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«renita» *grin* (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:55pm)
«danced with Lazlo» when I was little my mom says i used to talk back to him on the TV (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:56pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO is still waiting on a package that someone up north sent month aog? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:56pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» mr. rogers? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:56pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Beth... Mr. Rogers died. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:56pm)
«Shelly» yah. he passed away bethy (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:56pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» oh no! i didn't know :-( (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:56pm)
«Shelly» gella!!! *HUGG* (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:56pm)
«danced with Lazlo» I don't remember if I'd known he was a presbyterian minister... makes a lot of sense though (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:57pm)
«Shelly» bethy: me neither til i signed on here. boo to no comuter access at home. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:57pm)
«Shelly» computer even (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:57pm)
«Mamalissa!» that's one of the reasons I said it in the initial post, but not in the forum title. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:57pm)
«Shelly» and now, though i'd love to stay and chat, i think my lib time is now up. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:57pm)
«Mamalissa!» Shelly - I just posted my poll mssg. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:58pm)
«Shelly» huh? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:58pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» gotta run (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:58pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» ciao guys (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:58pm)
«Shelly» monosodium glutimate? *lol* (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:58pm)
«Mamalissa!» about up or down the hill. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:58pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO is now earwormed with o/' beware the killer neals o/' (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:59pm)
«goovie is married!» mmmmkillerneal :) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:59pm)
«Mamalissa!» I totally read that as "beware the killer nields" (Feb 27, 2003 @ 12:59pm)
«Adam Hartfield» Nerissa's out to get YOU! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:00pm)
«Mamalissa!» aaak! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:02pm)
«Shelly» she's just jealous coz i'm more popular ;) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:02pm)
«Shelly» meliss-go read my reply to your post ;) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:02pm)
«Shelly» care-we all know that beware the killer neals is -the- official camp fruvous song, whether upper or lower :) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:03pm)
«Mamalissa!» just did - I knew you'd know what I was thinking of@ (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:03pm)
«Shelly» o/' she ran off to ti-ju-a-na with her bass-ist fi-an-ce o/' (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:03pm)
«Mamalissa!» Melissa Strip'ed Tiger bangs on a cake pan (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:04pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO thanks melissa for changing her earworm to 'clone' from the o/' we are as GODS o/' (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:04pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO -always- listens for the cakepan (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:04pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO even showed her friends the pic in the liners with leo and the cakepan (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:04pm)
«Mamalissa!» I'm going to a Phish show tomorrow, but I'd rather be seeing a Mike/Leo show. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:05pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO has been going on to everyone aboot that CD. and thinks she needs to purchase one for Mr. Clem (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:05pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Neal is go-ing do-wn the hill (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:05pm)
«Shelly» meliss-didya know leo was playing the paramount the week after EFO did? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:05pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO read her lil program after she got home (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:06pm)
«Mamalissa!» I did indeed. That's part of the reason Sue agreed to go - she figured any place that would book Leo was good (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:06pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO needs to go see a mike and leo show sometime. and a phish one, too, for that matter (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:06pm)
«Shelly» heehee (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:06pm)
«Shelly» yay sue!!! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:06pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Cowboy Junky thinks back... was the killer neal song my fault? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:07pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO should email sue about my decreased pants size :) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:07pm)
«Mamalissa!» you go girl! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:07pm)
«Shelly» and me and carey (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:07pm)
«Shelly» but care did the FULL lyrics to it (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:07pm)
«Mamalissa!» Shell - if you get one for Clem, let me know what he thinks! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:07pm)
«danced with Lazlo» is now known as Henrietta Gellacat (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:07pm)
«goovie is married!» yup. you guys started it. i finished it. :) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:07pm)
«danced with Lazlo» well yeah... cause goovie's talented and i'm not (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:08pm)
«Mamalissa!» is now known as Melissahood of Makebelieve (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:08pm)
«Mamalissa!» Melissahood of Makebeliev hasn't done any work since returning from lunch. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:09pm)
«Mamalissa!» oh no! I've been truncated! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:09pm)
«Mamalissa!» is now known as Melissa Strip'ed Tiger (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:09pm)
«Mamalissa!» Melissa Strip'ed Tiger sighs (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:09pm)
«goovie is married!» no, cos i have lots and lots of spare time. :) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:09pm)
«danced with Lazlo» hi stacey (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:11pm)
«danced with Lazlo» do they have Mr. Rogers in Canada? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:11pm)
«soul groove feline» hey Gella! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:11pm)
«soul groove feline» yeah, they had it. I never saw it, though. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:12pm)
«goovie is married!» stacey :) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:12pm)
«soul groove feline» it was on cable. we didn't get cable. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:12pm)
«danced with Lazlo» CABLE?? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:12pm)
«soul groove feline» Carey!!! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:12pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Oh lordy (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:12pm)
«goovie is married!» *blink* mr. rogers was on cable? that's wrong. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:13pm)
«Shelly» yay gella for assuming the character name-didn't feel like changing mine ;) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:13pm)
«danced with Lazlo» He was on PBS. PBS was *all* about reaching the kids who didn't have cable. I didn't have cable growing up (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:13pm)
«soul groove feline» what's surprising about that? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:13pm)
«Shelly» well, canada is weird :) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:13pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Stacey... it was this whole thing in the states... the debate about educational television and public television vs. cable (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:13pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO needs to go do laundry and shop, but is having fun (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:14pm)
«Shelly» {though they'll make me leave soon anyhoo, i imagine} (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:14pm)
«danced with Lazlo» the republicans thought that public television was expendible because of the educational programming that was on cable (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:14pm)
«Mamalissa!» Mr. Rogers didn't have any molested beachballs, though (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:14pm)
«Shelly» meliss--um????? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:14pm)
«goovie is married!» yeah. i need to get dressed and run errands and stuff...but...wall! and fun people! (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:14pm)
«Shelly» o/' cloooooooooone clone clone o/' (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:15pm)
«danced with Lazlo» but the thing is that a) bublic television was the only place where ratings weren't an issue so they could run high quality childrens programming without appealing to the mass market (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:15pm)
«Shelly» care-i KNOW!! like WHEN have -we- talked in 'real-time' last?? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:15pm)
«danced with Lazlo» and b) not every home had cable... then or now (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:15pm)
«Mamalissa!» the video of Fruvous on Treehouse (Cdn Kids TV Show) involves Murray being very mean to a beachball named Ogbert (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:15pm)
«goovie is married!» hrm...once, i think, since i moved. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:15pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO has not cable ~le sigh~ (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:15pm)
«danced with Lazlo» and the repubs were besically saying that only the rich had a right to quality educational programming (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:16pm)
«Shelly» i know. we suck. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:16pm)
«Mamalissa!» we watched it a *lot* at frucon. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:16pm)
«danced with Lazlo» i remember thinking Newt Gingrich wanted to kill Big Bird. I was very upset. I was in grade school at the time (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:16pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO will miss having care at the Varner with her saturday night{how WILL i ever get outta DC??!!! *g*} (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:16pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO has never seen said video. ahwell. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:16pm)
«danced with Lazlo» make sense, stacey? (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:17pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO is now earwormed with '3FDof FB' (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:17pm)
«danced with Lazlo» Henrietta Gellacat looks around... i think i was talking to nobody. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:18pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO is remembering joe from the 2001 Varner show. and me crying thrice. (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:18pm)
«Shelly» gella-i was readin ;) (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:18pm)
«Shelly» Shelly>The Nields+EFO wonders how much she'll cry -this- show; i was a big ol mess at wolf trap (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:19pm)
«Shelly» {though i'm on merch-help standby; i may be too busy to cry} (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:20pm)
«danced with Lazlo» *sigh* well, now that i've provided some useless information about the republicans views on the arts and public television... i have to go swimming (Feb 27, 2003 @ 1:20pm)

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