. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 7:07am)
«zil» hee (Mar 30, 2003 @ 7:07am)
«zil» what time is it there/? (Mar 30, 2003 @ 7:08am)
«zil» yeah... its goddamn 7 am here, so I'm feeling it. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 7:08am)
«zil» okay talk to you laters! (Mar 30, 2003 @ 7:09am)
«zil» g'night! (Mar 30, 2003 @ 7:09am)
«zil» awww dang. I missed talcott. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:31am)
«Talcott» no ya didn't ;) (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:32am)
«nate...» Did I? (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:33am)
«Talcott» you caught Talcott in his habit of loging off, looking at "one or two" more things before loging off, and then checking back here before disconnecting ;) (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:33am)
«Talcott» I don't think you did either. I could be wrong though (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:33am)
«nate...» Hrm... okay. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:34am)
«nate...» Well, if you figure out for sure, could you let me know? (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:34am)
«Talcott» sure. But I don't really know that much, so it might be a while (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:35am)
«nate...» Fair enough. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:36am)
«Talcott» bah...I don't feel like doing my work today. I think someone else should do it for me *nods* (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:37am)
«zil» HULLO TALCOTT! (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:39am)
«zil» what kind of work is is? (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:39am)
«zil» *it (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:39am)
«Talcott» Zilpha! *hugs* (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:40am)
«zil» *hugs* (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:40am)
«zil» I haven't slept yet. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:40am)
«Talcott» I have a take-home essay test for Lit. Crit. and I have to come up with a few more poems and a five page "personal statement" for my thesis (which no one knows the due-date for) (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:40am)
«zil» I'm feeling a little punchy. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:41am)
«Talcott» Well, you had a good night last night, not sleeping is ok :D (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:41am)
«nate...» Ugh.. I didn't sleep much either. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:41am)
«zil» not knowing the due date would make me crazy. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:41am)
«Talcott» I keep trying to find a way out of that statement. I really don't like directly writing about myself that way (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:41am)
«Talcott» well, they're being fairly lax about it though, I don't get the impression that they even care (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:42am)
«zil» sleep is too much a struggle of me against my head... my stupid head wont shush. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:43am)
«Talcott» what's it talking about? (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:43am)
«zil» meep! (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:43am)
«zil» ts very private. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:43am)
«zil» most of it is negitiveity. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:44am)
«Talcott» *hugs* (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:44am)
«zil» and worrying about everything possible. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:44am)
«zil» and making todo lists. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:44am)
«Talcott» Talcott points at Zilpha's head and tells her brain to stop bothering her with negativity (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:44am)
«zil» and going over what I've eaten. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:44am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» What was I *thinking* when I agreed to work today?! (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:44am)
«Talcott» everything can be optimistic from this point on.. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:45am)
«Talcott» going over what you've eaten? (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:45am)
«zil» because you say so? (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:45am)
«zil» I obses over food. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:45am)
«zil» I have to keep a food diary. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:45am)
«zil» for my head shrinkers. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:46am)
«Talcott» because your at a transition point. I know it's frightening. Much more so than I can understand, but there is also so much ahead of you too (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:46am)
«Talcott» ah, ok. I didn't know if there was some specific food you were obesessing over (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:46am)
«zil» I don't see much of anything when I look ahead. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:46am)
«zil» mostly cheese. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:47am)
«Talcott» going out on your own, freedom, an art show in september (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:47am)
«zil» I'm scared of melted cheese. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:47am)
«Talcott» melted cheese scares you? (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:47am)
«zil» yeah but everything has a way of falling through and leaving me up shite creek. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:48am)
«zil» yeah... and maonaise. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:48am)
«Talcott» maybe it has in the past, but you won't know now until you try (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:48am)
«zil» I don't actually run and hide from it. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:48am)
«Talcott» ok, I agree completly about Mayo. I can't even go near the stuff (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:48am)
«zil» and I can't eat meat if I see the carcass/bones. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:49am)
«zil» if I could I would just not eat meat at all. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:50am)
«zil» like I used to. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:50am)
«zil» stupid fucking diabetes. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:50am)
«zil» I have a part time job now though... (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:51am)
«Talcott» do you specificaly need the meat, or is it that your diet is so limited already? (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:51am)
«zil» its more like my ant has decided to pay me for taking care of my granny. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:51am)
«Talcott» you do? Where? (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:51am)
«zil» aunt. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:52am)
«zil» its both really. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:52am)
«Talcott» Well, you were going to be there anyways, right? Plus, that would give you money to live completly on your own soon (or go somewhere exciting) (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:53am)
«zil» so I'm getting payed 10 dollars an hour to say things like "I hate the pope" (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:53am)
«zil» somewhere exciting? (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:53am)
«Talcott» your version of taking care of your granny is insulting her faith? ;) (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:53am)
«zil» like exotic tropical ohio? (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:53am)
«zil» exactly. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:53am)
«Talcott» FRFF (or other concerts), europe, ohio (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:54am)
«zil» no one gets her goat these days just cause she's old. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:54am)
«Talcott» so she plays along then? (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:54am)
«zil» most times. unless i go too far... (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:54am)
«zil» ... which I sometimes do. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:54am)
«zil» and everyone is always telling her what to do. I fucking hate that. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:55am)
«zil» my poor granny. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:55am)
«Talcott» like how? (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:55am)
«zil» like telling her what to eat. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:56am)
«zil» telling her what to wear. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:56am)
«zil» belittling her kind of. (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:56am)
«Talcott» what to wear? (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:56am)
«Talcott» Well, you two can stay there and avoid the rest of the family (Mar 30, 2003 @ 9:57am)
«Talcott» argh! I need to get better internet--dial up = bad (Mar 30, 2003 @ 10:08am)

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