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«sheryls» wow. 4 hours? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:46pm) «meh» Argh. Talcott, did you forget to your tag? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:46pm) «meh» Er, close. (skipped a word) -- and I'm still earwormed myself. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:47pm) «Talcott» Yeah. It took us over 7 1/2 hrs to get from Windsor to TO (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:47pm) «sheryls» wow. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:47pm) «sheryls» on our way home last year, the switch froze and there was a freight train heading toward us :D (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:47pm) «Talcott» there was a freight derailment on thursday and we had to both detour, and wait for other trains to pass (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:47pm) «Talcott» ack! (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:47pm) «sheryls» so we had to stop and back up a long way up onto another track for it to pass us :D (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:48pm) «sheryls» methinks i'll drive next time :D (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:48pm) «Talcott» they didn't let you off or something? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:48pm) «sheryls» me also thinks i'll go in the summer for once. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:48pm) «sheryls» nope. we were in the middle of nowhere. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:48pm) «Talcott» I kinda want to drive again so I can catch Fordy's set next time. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:48pm) «Talcott» and then get stranded up there. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:49pm) «Drea» so how *was* Fordy's thing today? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:50pm) «Talcott» Kyla was on eairler and said it was great (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:50pm) «Talcott» I haven't seen AJ on yet, and the east coasters are stuck at Kath's (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:51pm) «bored, bored, bored....» Fordy had a thing?? What thing?? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:51pm) «meh» *nodnod* I wanna be stranded too. I don't wanna be home yet. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:52pm) «Talcott» There was some space at one of his school shows this morning. We didn't know about it until this weekend so only those who had their own transportation out of CA could go (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:52pm) «iPauley» yay for being stranded :-P (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:52pm) «bored, bored, bored....» oh man!! Who went?? DId the tape it? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:52pm) «Talcott» AJ, Kyla, Kath, John, Gella, and Melissa I think. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:52pm) «iPauley» Oh, I wanna be right where I am -- I just want other peoples to be here too :-P (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:52pm) «Drea» he was doing a show for grades 4-6.. if it's any comfort Lisa, Leanne and I couldn't make it either, we both had to work *grumble* ;) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:53pm) «Drea» the snow wasn't that bad though, why were they stranded? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:53pm) «Talcott» John had his tape deck with him, but I think he said he didn't want to tape it (because he doesn't think mike would want them floating around before he records them I think) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:53pm) «Talcott» The Jersey turnpike is closed. 2ft on the east coast (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:54pm) «bored, bored, bored....» wow - I can't wait for a review. I read a thing that said the Fordy has "dozens" of new tunes.... (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:54pm) «Talcott» yeah. Although who knows if any of them can be as catchy as Energy ;) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:55pm) «Drea» ugh.. did you end up having a snow day Chrissy? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:55pm) «Drea» *bonks self* forgot it was Presidents' Day down there (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:55pm) «iPauley» a made-up holiday, sorta, but a holiday. one I had to work :-/ (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:55pm) «Talcott» Yeah. I had to skip classes today (beacuse I wouldn't be back). My school stays open on president's day so they can show off (read: lie) to prospective students. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:56pm) «iPauley» ok, I gotta take off -- I'm at a friend's place. back from home later :) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:57pm) «Drea» Drea, WLC had Energy stuck in her head off and on all day.. with the occasional 'ball voice', Candido and Poor Napoleon.. (gotta love the brain on 3 hrs sleep) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:58pm) «Drea» yuck.. really glad we didn't get it that bad here (Feb 17, 2003 @ 10:59pm) «meh» I can't actually do the ball voice anymore. I tried, just now, and my voice is too far gone. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:00pm) «jaye» so. d*land is being evil? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:03pm) «Drea» no clue (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:03pm) «Talcott» Hey Jaci! (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:03pm) «jaye» hey talcott :) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:03pm) «Talcott» how's the west coast? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:05pm) «meh» Jaci -- I've not had a problem so far, but then, I've had an entry window up for like... 45 minutes now or something. Haven't tried to upload yet. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:05pm) «jaye» busy. which is, of course, why i wanted to read diaries (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:05pm) «jaye» lacy - it's been giving me intermittant issues. copy your entry before you try to submit it (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:06pm) «meh» Jaci -- Thanx, I will. Don't wanna loose my initial Con entry. :-) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:06pm) «Talcott» I assume that the "busy" would also be the answer to my followup of "how're classes"? ;) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:07pm) «jaye» that's why i write in word. losing entries sucks. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:07pm) «jaye» yeah, probably ;) i have a paper tomorrow. and i need to find a story for my storytelling final (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:08pm) «jaye» and then i'm tutoring in my third class ;) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:08pm) «Talcott» you're tutoring? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:09pm) «Talcott» (yeah, I have a Blake and an Ashbury paper both due the same week comming up. I understand paperbusy) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:09pm) «jaye» yeah. for the database class of all things. i'm helping one of the students go through the labs again. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:09pm) «jaye» it's kinda cool, actually. she pays me a bit, and then i get the benefit of working through the material again (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:09pm) «Talcott» cool. So now I know who to ask for help if I can't figure it out ;) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:10pm) «jaye» eep! (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:10pm) «jaye» the pressure! (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:10pm) «jaye» i was actually really worried about doing it - i didn't think i knew enough. the session last week went really well, though (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:10pm) «Talcott» cool. Another sign you'll do well in a school (although I kinda doubt the little kids will be using Access...) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:11pm) «jaye» well, some will sooner than we might expect, i think. they have middle grades doing powerpoint as it is. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:12pm) «jaye» (which i hate. making up posters and other art for projects was my favorite part. a slideshow is a different kind of creativity) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:13pm) «Talcott» THANK YOU! (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:14pm) «Talcott» I've been saying that for years now. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:14pm) «Misch» They'll be learning PostresSQL and using OpenOffice, especially if Mocrosoft keeps screwing over the schools. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:14pm) «Talcott» And I honestly think powerpoint is ineffective and I've never seen it done well aestheticaly either (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:15pm) «meh» Talcott -- some of my Dad's presentations are pretty good, actually. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:15pm) «jaye» i kind of like it in class, simply because the profs post them and i can go back and look up terms. but for projects? ew. no. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:16pm) «Talcott» I'm excedingly glad that none of my profs use powerpoint. I can't pay attention to it. Same problem with overheads (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:17pm) «Talcott» blackboards/dryerase I'm fine with though (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:17pm) «Talcott» Maybe it's something with the lights (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:17pm) «Misch» There are Bastid professors who use powerpoint, cram them with information, then refues to make them avaliable to you. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:19pm) «Misch» *refuse (Feb 17, 2003 @ 11:20pm) « Previous 100 entries | Next 100 entries »
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