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«I can see the bunny» I'll kidnap him and stow him in my luggage on Greyhound for you Gella ;) (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:22am)
«Sarah» lol (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:22am)
«Sarah» hahahahahaha (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:22am)
«danced with Lazlo» sounds good, Leanne :) (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:22am)
«Stephanie Lawton» I'm 22!!! yay... *goes off and hides in the corner* (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:23am)
«danced with Lazlo» Mazel Tov (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:23am)
«I can see the bunny» after all, we know where he lives *g* (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:23am)
«danced with Lazlo» yes... yes we do :) (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:23am)
«danced with Lazlo» *shhhh* (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:23am)
«meh» Lacy wonders why on earth she's still got the light on. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:23am)
«danced with Lazlo» um... to see? (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:23am)
«Sarah» happy birthday Stephanie (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:23am)
«I can see the bunny» besides, kidnapping Dave could be fun - hope I get to wrestle him to the ground... ;) (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:23am)
«Stephanie Lawton» i hear its much easier that way (to see) (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:23am)
«danced with Lazlo» lol (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:23am)
«Stephanie Lawton» thanks :) (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:24am)
«Sarah» someone threw him in the show in E&TC (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:24am)
«Stephanie Lawton» wow (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:24am)
«meh» See what? Monitor gives enough light to see keyboard by. *turns off lamp* Much better. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:24am)
«danced with Lazlo» *sigh* my roommate is sick and vomiting? (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:25am)
«danced with Lazlo» - (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:25am)
«danced with Lazlo» -? (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:25am)
«meh» Oh dear. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:25am)
«Sarah» happens to me if I have too much dairy (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:25am)
«Misch» aww. You can stay at my place, Gella. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:25am)
«danced with Lazlo» it wasn't a question (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:25am)
«Stephanie Lawton» that sucks (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:25am)
«danced with Lazlo» i'm worried about her (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:25am)
«Stephanie Lawton» it looked like a question (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:26am)
«I can see the bunny» sounds awfully familiar to me today... (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:26am)
«danced with Lazlo» think dominoes pizza didnt agree with her (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:26am)
«danced with Lazlo» stephanie... which is why I clarified that it wasn't a question... just a typo (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:26am)
«Stephanie Lawton» i understood :) just amused - sorry (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:26am)
«I can see the bunny» now I should really go to bed - acres of work to do in the morning *sigh* (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:27am)
«danced with Lazlo» amusement at my expense. Common theme. Carry on. :) (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:27am)
«Sarah» I hate being lactose intollerant (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:27am)
«danced with Lazlo» gnight Leanne! *hugs* (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:27am)
«Sarah» night leanne (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:27am)
«meh» 'night Leanne. Sleep well! (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:27am)
«Misch» G'night, Leanne! (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:27am)
«Stephanie Lawton» night everyone (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:27am)
«I can see the bunny» especially since Faye is off in the Dominican....which I'm not bitter about... (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:27am)
«Sarah» anyone ever try those dry hi-liters that are erasable? those are cool (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:28am)
«I can see the bunny» nite all! *huggs* (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:28am)
«Sarah» night (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:28am)
«danced with Lazlo» i could not live if I were lactose intolerant (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:31am)
«danced with Lazlo» cheese so much (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:31am)
«danced with Lazlo» i love+ (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:31am)
«Sarah» it's hard (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:31am)
«danced with Lazlo» I love cheese so much (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:31am)
«Sarah» love milk too much (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:31am)
«meh» Cheese can be nice. I'm fond of cheddars, myself. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:31am)
«Sarah» lactaid helps though. just gotta remember to take it before you eat (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:31am)
«danced with Lazlo» Garbanzo likes blues (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:31am)
«meh» I don't think I've ever eaten much blue cheese. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:32am)
«Sarah» not fond of blue cheese. I lvoe provalone and feta (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:32am)
«danced with Lazlo» mmm... feta (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:33am)
«danced with Lazlo» I really like a good english stilton though (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:33am)
«meh» Oh, and munster. I like munster. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:36am)
«Misch» I make a good Buffalo Chicken pizza (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:36am)
«meh» (Or Monster cheese, as we tend to call it in my family) (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:36am)
«Misch» it has crumbled blue cheese on it. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:36am)
«Sarah» my brother makes pizza with boboli crust, pesto, feta and almonds (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:37am)
«Sarah» grills it. tastes so good (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:38am)
«Sarah» my brother is an awesome cook (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:40am)
«Misch» I'd like to think I am too. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:42am)
«Sarah» same here (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:43am)
«Sarah» I love baking but lately my cookies come out horrible (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:43am)
«danced with Lazlo» paul... does it have chicken? :P (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:44am)
«Misch» yes, it does. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:44am)
«danced with Lazlo» booo (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:44am)
«Misch» The chicken is grilled, then you add some RedHot sauce to it. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:45am)
«danced with Lazlo» maybe someday I'll try it with fake chicken (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:45am)
«Misch» Then you put a tiny amount of RedHot on the crust, then the chicken, then the blue cheese and some mozzarella... (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:46am)
«Misch» then bake it till its done. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:47am)
«meh» Tonight, on "Cooking with Fruheads..." (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:47am)
«danced with Lazlo» oh my poor roommate... (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:48am)
«danced with Lazlo» I made her some peppermint tea to settle her stomach (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:48am)
«danced with Lazlo» but she can't even keep that down (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:48am)
«danced with Lazlo» This is going to be fn (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:48am)
«danced with Lazlo» fun (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:48am)
«Sarah» :-( (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:48am)
«Misch» :-/ (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:48am)
«danced with Lazlo» Last week her boyfriend had a terrible stomach virus (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:49am)
«danced with Lazlo» so chances are she has it now (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:49am)
«danced with Lazlo» and chances are I'll get it next :O (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:49am)
«meh» Oh dear. That sounds decidedly terrible. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:49am)
«danced with Lazlo» It's terrible not being able to keep anything down... *bad memories* (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:49am)
«Misch» They say that 1 out of every four people is mentally ill. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:49am)
«danced with Lazlo» lol! (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:50am)
«Misch» Look at 3 of your friends. If it's not them, it's you. (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:50am)
«danced with Lazlo» That statistic is much higher here (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:50am)
«Sarah» lol (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:50am)
«danced with Lazlo» if you are a fruhead then it's gotta be 1 out of 1.5 (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:50am)
«Misch» ;-) (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:50am)
«Sarah» I went for about a month sick. could not even look at food (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:51am)
«danced with Lazlo» oof... mono was tough (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:51am)
«danced with Lazlo» i only thre up once but i just couldn't even swallow anything (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:52am)
«danced with Lazlo» not even soup (Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:52am)

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