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Wall Archive

«meh» *L* Thinking so was actually in terms of sleep being a good plan. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:18am)
«meh» And I'm not entirely sure that sentence makes sense. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:18am)
«danced with Lazlo» its too cold (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:18am)
«danced with Lazlo» its too far (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:18am)
«meh» It's too far? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:18am)
«danced with Lazlo» too old (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:18am)
«meh» Arg. Beat me to it. ;-) (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:18am)
«danced with Lazlo» too ugly (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:18am)
«meh» Sleepy wall. We're going to scare the people who for some reason are getting up this early instead of still up this early. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:19am)
«danced with Lazlo» You want me to find a pic of me that I like? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:19am)
«meh» Alright. Sleepy has now overtaken the core of my brain. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:21am)
«meh» Because I'd swear the wall was telling me that Anni and Jian were plotting against Gella. *blinks blearily* (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:21am)
«meh» Alright. I give up. Must sleep now. Anni:Go have a snack. Gella: You are too lovely. Uhm... wall: make sense. or don't. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:22am)
«danced with Lazlo» /a> (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:24am)
danced with Lazlo» hmmm (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:24am)
«danced with Lazlo» wall's being weird (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:25am)
«danced with Lazlo» my wall's broken now (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:26am)
«danced with Lazlo» i don't know if the link went through (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:26am)
«danced with Lazlo» if not, here's the url (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:26am)
«danced with Lazlo» (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:26am)
«meh» Darn you. Making me log right back in. Er -- I mean, That is a really great pic. :-) (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:27am)
«danced with Lazlo» is from frucon last year (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:27am)
«meh» Lacy=Grace=Sleepy collapses into a pile of sleep, for real this time. (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:28am)
«danced with Lazlo» is one of very few pics of me that I actually like (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:28am)
«danced with Lazlo» gnight lacymylove (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:28am)
«danced with Lazlo» my nose looks big in the drum one (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:30am)
«danced with Lazlo» (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:32am)
«danced with Lazlo» this one's not bad (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:32am)
«danced with Lazlo» ooh, here's a pic of me calling Jian (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:36am)
«danced with Lazlo» General reads back... what's this about Jian told you something wasn't a bad idea? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:38am)
«danced with Lazlo» General is confused (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:38am)
«danced with Lazlo» when did you talk to Jian? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:38am)
«danced with Lazlo» or are you being silly? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:39am)
«danced with Lazlo» *blink* (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:39am)
«danced with Lazlo» You talked to him about me specifically? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:39am)
«danced with Lazlo» and he responded? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:39am)
«danced with Lazlo» but you didn't tell him it was me? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:39am)
«danced with Lazlo» you did? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:40am)
«danced with Lazlo» oh dear God (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:40am)
«danced with Lazlo» Anni... you're not fucking withmy head? (Mar 2, 2003 @ 5:40am)

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