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«danced with Lazlo» you just have to REMOVE YOURSELF (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:08am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» They never mattered (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:08am)
«danced with Lazlo» then they don't even have to exist anymore (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:08am)
«danced with Lazlo» and you won't be the bad one, you will just be you (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:09am)
«danced with Lazlo» Zilpha (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:09am)
«danced with Lazlo» Fruhead (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:09am)
«danced with Lazlo» with lots and lots of friends (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:09am)
«danced with Lazlo» and no parents. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:09am)
«zil» *nods* (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:09am)
«zil» brb (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:09am)
«Talcott» I'll brb too (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:10am)
«Talcott» or I won't (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:11am)
«danced with Lazlo» you won't? (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:12am)
«Talcott» erm, I'll be back now I mean (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:12am)
«danced with Lazlo» well, that was rb (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:12am)
«zil» its embarassing to throw up in the library trash can. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:12am)
«Talcott» *hugs* (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:12am)
«danced with Lazlo» zil, why are you throwing up so much? (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:12am)
«zil» thats what I do. when I get upset I vomit. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:13am)
«zil» *hugs* (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:13am)
«zil» my left shoe for some listerine. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:13am)
«danced with Lazlo» you need to find something else to do when you're upset (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:14am)
«zil» well I have the cutting and the not eating, but I think you mean something more positive. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:14am)
«danced with Lazlo» right. I mean something constructive (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:16am)
«Talcott» yes..something much more positive.. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:16am)
«danced with Lazlo» i'm frankly quite sick of people cutting themselves. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:17am)
«zil» *nods* yeah its bad. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:17am)
«danced with Lazlo» yes, it is. And it gets you in trouble. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:17am)
«zil» I'm not alowed to paint at home because of my father, but I have been doing some at a friends house when I can get there. she lives 30 minutes away. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:18am)
«danced with Lazlo» *nod* when you leave you can paint (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:18am)
«danced with Lazlo» that's another reason to leave (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:18am)
«Talcott» He wont' let you paint?! (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:18am)
«zil» he thinks I'll make a mess... and he thinks I'm waisting my time. he says I'm talentless. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:19am)
«danced with Lazlo» we've already established that the man is a blitering idiot (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:19am)
«Talcott» Zil, he's not only making you this upset, but he's cutting off your most positive way of dealing with it. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:20am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Which is the whole idea (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:20am)
«zil» he cut my monet print bood in half with a saw once... (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:20am)
«Talcott» I think that crosses well into sadism.. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:20am)
«zil» book (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:20am)
«Talcott» oh by god.. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:20am)
«danced with Lazlo» ok, and why exactly are you reluctant to leave Zil? (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:20am)
«danced with Lazlo» I need you to answer this (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:21am)
«danced with Lazlo» seriously (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:21am)
«zil» I love my family... (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:21am)
«zil» other than him. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:21am)
«zil» I don't really have anyone else. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:21am)
«Talcott» that last part is not true (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:22am)
«danced with Lazlo» Zilpha. I understand that. I really really do. But right now, your family is not helping you get out from under his thumb... they are an obstacle to you living your life (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:22am)
«danced with Lazlo» You don't have to stop loving your family (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:22am)
«danced with Lazlo» but you *do* need to leave. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:22am)
«danced with Lazlo» Either that or make him leave (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:22am)
«danced with Lazlo» there clearly isn't room for both of you (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:23am)
«danced with Lazlo» in a perfect world he would be the one to leave because he's the one who deserves the boot (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:23am)
«danced with Lazlo» but ths has to be your decision, your action. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:23am)
«zil» my mom said he's a lot nicer when I'm not there. it would prolly be best for everyone if I was gonesville. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:23am)
«Sara Woodward» there are ways to stay in touch with the rest of your family without having contact with him, but first, you need to get out of there. scary, yes, but you can do it! *hugs* (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:23am)
«zil» *hugs* sanks sara. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:24am)
«danced with Lazlo» Zilpha, i hate to say it, but it may be true. When my parents *finally* split up, my dad became almost human (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:24am)
«danced with Lazlo» it wasn't my mother's fault, not in the slightest (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:25am)
«danced with Lazlo» but when she wasn't around, my dad was a whole lot nicer (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:25am)
«danced with Lazlo» I still hate him for it (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:25am)
«danced with Lazlo» but its teh way some assholes work (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:25am)
«zil» I feel like of like I would be abandoning abraham... my autistic younger brother... he has improved so much since I moved back because he connects with haylee and I better than the rest of the emotionaly stunted family. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:26am)
«zil» and my dad is definatly an ass. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:26am)
«Talcott» once you're away, abe and your mom could come and visit you (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:26am)
«danced with Lazlo» *nod* (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:26am)
«zil» he doesn't let her go out much. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:27am)
«zil» and yes I said "let" (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:27am)
«danced with Lazlo» your dad doesn't let your mom go out much, (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:27am)
«danced with Lazlo» ? (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:27am)
«danced with Lazlo» Zil, does you dad beat your mom? (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:27am)
«zil» nope. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:28am)
«danced with Lazlo» are you sure? (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:28am)
«zil» he just rules with a sybolic iron fist. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:28am)
«danced with Lazlo» That's what I thought too (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:28am)
«danced with Lazlo» i was wrong (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:28am)
«danced with Lazlo» but i don't know your family (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:28am)
«zil» he rules with fear. he never gets upset with anyone but me. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:28am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I have to go now. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:28am)
«zil» bye gordon! *hugs* (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:29am)
«danced with Lazlo» zilpha, in a situation like this, every person has to escape for themselves (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:29am)
«danced with Lazlo» bye gordon (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:29am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Zil, just remember that you aren't alone. There are a lot of people on your side (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:29am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» *hugs* (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:29am)
«danced with Lazlo» you can't provide support for anyone if you are also being ruled (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:29am)
«zil» he's almost kind with the rest because they obey him without question. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:29am)
«danced with Lazlo» If you leave, maybe your mom will catch on to the fact that there's a serious problem (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:30am)
«danced with Lazlo» Abe will forgive you (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:30am)
«Talcott» *hugs* a lot of us on your side (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:30am)
«danced with Lazlo» in the end, it will all be better (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:30am)
«Talcott» if you stay, nothings going to change... (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:30am)
«zil» I know he will. its just a mater of my self imposed guilt. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:30am)
«danced with Lazlo» well, you have to get over it. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:31am)
«zil» I'm trying. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:31am)
«danced with Lazlo» Zil, nothing is holding you. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:31am)
«danced with Lazlo» its imaginary (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:32am)
«danced with Lazlo» it doesn't exist (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:32am)
«danced with Lazlo» you just have to wake up (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:32am)
«danced with Lazlo» you are free. (Mar 26, 2003 @ 11:32am)

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