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«danced with Lazlo» anti-toupee, pro silly wigs (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:34pm)
«hkath» anti-country club, anti-golf! (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:35pm)
«danced with Lazlo» yes! (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:35pm)
«hkath» definitely, pro-rug. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:35pm)
«hkath» argh, the wall is giving me some trouble. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:35pm)
«danced with Lazlo» put a rug on it (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:36pm)
«danced with Lazlo» or call teh DEA (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:36pm)
«nate...» pro-rug munching? (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:36pm)
«danced with Lazlo» *random (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:36pm)
«danced with Lazlo» lol nate, definitely (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:36pm)
«nate...» wohoo! (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:36pm)
«hkath» pro-orange. definitely. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:37pm)
«nate...» I like cheese. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:37pm)
«danced with Lazlo» pro cheese! (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:37pm)
«danced with Lazlo» anti-Miller's kosher cheese... that stuff is crap (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:38pm)
«John J. Ryan» is now known as JJR is very busy (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:38pm)
«danced with Lazlo» PRO ACCORDIAN! (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:38pm)
«danced with Lazlo» pro-tin whistle but anti-Jian on tin whistle (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:39pm)
«nate...» anti- cheese-food-product (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:39pm)
«danced with Lazlo» LeaderOfTheGarbanzo kinda likes EZ cheese and cheez wiz (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:40pm)
«hkath» pro-stickers! (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:40pm)
«nate...» ewww (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:40pm)
«nate...» anti- CT (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:40pm)
«nate...» :) (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:40pm)
«hkath» I think... pro-adhesives of all kinds. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:41pm)
«nate...» oh! and anti-FL (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:41pm)
«danced with Lazlo» ok... how about anti cheese food product idwologically but not in practice? (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:41pm)
«nate...» mm.. bandaids are yummy. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:41pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Anti North Jersey, pro-South Jersey (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:41pm)
«nate...» oh, you mean the product, not the girls who follow around the band.... (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:41pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Pro-Philadelphia, anti-pittsburg (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:41pm)
«nate...» pro-VT !!! (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:41pm)
«nate...» Pro- me, anti- you. :D (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:42pm)
«hkath» we're cheese food product hypocrites! (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:42pm)
«danced with Lazlo» yes (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:42pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Nate... no (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:42pm)
«danced with Lazlo» anti-pennsyltucky (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:42pm)
«nate...» you no like VT? (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:42pm)
«danced with Lazlo» no, I mean no pro-you anti-me (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:42pm)
«nate...» "pennsyltucky"?? (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:42pm)
«danced with Lazlo» VT is fine (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:42pm)
«nate...» mmm... vt... (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:43pm)
«nate...» pro-maple syrup! (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:43pm)
«danced with Lazlo» anti corn syrup maple syrup imitation stuff (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:43pm)
«danced with Lazlo» pro-REAL maple syrup (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:43pm)
«hkath» ah, ah... make the distinction. Pro-cold maple syrup... anti-warmed up maple syrup. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:43pm)
«danced with Lazlo» kath... are you sure? (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:44pm)
«nate...» gella: I thought that was a given. :) (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:44pm)
«danced with Lazlo» as long as its not *boiled* (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:44pm)
«danced with Lazlo» as long as AJ doesn't screw it up (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:44pm)
«hkath» I'm sure. you warm it up, you boil the taste out. silly aj. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:44pm)
«nate...» maple syrup is real..... "pancake syrup" is the fake nasty stuff. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:45pm)
«danced with Lazlo» but... you can't just warm it a littel bit? (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:45pm)
«nate...» "boil the taste out"?? how do you think they MAKE maple syrup?? :D (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:45pm)
«danced with Lazlo» yes! (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:45pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Pro-ramen (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:45pm)
«hkath» you can sit on it if you want ;) (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:45pm)
«danced with Lazlo» ok (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:45pm)
«danced with Lazlo» pro-sitting on maple syrup (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:45pm)
«nate...» haha (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:45pm)
«danced with Lazlo» pro-jasmine tea (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:45pm)
«danced with Lazlo» anti Chai (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:46pm)
«nate...» pro - Altoids Citrus Sours! (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:46pm)
«danced with Lazlo» I'm gonna get beaten for that (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:46pm)
«nate...» naw, I don't like chai either. :) (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:46pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» yeah, altoids citrus sours are all that. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:46pm)
«danced with Lazlo» no Anni... it's the russian word for tea, but its a specific kind of... indian ? tea... that I really don't like (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:47pm)
«hkath» hey, I like chai. At FRFF only, though. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:47pm)
«danced with Lazlo» pro-jolt cola (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:47pm)
«danced with Lazlo» ! (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:47pm)
«danced with Lazlo» JOLT!!! (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:47pm)
«danced with Lazlo» yes (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:47pm)
«nate...» anti- jolt (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:47pm)
«hkath» totally (Mar 3, 2003 @ 2:47pm)

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