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«nate...» ironic, eh? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 8:59pm)
«soul groove feline» come go camping in Canada! (Mar 2, 2003 @ 8:59pm)
«soul groove feline» Canada camping is good. and not as cold as people tell you it is. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:00pm)
«soul groove feline» when are you moving to NY? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:00pm)
«soul groove feline» what are you moving there to do? did you get a job there? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:01pm)
«soul groove feline» Talcott is moving to NY too? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:02pm)
«soul groove feline» so you're moving there so you can room with those guys? wow. can I be you? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:03pm)
«soul groove feline» there's some, what temperatures they work at, if they're waterproof, etc. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:05pm)
«soul groove feline» and sleeping bags are necessary so you don't freeze your ass off at night. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:05pm)
«soul groove feline» oh, the waterproofness isn't just for if you're drunk. it's for not getting all wet from dew and condensation and stuff. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:07pm)
«soul groove feline» when you camp in a tent, it doesn't keep out the cold. the warm air from your breath mixes with the cold air from outside and forms condensation against the tent walls. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:09pm)
«soul groove feline» so if you roll up against a wall, you're wet. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:09pm)
«soul groove feline» also, some condensation can collect on the vinyl of your sleeping bag. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:10pm)
«Somepeople» That's why big tents are good. :-) (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:10pm)
«soul groove feline»'s not a necessity. my sleeping bag is not waterproof, and I survived last year. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:10pm)
«nate...» yeah.. you get wet very easily while sleeping in a tent. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:11pm)
«Somepeople» We just brought a lot of blankets for the air mattress and we were ok... (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:11pm)
«soul groove feline» flashlights are good. you need to find your way up the hill from the mainstage after concerts. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:12pm)
«nate...» yeah, flashlights are pretty much a necessity. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:12pm)
«Somepeople» The first year at Falcon Ridge, I assumed it would be warm and humid -- we only had a thin summer blanket. Never making that mistake again. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:12pm)
«Somepeople» You might want a little electric lantern for the tent so you're not trying to rig up your flashlight to light the whole space. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:14pm)
«nate...» yeah, it can be helpful. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:14pm)
«nate...» but... not really that important. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:14pm)
«nate...» what's a "fire thingy"? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:14pm)
«nate...» a lantern? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:15pm)
«nate...» oh, well... yes, but most these days don't involve fire. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:15pm)
«Somepeople» Hence the "electric" part. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:15pm)
«nate...» most are rechargable batteries (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:15pm)
«nate...» I am? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:16pm)
«nate...» this is pretty darned early. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:16pm)
«nate...» no, I'm usually on later. :) (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:16pm)
«soul groove feline» it's 9 pm. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:20pm)
«soul groove feline» I'm thirsty. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:20pm)
«soul groove feline» i wish I had some cactus juice (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:21pm)
«nate...» cactus juice? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:21pm)
«nate...» what's that? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:21pm)
«soul groove feline» it's juice made out of prickly pear cactus. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:21pm)
«soul groove feline» it's made by snapple. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:21pm)
«nate...» huh. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:21pm)
«nate...» what's it taste like? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:22pm)
«soul groove feline» nope. it doesn't have alcohol. it tastes juice on crack. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:25pm)
«nate...» hahah (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:25pm)
«soul groove feline» you can't get those in canada! i love apple jacks! (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:28pm)
«nate...» apple cracks (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:28pm)
«soul groove feline» you also can't get cookie crisp in canada. grr. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:28pm)
«nate...» la la la nate la la la isn't a fan of cereal anyway... *shrugs* (Mar 2, 2003 @ 9:29pm)

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