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«Talcott» hey folks (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:53pm) «hkath» Talcott@ (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:54pm) «hkath» land o'sock puppets almost typed Lactott. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:54pm) «Talcott» Hey Kath (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:54pm) «John J. Ryan» is now known as JJR is feeling much better (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:54pm) «Talcott» Lactott? Is that the milk version of me? (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:54pm) «sheryls» like Lactott :D (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:54pm) «hkath» is now known as what caused the change? (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:55pm) «Talcott» heya. How goes the sewing (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:55pm) «John J. Ryan» Back from a full day of barbershopping. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:55pm) «hkath» sheryls :) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:56pm) «jaye» is now known as chickliterati (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:56pm) «John J. Ryan» is now known as JJR is feeling better (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:56pm) «sheryls» i stopped after the baby blanket and finished painting that rug :) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:56pm) «hkath» ah, I see :) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:57pm) «hkath» is now known as Blockbuster's whore (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:57pm) «sheryls» kath! :D (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:57pm) «meh» 'lo people's. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:58pm) «sheryls» lacygrace! (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:58pm) «Talcott» oooh. I forgot 'bout the rug (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:58pm) «meh» Hiya Sheryls. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:58pm) «iPauley» *hugs at lacy and sheryl* (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:02pm) «John J. Ryan» Hey folks (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:02pm) «John J. Ryan» Guess no one saw me here. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:02pm) «nitsita» hi john (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:02pm) «meh» John! *pounce* *sees you* Hiya. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:02pm) «John J. Ryan» Hiya (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:03pm) «iPauley» *hugs at Nitsa too -- bad neglectful pauley* (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:03pm) «John J. Ryan» Like I said, back from a lot of barbershopping. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:03pm) «Misch» I'm back from a lot of shouting at 2 hockey games. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:03pm) «Misch» hireme @paulmischler.com breaks out the big-ass bag of halls. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:03pm) «meh» Mmmmbarbershopping. How wazzit? (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:04pm) «iPauley» Oh! Halls, with an H. never mind. :-P (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:05pm) «Misch» yes, that's what I meant. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:05pm) «John J. Ryan» It was very good, lots of fun singing. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:07pm) «meh» Yayness. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:08pm) «hkath» Oh. My. God. This is priceless. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:08pm) «hkath» I just got a spam entitled "When Daniel Speaks, I listen." (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:08pm) «Talcott» LOL! (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:08pm) «John J. Ryan» Oh that is funny. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:09pm) «meh» *snort* (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:09pm) «sheryls» hee!!! :D (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:10pm) «John J. Ryan» Heh, someone posted on the Fruvous newsgroup that they - surprise, surprise - Saw Murray playing bass for Great Big Sea. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:16pm) «John J. Ryan» And Kath: GBS plays June 21st in Toronto at the Molson Ampitheater. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:17pm) «hkath» I just saw that myself. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:18pm) «hkath» I wonder if he'll still be with them then. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:19pm) «John J. Ryan» For your sake, let's hope. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:19pm) «meh» Ooooh. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:19pm) «Misch» That's Colleen McLanahan. Longtime fruhead. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:19pm) «hkath» Blockbuster's whore doesn't remember another Colleen. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:21pm) «iPauley» same reason some people with cars, or some people with guns are stupid -- not much in the way of IQ checks to own one. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:22pm) «John J. Ryan» Time for bed (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:23pm) «Talcott» 'night John (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:23pm) «hkath» night! (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:24pm) «meh» G'night John. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:25pm) «hkath» oh my god... I have so many quotes stored up that I haven't posted! (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:34pm) «Talcott» quotes? (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:35pm) «hkath» yeah, for my quotes page. You were involved in a lot of them. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:35pm) «Talcott» Talcott goes to check this out...aparently out of narcisism (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:37pm) «Talcott» ;) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:37pm) «hkath» hold on (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:37pm) «hkath» not posted yet (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:37pm) «Talcott» oh, ok (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:37pm) «hkath» ok, it's updated. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:38pm) «hkath» http://monument.voice.tripod.com/quotes.html (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:39pm) «Talcott» Talcott goes to read for real this time (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:40pm) «meh» Oooh. Nifty! (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:40pm) «meh» *goes to look too. If only to keep Talcott from being narcisisstic. Er... however you spell that* (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:41pm) «Talcott» ack! If I bribe you, will you fix my "its"/"it's" mistake? (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:42pm) «meh» *giggle* (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:42pm) «meh» I don't know why, but that needed a *giggle* (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:42pm) «hkath» ok! (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:43pm) «Talcott» Talcott opens his wallet and watches moths fly out...I can pay you in insects. Are those ok? (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:44pm) «hkath» fixed. Also fixed sweaper/sweeper incongruency ;) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:44pm) «Talcott» ah. Thank you :) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:44pm) «hkath» those are great! Got any ladybugs? (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:44pm) «Talcott» Nope. Just moths (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:45pm) «meh» Lacy=Grace=Sleepy is amused by the Gilmore Girls quotes. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:46pm) «hkath» is now known as mothman prophet (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:46pm) «hkath» mmmm... moths (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:46pm) «Sarah» hello (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:46pm) «hkath» hi sarah :) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:46pm) «Talcott» 'ello (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:46pm) «meh» 'lo Sarah. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:46pm) «Sarah» hello (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:47pm) «Sarah» my mom went to see my uncle today in the hospital (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:47pm) «Sarah» can't believe my aunt though. she has no common sense (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:48pm) «Talcott» ? (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:48pm) «Sarah» she wanted my mother to have a proxy so she could sign for surgery if needed. she gave it to my mother in front of my uncle and never even explained to my uncle what it was (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:48pm) «Sarah» made it soudnd like it was a living will (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:49pm) «iPauley» hi sarah :) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:49pm) «Sarah» hello (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:49pm) «Talcott» gah (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:49pm) «meh» Oh dear. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:49pm) « Previous 100 entries | Next 100 entries »
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