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«zil» ooo dirty... *winkwink* (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:14am)
«nate...» I know.... *shakes head* (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:14am)
«nate...» and, not good-dirty, zil. ;) (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:14am)
«zil» oh... rats! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:14am)
«ellen» *AUGH* QUEL HORROR! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:16am)
«zil» my wall isnt keeping up. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:17am)
«zil» I may have to hurt it. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:17am)
«ellen» erg. sorry for the all caps *blsuh* (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:18am)
«zil» blsuh hehe (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:18am)
«ellen» I -should- be sad that I'm not going to frucon, but I'm not yet. I will be. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:19am)
«zil» I was sad about it last week and even before. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:22am)
«zil» are you going to FRFF? (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:22am)
«ellen» yes, I'm DEFINETLY going to FRFF (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:22am)
«zil» YAY! cause I'm definetly going this year too! we can have a birthday party together. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:23am)
«ellen» yay! that'd be too cool!!! *grin* (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:23am)
«zil» we'll have to have matching shirts or something... saying something kewl. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:24am)
«zil» *unable to make up something kewl on the spot* (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:25am)
«ellen» last year I wore a sign that said "Hug me, it's my birthday", but It was hard to read. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:28am)
«ellen» I could make T-shirts that said that, however (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:29am)
«zil» that would rock. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:31am)
«zil» :-) (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:31am)
«zil» when is my ride going to get here la la la la... (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:34am)
«ellen» there's a T-shirt place down the street from me that will print any file you want onto a t-shirt, even white on black :) (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:34am)
«nate...» that kicks ass! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:35am)
«zil» hehehee we'd be so hip ellen! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:35am)
«ellen» wheee! 8) (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:36am)
«zil» "love isn't love till you give it away..." damn rogers and hemerstein... (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:36am)
«ellen» how about "you're nobody 'till somebody loves you" hatethat (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:38am)
«zil» I have found that i hate most all rogers and hemerstien... too bad my current project is a rogers and hemerstien review... (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:39am)
«zil» "Its A Grand Night For Singing" *gag* (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:40am)
«zil» what are you doing right now ellen? in the way of work or whatever. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:42am)
«ellen» er. I'm a receptionist. *sigh* (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:42am)
«zil» hey a job is a job and you do what you have to right? (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:43am)
«ellen» and are you still working at a grocery store? (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:43am)
«Andrea Krause» mmmmm...choklit milk and PB&J (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:43am)
«zil» nope. I'm unepmloyed (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:43am)
«ellen» true. but I'm hoping for something slightly more stimulating in the future ;) (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:43am)
«zil» had to move home because I couldn't afford to be sick AND go to school. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:44am)
«zil» and my gram is sick. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:44am)
«zil» she needs someone to help her out. so here I am. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:44am)
«zil» you'll find something new I'm sure. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:44am)
«nate...» Well, from all the cliches, you can get VERY stimulated as a receptionist... depending on your boss.... ;) (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:45am)
«zil» *laugh* (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:47am)
«Talcott» Zil! I went directly to respond to fr�mage and forums, and didn't even see that you were actually on! *hugs* (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:48am)
«zil» Talcott! I saw you but I figured you'd get to the wall eventually. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:48am)
«Talcott» and I did! How're thing? (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:49am)
«zil» things are... betterish. my dad finally feels bad about being a raving bastard hole so he is going to help me out by paying part of the fee for having my car fixed seeing as I need to be able to drive myself to work... hopeing to get a job soon. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:51am)
«zil» gotta run beotches! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:52am)
«zil» *hugs* sanks for being the best talcott I know. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:52am)
«zil» ;-) (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:52am)
«Talcott» that's good news. Any jobs in sight? (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:52am)
«Talcott» *hugs* Well, you're the best Zilpha I know (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:53am)
«zil» hee! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:53am)
«zil» bye! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:53am)
«Talcott» bey! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:53am)
«Talcott» erm Bye! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:54am)
«ellen» uh. anyways, if my current job were that stimulating, so you think I'd still want to leave? :) (Feb 13, 2003 @ 11:55am)
«nate...» true... maybe you should have a "discussion" with your boss.... ;) (Feb 13, 2003 @ 12:05pm)
«ellen» my... female boss? ;) (Feb 13, 2003 @ 12:10pm)
«nate...» well, to each her own. :D (Feb 13, 2003 @ 12:12pm)
«nate...» and, can someone please tell me how a moron stapling garbage to a tree is news? (Feb 13, 2003 @ 12:13pm)
«Andrea Krause» oops...overlotioned my hands. they're all sticky! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 12:15pm)
«ellen» *mrrow* (Feb 13, 2003 @ 12:21pm)
«nate...» slow wall day (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:00pm)
«Mamalissa!» meow (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:01pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» prrrr (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:02pm)
«Mamalissa!» prrrow (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:03pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» meoprrrr (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:04pm)
«nate...» heh (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:04pm)
«nate...» all this cat-calling.... sheesh (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:04pm)
«Mamalissa!» ffffttttt (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:05pm)
«Mamalissa!» (that was to nate. not chris.) (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:05pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» I was about to say. :) (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:07pm)
«Mamalissa!» meowlissa just got some canadian $. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:07pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» today is a soup day. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:08pm)
«Mamalissa!» today is tuna wrap day. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:08pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» yay canadian money! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:08pm)
«J. Andrew World» I had a dream about Canadian Dollars last night! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:08pm)
«Mamalissa!» I had a dream about robbie schaefer last night. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:09pm)
«J. Andrew World» Is this the Chris at the EFO show? (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:09pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» the peekskill one? (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:09pm)
«J. Andrew World» Yup! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:09pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» tis I. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:09pm)
«J. Andrew World» YAY! Your hear! We have sucked you in! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:10pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» yes, I have been sucked. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:10pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» "your hear"?? ANDREW! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:10pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» umm.. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:10pm)
«Mamalissa!» hey b! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:10pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» hey kitty! :) (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:10pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» hi beth. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:10pm)
«J. Andrew World» Hi beth! Is that a coment on my spelling? (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:11pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» hi chrischinnotchristian :) (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:11pm)
«Mamalissa!» heh. you said suck. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:11pm)
«J. Andrew World» Ellen isn't hear to correct me so I hope it isn't too atrcious! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:11pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» YES, andrew. come on. he isn't possessing his auditory action. :-p (sorry, pet peeve) (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:11pm)
«ChrisChin is Getting Old» okay me get soup now. brb. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:11pm)
«J. Andrew World» Don't eat hot soup with your bare hands! (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:12pm)
«Mamalissa!» beth - your gonna haf to deel. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:12pm)
«Mamalissa!» Andy has been absolved of all spelling responsibilities. (Feb 13, 2003 @ 1:12pm)

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