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«no one» the results might become somewhat erratic (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:10am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» *looks at forums* yeah, way to log off, frulie. (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:10am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» *grin* (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:10am)
«no one» and she has huge problems spelling "Zebra" (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:12am)
«ellen» whhhhyyyy am I soooo tiiiiired? (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:13am)
«jaye» i don't think that zebra appears in our database, so that would be ok (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:13am)
«no one» just a minute, i'll ask her (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:14am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» ells: probably because your body wishes you to be immobile and unconscious. (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:15am)
«ellen» oh you. being all... logical and shite. (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:16am)
«jaye» that's what my body wishes. i'm going to finish with the ERIC stuff and leave the analysis for the morning. (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:16am)
«jaye» fool of a jaci should have taken a nap today (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:16am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» yeah, that's us poet-seminarians. logical. you can almost see my pointy ears, cancha? (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:17am)
«no one» o dear, she must have ambitions to become a programmer; she said: "at 145 dollars per hour, i'll do it, but no guarantee the time frame won't blow out, or that in the end the product does what it is supposed to do." (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:17am)
«ellen» yeah, I think I'm going to retire with some toast (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:17am)
«ellen» *blink* nates the star trek joke. (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:18am)
«ellen» err. notes. *sigh* (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:18am)
«ellen» I'll settle for whole wheat with peanut butter. :) (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:19am)
«jaye» o/~ i don't want to brag, i don't want to boast, but i always tell them i like toast o/~ (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:19am)
«ellen» *grin* g'night, you studious folkies (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:19am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» nated. (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:20am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» nate nate, ellen. (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:20am)
«ellen» gal goes Neepers! (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:20am)
«ellen» *pouf* (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:20am)
«jaye» g'night ellen! (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:20am)
«no one» neight (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:21am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» Neepers? Jinkeys! (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:21am)
«no one» ahem, what star trek joke? (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:22am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» uh... the moment has passed, I am 'fraid. (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:22am)
«jaye» o/~ yeah toast! yeah toast! o/~ (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:23am)
«jaye» fool of a jaci has gone loopy (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:23am)
«jaye» fool of a jaci suspects it was a short trip (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:23am)
«no one» you won't have to wait long for another one to pass (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:23am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» jax, you done gone loopy ages ago, honeychil'. (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:23am)
«jaye» true dat (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:23am)
«no one» moments do that alll the time (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:23am)
«jaye» moments in general, yes, but once the moment has passed, what then? (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:24am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» heh. (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:24am)
«no one» then *the* next moment does exactly the same thing (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:25am)
«jaye» yes. but you've still lost the moment. the next moment isn't the same (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:28am)
«jaye» fool of a jaci should be putting this energy into her paper. oops. (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:28am)
«Misch» "When will then be now?" (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:28am)
«no one» at this moment, i still wonder what the reference to star trek joke was about. to my mind star trek itself was a misconceived joke. (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:29am)
«jaye» oh, it was the logic and the ears thing. even i got it and i've never seen star trek (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:29am)
«jaye» unless, of course, i'm wrong. which happens often. (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:29am)
«jaye» where does the time go when it's not around here (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:29am)
«no one» time? (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:30am)
«no one» don't forget the boldly split infinitive (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:30am)
«no one» exactly. i split it for illustrative purposes (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:32am)
«elfy, teacher of many» I have a question: was "winsome skin" your idea or carey's? (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:32am)
«elfy, teacher of many» oops. I knew there was a "C" (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:32am)
«elfy, teacher of many» i figured since the lyrics are already surreal, the image of 'winsome skin' is just a bit over the top. (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:33am)
«elfy, teacher of many» does he KNOW the meaning of the word 'winsome' ?? (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:34am)
«no one» grin is better (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:34am)
«no one» skin rarely more than skin deep, i find it hard to regard it as winsome, but a grin can reach (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:36am)
«elfy, teacher of many» but 'pretty skin' and sparkly guise don't flow well as images in the same line (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:37am)
«elfy, teacher of many» hee hee (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:38am)
«Jºnªthªn» yess....? (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:39am)
«no one» sick, hey? Jesus! (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:40am)
«Jºnªthªn» WWJW (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:40am)
«Jºnªthªn» or rather WCWJW (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:40am)
«no one» armani suit, if dubyah has anything to do with it (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:40am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» *flares nostrils* (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:41am)
«Jºnªthªn» "after a hard day's work curing lepers, Jesus likes to splash on a little CK1 (Feb 18, 2003 @ 2:42am)

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