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«Shelly» heh. yah, i should go shop and launder. toodles!! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:22pm)
«danced with Lazlo» or not (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:22pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO offers up one last 'take that tin whistle away from Jian' and ~runs~ *g* (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:23pm)
«Andrea Krause» Here is a sweet Mr. Rogers article. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:29pm)
«renita» Renita*FreibergBound* went swimmng yesterday. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:29pm)
«renita» Renita*FreibergBound* also just finished eating an obscene amount of beef jerkey. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:30pm)
«Andrea Krause» mmmm swimming. I should haul my butt across the street at home and do so myself. :) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:31pm)
«renita» yup. tis much fun. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:32pm)
«renita» wow. that is a great article. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:37pm)
«Andrea Krause» It must rock to be in a position to allow your kids into experiences like that. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:40pm)
«renita» yah. though--I was more of a mr. dress-up watcher than Mr. Rogers (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:41pm)
«renita» and with that, I bid you adieu. and run off to study for the stats exam I'm certain to fail this afternoon :) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:42pm)
«jaye» hee! "tarts (prostitutes) to distinguish, i suppose, from tarts (pies)" (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:02pm)
«jaye» is that pashmina? is in an indexing class, and we're talking about fixed vocabulary (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:06pm)
«jaye» bwah! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:06pm)
«ellen» is now known as -=voice-full=- (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:07pm)
«Talcott» SadDayInTheNeighborhood joins the wall. Because it sure beats essaywriting ;) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:08pm)
«Talcott» SadDayInTheNeighborhood hands Anni some books on Blake and Ashbury--- knock yourslef out (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:09pm)
«Talcott» I love to write, but not when I have to (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:09pm)
«Talcott» Well, we all are here (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:13pm)
«Talcott» odd...the wall's been timing out a lot more often today (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:19pm)
«Talcott» *nods* It's enchanted I guess (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:19pm)
«Talcott» No, it does it every now and then, but I've seen it four times or so today (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:25pm)
«Talcott» just did it again... (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:34pm)
«Talcott» Mr. Rogers (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:37pm)
«Talcott» He died last night (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:38pm)
«Talcott» Cancer. It came on suddenly I guess. Hold on, I'll find an article (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:38pm)
«Talcott» here (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:39pm)
«Talcott» yeah. It kind of set my day to wake up to that on the radio. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:41pm)
«Talcott» *nods* (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:45pm)
«Talcott» Well, not around here at least. And anyone near your age (or less than 50 or so) should understand (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:47pm)
«Talcott» I need to take off. 'afternoon folks (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:53pm)
«jaye» oh yay. because i needed that earworm. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 2:58pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Lord. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 3:14pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I am, like, so ready to go home. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 3:14pm)
«Eri» argh. I just got the earworm too. :P (Feb 27, 2003 @ 3:23pm)
«danced with Lazlo» smoking is bad (Feb 27, 2003 @ 3:40pm)
«nate...» n'kay (Feb 27, 2003 @ 3:41pm)
«nate...» drugs are bad... n'kay? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 3:43pm)
«nate...» ewww to girls that smoke. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 3:44pm)
«nate...» I smoke now and again... but usually just if I'm at a bar with friends who smoke... or if there are cloves available. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 3:44pm)
«nate...» can't remember the last time I did smoke, tho..... (Feb 27, 2003 @ 3:45pm)
«nate...» what? cloves actually TASTE good. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 3:45pm)
«nate...» no, they taste like cloves.... regular cigarettes taste like a tailpipe. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 3:46pm)
«nate...» heh (Feb 27, 2003 @ 3:47pm)

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