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«J» :P (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:26am)
«J» hes still looking for a new car you should see the thing he wants now (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:26am)
«no one» hehe, i know what he's on about. i get to see a doctor whenever someone persuades me to by pointing a nasty implement at me (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:27am)
«J» (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:27am)
«J» well he has been bitching about his arm hurting and yet dosent do anything about it (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:28am)
«no one» Opel Kadett, thats not a british car (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:29am)
«J» i know (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:31am)
«J» its from belgium and its cheap so i dont care if he gets it (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:31am)
«J» :P (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:32am)
«no one» may as well buy a fiat bambino (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:32am)
«J» actually im looking at getting a fiat 500 (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:32am)
«J» its a 1966 :P (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:33am)
«no one» lol, that's it. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:33am)
«J» its also cheap (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:33am)
«J» im a sucker for cute cars (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:34am)
«J» :P (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:34am)
«no one» i don't care about old cars, unless its a ferrari lm 350 or a ferrrai p3 or a ferrari ... (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:34am)
«J» my uncle has a 1959 austin healey sitting at his place he said I can have it if i can fix it (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:35am)
«J» he lives in the middle of nowhere though so getting it could be a problem (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:36am)
«no one» must be a precursor to the austin tayshus (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:36am)
«J» (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:37am)
«J» its like that one but blue and well not as nice (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:37am)
«J» it could be that nice if i had the time (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:37am)
«no one» better fix that mp3 player first (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:38am)
«J» lol (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:38am)
«J» I think that it just needs to be profiled its charging now (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:39am)
«no one» cool (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:39am)
«J» I could rebuild the car no problem its just the time (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:39am)
«J» and finding somewhere to work on it (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:39am)
«J» the body is all aluminium (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:40am)
«no one» oh, goody, i'll get a wreck of an lm 350 and you can do it up for me, yeah? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:40am)
«J» its mainly just a clean up job (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:41am)
«J» lol sure (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:41am)
«J» I think I might apply at some rebuild shops when im done school (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:42am)
«no one» great! after that you can do the same for the gullwing merc, if i ever find one. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:42am)
«no one» not to mention the p3 (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:42am)
«no one» shame they never built more than 50 of each and most of them ended up crashing in some race or rallye (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:43am)
«J» I used to work at a lotus dealership (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:44am)
«J» they do alot of nice rebuilds (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:44am)
«J» (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:47am)
«J» some of what they have right now (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:47am)
«J» i like the jag (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:48am)
«no one» try this: (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:49am)
«J» ok I will take 2 (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:50am)
«J» that is a nice looking car (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:51am)
«J» but a little out of my price range lol (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:52am)
«J» if my mini doesnt get here soon im going to cancel it (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:52am)
«J» I could just get another older one they are pretty hearty little cars (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:53am)
«no one» same here. worse, you basically need access to a race track if you want to use them (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:54am)
«J» a mini? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:55am)
«J» lol i know what you mean :P (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:55am)
«no one» no no, the gullwing, the lm350 and the p3. perhaps the merc might be road registrable, but the other 2 definitely not, unless you tame them considerably (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:57am)
«J» (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:57am)
«J» im seriously considering this one (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:57am)
«J» its in really good shape and is only 8000 (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:59am)
«J» the mini I have on order is like 2800 (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:59am)
«J» one more 0 28000 (Feb 17, 2003 @ 2:59am)
«no one» lol, thought it was too cheap to be true (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:00am)
«J» wouldnt I look cute in that :P (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:00am)
«no one» ridiculous; you don't need a mini of any sort to look cute (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:00am)
«J» I have a 1975 mini cooper that I love but its just not worth fixing anymore its more polly filler than car (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:01am)
«J» aww thanx (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:01am)
«J» I has been deamed unsafe to drive lol so im thinking I can keep it and use it for parts (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:02am)
«J» when I first started seeing Ian we met up down town and we were walking back to my car to go somewhere and he said "Oh my god you drive a clown car" (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:05am)
«J» I was crushed (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:06am)
«no one» ah well, he was, the way i remember it. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:07am)
«J» ahhh haha (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:08am)
«J» yah and look at what he wants some stupid car with a 40 on it (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:08am)
«no one» Ford GT 40 ? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:09am)
«J» is it just me or do minis look like luggage kind of (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:09am)
«J» lol no the opal with the rally sticker (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:09am)
«no one» their shape was popularly likened to that of a brick. the brits are not very good on styling (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:10am)
«J» :( i love the way minis look they remind me of mice (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:11am)
«J» hmm funny I think all my favorit cars are british (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:11am)
«no one» mh, better not get the opel. ian will soon resent being older than that number (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:11am)
«J» or Italian (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:11am)
«no one» oh julie, ... oops, thats better (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:12am)
«J» lol hehe maybe thats why he wants it (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:12am)
«J» i like fiats and minis and stuff like that (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:12am)
«J» little cute chunky cars (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:12am)
«no one» hah, i'm extremely annoyed now! (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:12am)
«J» that 40 is just a magnet actually so he can change it to a 50 if he wants (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:13am)
«J» hmm sorry (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:13am)
«no one» having heaps of trouble getting google to procure a good pic of a ferrari lm350. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:13am)
«no one» i used to have heaps of them (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:13am)
«no one» heh, don't be. (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:15am)
«J» a cobra would be nice (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:15am)
«no one» o yes (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:16am)
«J» once again out of my price range (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:16am)
«J» lol I shouldnt be thinking about cars (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:17am)
«no one» but trying to hang on to the driver's license would be dreadfully difficult in one of them (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:17am)
«J» im just getting pissed off with the 8 month waite for my 2003 mini its not worth it any more (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:18am)
«no one» an acquaintance of mine got a repro and i got flagged down by the cops three times in 20 mins (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:18am)
«J» thats only a problem for Ian Im a very uhh whats the word (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:18am)
«no one» sedate? (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:18am)
«J» lol yah thats it :P (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:19am)
«no one» so am i. just not interested in top speed. but drifting all 4 wheels through a left hand sweeper ... heeeee :) (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:20am)
«J» baaa lol (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:21am)
«J» im more interested in looking cute lol (Feb 17, 2003 @ 3:21am)

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