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«J» i want something thats easy on gas to (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:23am)
«no one» ah, damn the neighbourhood, i'm just interested in feeling good. being taught to drive in a 1959 ferrrari must have twisted me. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:23am)
«J» thast crazy (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:24am)
«no one» yes, especially on a gravel road. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:24am)
«J» i was taught to drive in a 70 something ford pick up truck with a bad transmission (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:25am)
«J» hmm who owned it (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:26am)
«J» Ians being a pest (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:28am)
«no one» uhm, yes, i wasn't quite accurate, my dad taught me how to change the 3 gears in his '63 ford on the column. i had to stand leaning against the front bench in order to depress the clutch and see out the windscreen simultaneously. must have been about 11. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:29am)
«no one» hi, ian (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:29am)
«J» yah thats about how old i was. I could barely shift (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:30am)
«no one» someone who enjoyed pickups, dummy. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:30am)
«no one» cars are magic for that when you are young (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:31am)
«J» Im being bitched at cause I don't know what clan Iam from (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:31am)
«no one» join mine; misfit (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:31am)
«J» lol (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:32am)
«J» wouldnt I be part of his clan now (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:32am)
«no one» prefix it with "mac" if he hopes you are scottish or irish (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:32am)
«J» Im english not scottish I dont need to know what tartan my family wears baaa (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:33am)
«no one» yeah, right, they are not civilized enough for undies anyhow (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:34am)
«J» hes a lyon. or lion, linnoll, linnell it keeps changing over the years but hes really a sattler so hes german to bloody fool (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:34am)
«no one» ahem, so am i (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:35am)
«J» lol well my grandmother was scottish (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:35am)
«J» well i was born in England my moms canadian and my dad is german (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:35am)
«no one» then again, so is the house of hannover, aka windsor (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:35am)
«J» my moms dad was english mom was scottish my dads parents were polish (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:36am)
«no one» yeah, i remember you telling me about your dad and nina hagen (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:36am)
«J» lol yah hes weird (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:37am)
«no one» and in the end we all originated from the same primordial plasma (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:37am)
«J» maybe I think there was the good pond and the bad pond (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:37am)
«J» evil people come from one and good from another (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:38am)
«no one» that fiction was invented later (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:38am)
«J» ok i dont really believe that (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:38am)
«no one» whatever is the good one and which the bad, depends on who the winner is at the time (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:38am)
«no one» history is written by the winner (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:39am)
«J» hmm so if hittler had of won he would be good? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:40am)
«J» im going to get a roll cage foe my mini (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:42am)
«no one» yes, he would have saved the aryan race from the twin evils of communism and capitalism. he really believed that (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:44am)
«J» lol (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:45am)
«no one» and, yes, a roll cage is a good thing to take sedately to the shopping mall (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:45am)
«J» I just remembered the mike moor episode where he sent the hittler impersonater to switserland to try and get his money out of the bank (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:46am)
«J» I should get 5 opint seatbelts to (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:46am)
«no one» he wrote a book, while imprisoned after the failed putsch in munich where he explained it all, titled "mein kampf" (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:47am)
«J» yah I know something went wrong though (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:48am)
«J» lol i saw this documentary about hittler where they mad him look like the laziest bastard ever (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:49am)
«no one» and dubyah seems intent to rewrite it, titled "freedom loving american christians versus evil muslim terrorists" (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:49am)
«J» every single shot was of him sleeping (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:49am)
«J» lol (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:50am)
«no one» bugger, unfortunately, with the wisdom of hindsight, every shot missed him. damn, if he was asleep he must have been an easy target too. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:51am)
«J» yo frulie (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:51am)
«no one» no no, i'm just pretending (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:51am)
«J» uh were talking hittler and cars (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:52am)
«J» :P (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:52am)
«jaye» fool of a jaci just got home. *yawn* (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:52am)
«J» I think its quite funny that the vw bug was designed for hitler (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:52am)
«no one» nevermind, we can decrypt (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:53am)
«J» peace dude (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:53am)
«no one» hehe, ferdinand posche designed it (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:53am)
«no one» hitler insisted it must be shaped like a may beetle (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:54am)
«J» I never liked it it has an evil quality to it (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:54am)
«no one» unsafe at any speed (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:54am)
«jaye» i got the archiving job, but i think it's only going to last another two weeks or so. not enough work. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:54am)
«J» may beetle = june bug ? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:55am)
«no one» just like the early porsche (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:55am)
«J» i hate porsche (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:56am)
«jaye» yeah, well, it has me working for now, anyway :/ (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:56am)
«no one» whatever ... hitler insisted on the bug shape for aerodynamic reasons (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:56am)
«J» I actually find myself missing the audi (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:56am)
«J» work is good for keeping the husband away from you (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:57am)
«jaye» i have to pay bills before i can buy concert tickets - and i already owe lily for a few shows. *sigh* (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:57am)
«no one» porsche pionted out that that shape was not good for the very reason that the upper wings of the bug function just like a garage (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:57am)
«J» lol the beetle should be a gullwing (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:58am)
«no one» and the greatest leader of all time countered: so, where is the garage when the bug is flying. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:58am)
«J» lol (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:59am)
«no one» to this day vws spend more time upside down than they ought to. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:59am)
«J» hmm nixon said that? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:59am)
«no one» lol (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:59am)
«J» i like some vws just not the beetle its the most hidious car ever (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:00am)
«no one» nixon, alas, would have, had he not been even lazier than hitler (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:01am)
«J» if i were to join middle america I would get a jetta (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:01am)
«J» :( I liked nixon he was funny (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:01am)
«no one» go the bambino (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:01am)
«no one» his plumbers weren't (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:02am)
«J» anyone that followed jfk was going to have a hard time winning people over and then all that watergate bs I still see nothing wrong with spying lol (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:02am)
«J» I have a nixon bobble head in my mini (Feb 17, 2003 @ 4:03am)

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