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«danced with Lazlo» i keep getting the stupid one (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:41pm)
«danced with Lazlo» found it! (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:41pm)
«danced with Lazlo» God that was aggrevating (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:41pm)
«danced with Lazlo» the live action show was really horrible (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:42pm)
«hkath» my thesis! where'd it go? is here now (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:48pm)
«hkath» hi (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:48pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» "my cat's breath smells like cat food." (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:51pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» hi anni! (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:52pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» *hugs* (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:52pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» presidency, so early?!? (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:52pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» what? (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:53pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» ooh..that's a good thing. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:54pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» you have a place to live! (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:54pm)
«John J. Ryan» Are my ears deceiving me, or did Gella actually say the cartoon Punky was better than the live action Punky? (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:54pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» but is that a good thing that you'll be with a running mate all the time? (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:54pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» okay...just checking. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:55pm)
«John J. Ryan» Well, it is just that I would totally disagree. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:56pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» "The doctor said, I wouldn't have so many nosebleeds if i kept my finger out of there" (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:56pm)
«John J. Ryan» I remember them as a kid. Back when NBC used to show cartoons on Saturday morning. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:56pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» ah..I remember NBC Saturday Morning cartoons. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:57pm)
«John J. Ryan» NBC even had specials promoting their Saturday Morning lineup. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:57pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» the pre-Zack and Screech days. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:57pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» yes I remember that too. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:57pm)
«John J. Ryan» Remember Kidd Video? (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:57pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» ooh, yes! (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:57pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» TLC. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:57pm)
«John J. Ryan» Nope, a song by Kidd Video. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:58pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» actually, some of my friends started calling me one of the characters from one of the NBC cartoons. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:58pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» yay, john! (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:58pm)
«John J. Ryan» They had the classic 80s strap-on keyboard :) (Mar 26, 2003 @ 2:58pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» I used to watch ABC cartoons too...Remember The Littles? (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:01pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» is now known as Kissyfur (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:01pm)
«John J. Ryan» Oh yeah, ABC's answer to the Smurfs :) (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:01pm)
«jaye» weren't they like the borrowers, but with tails? (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:02pm)
«jaye» or am i thinking of something else? (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:02pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» fraggles? (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:02pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» oh wait..borrowers. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:02pm)
«John J. Ryan» No, not like the Fraggles. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:02pm)
«jaye» no, not the fraggles (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:02pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» thought you said burrowers. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:03pm)
«John J. Ryan» The only thing from that show that would come close are the Doozers. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:03pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» not that fraggles burrow. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:03pm)
«John J. Ryan» Batnose Jaci. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:03pm)
«jaye» aw man. i can't be the only one who remembers the borrowers. that's what i get for reading in the 80s instead of watching cartoons ;) (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:04pm)
«John J. Ryan» well, everyone will be reading come June 21st. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:05pm)
«jaye» i'm not allowed to read until june21st? *eyes stack of book swap books* that sucks (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:05pm)
«John J. Ryan» Or earlier for some lucky people. You can be sure there will be a few copies leaked out early. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:06pm)
«jaye» well, that's because people are dumb. i can't control that :P (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:06pm)
«nate...» druggies are friendly. :) (Mar 26, 2003 @ 3:10pm)

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