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«no one» but one third os switzerland speaks german natively too (Feb 28, 2003 @ 7:35pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» I don't know where sachsen is, but, like i said, according to google, freiberg is .de domain. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 7:40pm)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» Also, in finland, they all speak swedish, but if I was to go somewhere to learn swedish, wouldn't you go to sweden, not finland? (Feb 28, 2003 @ 7:41pm)
«no one» he he, did you know there are about 200 localities in the usa named berlin? (Feb 28, 2003 @ 7:41pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Yay Daisies! (Feb 28, 2003 @ 7:47pm)
«soul groove feline» Kitchener Ontario used to be called Berlin. They changed it to Kitchener during WW1. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 7:51pm)
«no one» like alsatian from german shepherd dog (Feb 28, 2003 @ 7:52pm)
«no one» and the familiy of windsor from hannover (Feb 28, 2003 @ 7:53pm)
«soul groove feline» they did that? whoa. I didn't know that. I still called it a german shephard. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 7:53pm)
«no one» and dispirin from aspirin (Feb 28, 2003 @ 7:53pm)
«soul groove feline» okay, now I'm really creeping myself out with my big-ass whole name on the screen. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 7:56pm)
«soul groove feline» is now known as wormy. that's better. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 7:56pm)
«soul groove feline» that's better. :) (Feb 28, 2003 @ 7:57pm)
«no one» shucks. i liked the sound of stacey marie celeste. so heavenly. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 7:58pm)
«soul groove feline» wow. thank you. I really dislike my name. it makes me feel like a doily. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 8:02pm)
«stealthlori» heehee. it's the martin invasion! :D hi and bye folks. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 8:02pm)
«no one» forget the doily, the names are beautiful (Feb 28, 2003 @ 8:04pm)
«Drea» hey Lori, did you check the "decorating your car" forum Gordon started? *g* *fond memories of painting Lori's car* (Feb 28, 2003 @ 8:13pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» Hi fruheads. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 8:45pm)
«Jºnªthªn» hey bobanya (Feb 28, 2003 @ 8:48pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» is now known as hugs jonathan (Feb 28, 2003 @ 8:49pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» is now known as Tanya bobanya (Feb 28, 2003 @ 8:49pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» Tanya bobanya hugs jonathan (Feb 28, 2003 @ 8:50pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» glah. that was interesting. too much sugar, not enough thinking (Feb 28, 2003 @ 8:50pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» Tanya bobanya wonders how much MORE like irc the wall will become (Feb 28, 2003 @ 8:52pm)
«no one» mhh, while i'm here, the indication is that is quite some way to go. there are a couple of characters here whose style i really resent, i still appreciate the standard adhered to in here, and voluntarily too, which makes it even better. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 9:01pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» i just meant in terms of commands (Feb 28, 2003 @ 9:19pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» I have no idea. I was just thinking in terms of the /name command (Feb 28, 2003 @ 9:55pm)
«Bareena» Hi, people. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 9:56pm)
«Bareena» Hi, people! (Feb 28, 2003 @ 9:57pm)
«Bareena» Hi, people (Feb 28, 2003 @ 9:57pm)
«Bareena» I don't know why this is, but when I tried to put that up on the Fruwall, it didn't show up on my screen. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 9:58pm)
«Bareena» Sorry for posting that over and over. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 9:58pm)
«Bareena» How's it going? (Feb 28, 2003 @ 9:59pm)
«Bareena» Oh,heck with it. This computer's being wackball. Talk to you guys later. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 10:00pm)
«Bareena» I'd ask you if the last thing I said actually went up on the Wall, but I woudn't see your responses. Sorry. Adeiu (Feb 28, 2003 @ 10:01pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» ooh I see a tibbar! hi! ...oh, and a renita! (Feb 28, 2003 @ 10:30pm)
«elfy, teacher of many» and now I sound like the Romper Room woman. yeesh. ANYway.. *hugs* to friends! more have arrived even (Feb 28, 2003 @ 10:30pm)
«iPauley» *pouncetickle* (Mar 1, 2003 @ 12:22am)
«iPauley» logged off? rude! ;) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 12:24am)
«Misch» toooooo quiet. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:17am)
«theri quite contrary» *waves to Leanne and Lisa* (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:30am)
«I can see the bunny» Leanne is just a figment of your imagination - seeing as she's catatonic after counting cds for 11 hours... (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:36am)
«I can see the bunny» now going to bed 'cause I have to be back at work in about 6 hours... (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:37am)
«theri quite contrary» Goodnight! (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:37am)
«no one» argh, a ghostly snail! (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:39am)
«theri quite contrary» I'll still be up in 6 hours. Time zones are so weird.. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:39am)
«theri quite contrary» Yeah..I'm also a figment of someone's imagination. :) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:39am)
«no one» hi, figment (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:41am)
«theri quite contrary» hi! :) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 2:52am)
«Paul D. Beasi» someone should watch her maaaailbox (Mar 1, 2003 @ 4:24am)
«Paul D. Beasi» and someone else should be running along to bed (Mar 1, 2003 @ 4:24am)
«jaye» heehee :) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 4:25am)
«jaye» whoah. 'lectricity just went out for a second. damn. now i have to reset my clock (Mar 1, 2003 @ 5:39am)
«jaye» (on the bright side - i was up anyway. otherwise my alarm wouldn't have gone off in the morning. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 5:40am)
«emilie is CRANKY» blaaaaaaarrrrg. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 7:22am)
«emilie is CRANKY» morning ouch. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 7:22am)
«emilie is CRANKY» talking bollocks. will leave now. (Mar 1, 2003 @ 7:23am)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» hey all (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:33am)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» that definately used to not be too long (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:34am)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» is now known as Mold Flipper (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:34am)
«nate...» hehehe (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:36am)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» heh (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:39am)
«no one» india about to beat pakistan (Mar 1, 2003 @ 10:51am)
«emilie is CRANKY» lai di dai (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:18am)
«no one» watch out, tomorrow the aussies will clobber the poms (Mar 1, 2003 @ 11:43am)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» whats a pom (Mar 1, 2003 @ 12:43pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» damn limeys (Mar 1, 2003 @ 12:48pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» an english person? (Mar 1, 2003 @ 12:50pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» ...mine? (Mar 1, 2003 @ 12:52pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» medium (Mar 1, 2003 @ 12:52pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» why? (Mar 1, 2003 @ 12:52pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» im intrigued, yet frightened (Mar 1, 2003 @ 12:52pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» i dont know :\ (Mar 1, 2003 @ 12:53pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» it's expensive and far (Mar 1, 2003 @ 12:53pm)
«emilie is CRANKY» oi. did i hear someone slagging off brits? ;) (Mar 1, 2003 @ 12:54pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» no, because im pretty sure england is a real place (Mar 1, 2003 @ 12:55pm)

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