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«J» of course im far superior (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:41pm)
«J» canada and cuba are going to join forces soon (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:42pm)
«J» we will be canuba (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:42pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» its a shame it isnt texas canada and cuba (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:43pm)
«J» maybe mexico will join to (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:43pm)
«J» we could be mexanuba (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:43pm)
«hkath» is now known as Kath listens to Dar! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:43pm)
«J» hmm i dont think canada and texas go well together (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:44pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» but we dont want it anymore (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:44pm)
«nate...» texas doesn't go well with ANYTHING... except florida... and death. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:44pm)
«J» lol (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:44pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» florida has disney world though (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:44pm)
«J» it goes well with gun racks and walmart (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:44pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» disney world is happy (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:44pm)
«nate...» kevin: yes, but disney world is evil.. just like florida. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:44pm)
«Songbill» ARE you listening to Dar right now? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:45pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» is? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:45pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» *confused horrified pouty face* (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:45pm)
«nate...» who was the comedian.. who was like, "it looks so obscene.. just danglin there.... I mean, it does us no good.. I just wanna give it a kick and see it skitter off into the ocean." (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:45pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» but... but... mickey! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:45pm)
«hkath» yes, new album. Yummy. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:45pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» You don't know that Disney World is evil? People who work there call it Mauschwitz. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:46pm)
«nate...» I have no love for mickey.. and that is, like, the home base of those fuckers who dress in cartoon character costumes.... *shudder* (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:46pm)
«nate...» michael: HAHA (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:46pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» that's horrible (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:46pm)
«nate...» horribly.... FUNNY! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:47pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» michael you should know better (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:47pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» *shame shame shame* (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:47pm)
«nate...» heh (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:47pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» that's the verb shame (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:47pm)
«nate...» but.. either way, there's still disney land in CA... so.. *shrugs* (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:47pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» and euro disney (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:47pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» or is that gone? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:47pm)
«nate...» hahha (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:47pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» wasnt there like a fire or something? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:48pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» kevin- lives in sweet amber poison (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:48pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» well that was going to be my new name (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:48pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» but now im too lazy to do it right (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:48pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» so im keeping this one (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:49pm)
«nate...» good (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:50pm)
«nate...» you brilliant mold flipping son of a bitch! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:50pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» im not sure how i should take that (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:50pm)
«nate...» it was a compliment. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:50pm)
«Eri» it's only minus four today! score! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:50pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» break out the bermuda shorts (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:51pm)
«Eri» this is great! I can wear my new jacket, and I can get to the mall tonight! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:51pm)
«nate...» hahah... mallrat! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:52pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» double yay! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:52pm)
«Eri» haha. it'll make the second time i've been to the mall this week.. i hadn't been in four months, before that. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:52pm)
«nate...» :) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:53pm)
«nate...» man.. it's so funny.. that mallrat culture is still going on..... at least, around here. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:53pm)
«nate...» fuckin losers. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:53pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» be nice (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:58pm)
«nate...» I am. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:59pm)
«nate...» ;) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:59pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» someone could say the same thing about us, because we consider computers part of the family (Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:59pm)
«nate...» part of the family??? computers ARE my family! ;) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:00pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» fuckin loser :) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:00pm)
«nate...» hehehe (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:00pm)
«nate...» :) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:00pm)
«danced with Lazlo» is now known as trolley (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:01pm)
«danced with Lazlo» MIKE! You there?? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:01pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» everyone in town gives you a ride at least once in their life? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:01pm)
«nate...» hahhahahahahah (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:02pm)
«danced with Lazlo» is now known as not trolley (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:02pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» is now known as King Friday (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:02pm)
«danced with Lazlo» is now known as time to feed the fish (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:02pm)
«nate...» dammit, mold flipper! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:02pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» is now known as King Friday-Flipper of Mold (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:03pm)
«jaye» where oh where is my motivation? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:03pm)
«nate...» w00t! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:03pm)
«danced with Lazlo» There it is! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:05pm)
«danced with Lazlo» time to feed the fish points (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:05pm)
«danced with Lazlo» in your cleavage (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:05pm)
«danced with Lazlo» with the m&ms (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:05pm)
«jaye» oh, of course. how silly of me :P (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:06pm)
«danced with Lazlo» time to feed the fish misses people (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:06pm)
«danced with Lazlo» time to feed the fish misses Kath (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:06pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» what're you going to feed the fish to? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:06pm)
«danced with Lazlo» To the trolley (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:07pm)
«danced with Lazlo» better yet... put them in picture picture and see if picture picture also works as an x-ray machine (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:07pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» the trolley eats fish? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:07pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Heh. It really *is* the ultimate multimedia device. :-) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:08pm)
«hkath» is now known as i hate punctuation (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:09pm)
«jaye» aw, man, punctuation rocks. especially the semi-colon (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:14pm)
«danced with Lazlo» ; (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:15pm)
«nate...» frulie: hey, watch it... becca'll get ya. :D (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:16pm)
«jaye» is that pashmina? leaves :P (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:18pm)
«danced with Lazlo» ; (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:19pm)
«danced with Lazlo» ><(('< (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:19pm)
«jaye» is that pashmina? appreciates gella showin' some lurve to the semicolon, however ;) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:19pm)
«danced with Lazlo» ><(('< <--fishy! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:19pm)
«jaye» i'm gonna eatcha little fishy! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 7:20pm)

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