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«nate...» :) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:47pm) «nate...» and... it's crt (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:47pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» oh... pfsh (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:47pm) «nate...» I wouldn't use an lcd because I think they suck ass (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:47pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» really? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:47pm) «nate...» and.. plasma is too expensive. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:47pm) «nate...» yeah... I have YET to see an lcd that has a decent picture. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:47pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» well a lot of people have crappy picture because they dont use the thingy it's optimized for (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:48pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» resolution (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:48pm) «nate...» nate got a 21" monitor! laughs (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:48pm) «nate...» d00d yer monitor is SO not set for a l33t thingy! (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:49pm) «nate...» ;) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:49pm) «nate...» but... regardless.... LCD has never and probably will never reach the clarity of a CRT. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:49pm) «nate...» hence the reason plasma was invented. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:49pm) «emilie is CRANKY» :D (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:50pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» plasma can suck an egg (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:50pm) «nate...» why? because it's better? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:50pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» at least... till i can afford one (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:50pm) «nate...» ahh (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:50pm) «nate...» yes, well, I couldn't afford one in a million years... (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:50pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» *note bitterness* (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:50pm) «nate...» hence the reason I bought a CRT... :) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:50pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» im still getting flat (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:50pm) «nate...» well, crt's are flat too. :) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:51pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» so i can be like yeah... crt's ok but my space and energy saving lcd screen wont give me cancer (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:51pm) «nate...» (if you buy a good one) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:51pm) «nate...» nate got a 21" monitor! laughs (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:51pm) «nate...» now you're just bringing up silliness. :) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:51pm) «nate...» but yeah... space-wise, crt's ARE a hog. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:51pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» and in a college dorm (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:52pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» im looking for optimum space (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:52pm) «nate...» nate got a 21" monitor! nods (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:52pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» which is why im getting an 18 inch monitor, and a computer with a tv card (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:52pm) «nate...» *nods* (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:52pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» cuts way down (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:52pm) «nate...» yeah, I'm seriously considering a tv card. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:52pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» and it's cool, i can show off to all the nerds (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:52pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» cuz everyone else will be like meh (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:53pm) «nate...» considering that, now, my TV in my bedroom is the same size as my monitor. :D (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:53pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» yeah, my monitor will actually be bigger than my bedroom tv (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:53pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» by 5 inches (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:53pm) «nate...» wow. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:53pm) «nate...» they make 13" tvs? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:53pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» yeah? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:54pm) «danced with Lazlo» Josh� You there� (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:54pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» a lot of them in fact (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:54pm) «danced with Lazlo» Woodward? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:54pm) «nate...» hmm. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:54pm) «nate...» you'd have to sit, like, right next to it. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:55pm) «jaye» fool of a jaci has a 13" tv (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:55pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» no, you just have to not be old (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:55pm) «jaye» of course. it's b&w. and sits on top of my 19" tv ;) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:55pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» :) just joshing (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:55pm) «danced with Lazlo» hihi Jaci! (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:55pm) «nate...» kevin... :P (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:55pm) «nate...» and.. hi gella! :) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:55pm) «danced with Lazlo» hi nate! (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:55pm) «jaye» hihi gella :) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:55pm) «danced with Lazlo» I'm snowed out of the country with John and Melissa!! (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:56pm) «danced with Lazlo» :) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:56pm) «danced with Lazlo» I'm very happily stranded in Toronto!!! (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:56pm) «nate...» but yeah.... a 13" tv just doesn't seem worth it. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:56pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» im getting this (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:56pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» well, it fits in my room, which is the big thing, (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:57pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» and i dont watch enough tv to make a big deal out of (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:57pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» it (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:57pm) «Sara Woodward» congratulations,Gella! i wish i was still there! :-) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:57pm) «Michael (foof) Maki» hmmm... (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:57pm) «nate...» kev: assuming you're adding a tv tuner card to it... ? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:58pm) «danced with Lazlo» wish you werre too sara! (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:58pm) «danced with Lazlo» byebye (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:58pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» it has a tv tuner card, and remote (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:58pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» hrm (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:59pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» wrong one :) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:59pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» THIS is what im getting (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:59pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» thats not going to work (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:59pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» or maybe it will (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:00pm) «nate...» yeah.. it worked (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:01pm) «nate...» :) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:01pm) «nate...» and.... nice... I would double the ram, tho. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:01pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» yes, i plan on it (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:01pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» who only puts 256 on a media pc? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:01pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» silly gateway (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:01pm) «nate...» exactly. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:01pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» i was going to build my own, but the way things are looking this is a cheaper way to do it (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:02pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» and i wont get in trouble for pirating hundreds of dollars of software (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:02pm) «nate...» very true. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:02pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» always a plus (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:03pm) «nate...» it's funny... if I were going to get an all-new computer.... it'd actually be better to buy one. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:03pm) «jaye» fool of a jaci had a 13" tv because it was $5 and she was living in the dorms. and now it's the only one that gets reception now that i'm cable-less (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:03pm) «nate...» but... I've never gotten an all new computer. :) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:03pm) «nate...» I just upgrade constantly. heh (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:03pm) «nate...» then make backup boxes from the leftovers. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:04pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» we'll we bought an all new one once (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:04pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» and now we constantly upgrade (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:04pm) «nate...» ?? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:04pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» my family (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:04pm) «Kevin - King of WiFi» bought a new computer a long time ago (Feb 17, 2003 @ 5:04pm) « Previous 100 entries | Next 100 entries »
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