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«Fr�Wench» *sneak* (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:23pm)
«Fr�Wench» BOO! (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:23pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Jen! (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:24pm)
«Andrea Krause» heya jen :) (it IS jen, right? Am I losing my fruhead memories?) (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:24pm)
«danced with Lazlo» is now known as Gella Rachel Solomon (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:24pm)
«Fr�Wench» *giggle* Hi! (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:24pm)
«Fr�Wench» Yep, I'm Jen. Hi Drea. :-D (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:25pm)
«Fr�Wench» Gella!! *HUG* (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:25pm)
«Andrea Krause» I'm not Drea! Bah! :) (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:25pm)
«Fr�Wench» Well, I just proved my memories are horrible. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:26pm)
«Fr�Wench» Krause . . Mary? (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:26pm)
«Andrea Krause» wheee! time to go home! bye all! (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:26pm)
«Andrea Krause» Just Andrea. :) No relation to Mary. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:26pm)
«Fr�Wench» Ok, bye Andrea. :-) (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:27pm)
«Fr�Wench» Where did Gella go? (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:27pm)
«danced with Lazlo» hihi (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:27pm)
«danced with Lazlo» i stil here (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:27pm)
«danced with Lazlo» was trying to figure out "I Wish I Were" by DVN on guitar (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:27pm)
«lawrence» Gella - capo 1, D, G, A mostly. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:28pm)
«Fr�Wench» Sorry, not me. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:28pm)
«danced with Lazlo» WITHOUT A CAPO!!! (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:28pm)
«Fr�Wench» Hi Lawrence (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:28pm)
«lawrence» you can't play "I Wish I Were" without a capo, though. all good folk songs must be capoed up at least one fret. :) (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:28pm)
«lawrence» hey! long time no see. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:28pm)
«John J. Ryan» Wow, I have that song earwormed right now. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:28pm)
«Fr�Wench» oops (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:29pm)
«danced with Lazlo» lol (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:30pm)
«danced with Lazlo» oops? (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:30pm)
«lawrence» gella - do you have popsicle sticks and shoelaces? you can make a capo. :) (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:30pm)
«lawrence» (actually, that's technically not a good idea, since the neck of a guitar isn't completely flat) (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:31pm)
«danced with Lazlo» i do not, Lawrence (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:32pm)
«danced with Lazlo» There are different kinds, anni (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:32pm)
«danced with Lazlo» a conga? A djembe? a doumbek? (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:32pm)
«Mamalissa!» conga? (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:33pm)
«Mamalissa!» a bong? (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:33pm)
«danced with Lazlo» anni... does it look like any of these? (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:34pm)
«lawrence» man, I need to get a set of bongos and congas so I can play Guster songs without using cheesy keyboard sounds. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:35pm)
«Mamalissa!» I need to get a set of bongos and congas so Eddie will have something to do when I lock him in my basement. Did I say that out loud? (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:36pm)
«danced with Lazlo» OMG... really odd moment... (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:36pm)
«lawrence» hehe (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:36pm)
«lawrence» even moment! (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:36pm)
«danced with Lazlo» last night Jason told me to download some t.a.t.u (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:36pm)
«John J. Ryan» Oh god, not those girls. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:37pm)
«jaye» did you dl the video, too, or just the music? (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:37pm)
«danced with Lazlo» and now I see that this weeks winner of the Play contest was someone talking about them (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:37pm)
«danced with Lazlo» just music so far (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:37pm)
«Misch» Down with t.a.t.u. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:39pm)
«John J. Ryan» Hey Anni? (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:39pm)
«danced with Lazlo» i dunno... i kinda like them (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:39pm)
«John J. Ryan» Which is? (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:41pm)
«jaye» is that pashmina? kinda likes them too. *shrug* (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:42pm)
«John J. Ryan» Oooh, I like those too. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:42pm)
«jaye» it's funny - i hear all these stories about exploitation and the dirty old man market, but i seriously only hear about them from gay and bi chicks (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:42pm)
«John J. Ryan» I gotta go, feeling sick. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:42pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» amarretto sours. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:42pm)
«John J. Ryan» Have a good weekend. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:42pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» feel better john! (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:42pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» amarretto liquor and sour mix...pretty basic. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:43pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» and sometimes a cherry. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:43pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» Chris Chi-Chung Chin is such a fru-fru drinker. (Feb 28, 2003 @ 3:43pm)

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