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«danced with Lazlo» Its a rare treat when we have those moments (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:53pm)
«danced with Lazlo» heh (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:53pm)
«danced with Lazlo» your right, I don't (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:53pm)
«danced with Lazlo» i love my sister, but we fight a *lot* (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:53pm)
«danced with Lazlo» :( (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:53pm)
«Talcott» hey folks (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:53pm)
«danced with Lazlo» TALCOTT! (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:53pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Evil Warmonger jumps on Talcott and covers him with... mud (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:54pm)
«Talcott» Hey Gella! Hey Anni! *hugs* (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:54pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Anni... yeah, my sister 8loves* me now that I'm in college :) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:54pm)
«Talcott» oh's like the fr�orgy all over again :D (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:54pm)
«danced with Lazlo» *blink* there was no mud at the hotel (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:54pm)
«nitsita» see, thats what lacks in hotels... mud :) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:55pm)
«danced with Lazlo» I agree Nitsa (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:55pm)
«Talcott» true, but mud's pillows (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:55pm)
«danced with Lazlo» well, it's warm when its warm (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:55pm)
«danced with Lazlo» cold mud is... cold (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:55pm)
«danced with Lazlo» yeah (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:56pm)
«nitsita» something like that :D (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:56pm)
«Talcott» um, you could be baking clay pots in the winter...does that count? (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:56pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Taclott... huh? (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:57pm)
«nitsita» so do I, Anni. my roommates alwasy leave on weekends :) I'm taking the opportunity to open all the windwos and air the place out (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:57pm)
«Talcott» clay=mud baking clay=hot winter=cold (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:57pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Evil Warmonger wishes she had a house (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:57pm)
«danced with Lazlo» but talcott... if the mud is warm, then it is not cold (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:57pm)
«Talcott» Talcott wishes he had a house too (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:57pm)
«danced with Lazlo» we weren't talking about cold weather, we were talking about cold mud (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:58pm)
«nitsita» brb.. soups ready (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:58pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Anni, if you moved to NY, what would you do? (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:58pm)
«Talcott» How about a really thick clay sculpture that's cold inside...oh wait, those explode in the kiln (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:58pm)
«danced with Lazlo» you should think about it (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:59pm)
«Talcott» she'd stop in Ohio and pick me up *nods* (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:59pm)
«danced with Lazlo» :) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:59pm)
«danced with Lazlo» We could have a mini-fu-commune in NY (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:59pm)
«danced with Lazlo» fu=fru (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:59pm)
«danced with Lazlo» you, me, talcott & Lacy (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:59pm)
«Talcott» sounds good to me. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:00pm)
«danced with Lazlo» yeah, me too (Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:00pm)
«danced with Lazlo» but I don't think you Talcott and Lacy could really get on my nerves very much (Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:00pm)
«Talcott» Hey, if we could find someplace we could all aford out there, I'd seriously go. I have lots of people trying to get me out there.. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:00pm)
«Talcott» really? I have my legs crossed right now (well, over eachother. the same way I always sit) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:00pm)
«danced with Lazlo» hmmm.... four way rent makes things a little easier... (Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:01pm)
«danced with Lazlo» You think Lacy would come? (Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:01pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Evil Warmonger is talking seriously (Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:01pm)
«nitsita» honestly though, the perfect place for a commune is right near here. on L'�le d'Orl�ans. huge grounds going down to the st-lawrence, two big buildings with kitchens and rooms and things and three smaller cottages and the round cottage, too (Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:01pm)
«nitsita» theres even a hermitage in the woods (Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:01pm)
«Talcott» I really don't know. She might, but I can't see her moving to a big city. NY would be the one she'd do it for though (Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:01pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Well, we can kick you out occasionally, Anni :) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:02pm)
«Talcott» well, everyone can be irritating. It's just a matter of being able to live with the irrating things (Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:02pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Anni, nannys make good money in manhattan (Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:02pm)

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